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cAn YoU SpOt ThE sHeRmAn?
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5,027 Hours played
Gaijin ASSUMES Stingers CANT out perform Iglas "because of similar control surface area" even tho irl this is due to a different control system called PID
instead of the bang-bang method which massivly reduces the window that the computer is able to apply a control to get a desired reaction in their offical FORUM POST they say

"For other MANPADS systems, open sources indicate a higher overload such as 18, 20 and even 25g in the case of the Mistral 1 MANPADS. However, these MANPADS systems have only slight differences in the area of aerodynamic surfaces compared to the 9M39, so a multiple increase in average achievable overload compared to the 9M39 cannot be expected. We believe that the slightly higher overload of other MANPADS systems is mainly due to the slightly higher maximum speed of the missiles in comparison with the 9M39 MANPADS missile. Therefore, we assume that for the MANPADS FN-6, FIM-92 and Mistral, the documents indicate the peak overload achieved at the moment when the rudders are in the maneuver plane. With this assumption, the average available overload for the half-cycle of rotation of these MANPADS will be 63% of the peak and will be consistent with the data on the available overload of the 9M39 MANPADS."

SPALL liner for american TANKS when not just a IFV US tanks have had spall liners on "most" Since M60 Yet gaijin believes we don't have it on the m1 Abrams for some reason?

I had a positive review about 3000 hours ago(about 2017), since then they have added a lame ass battle-pass reduced match times worsened the matchmaker enlarged the maps with out spreading out the targets for ground attackers, reduced rewards for said battle pass from 4 to 3 vehicles reduced the average vehicles from events while in some cases increasing the required effort to get them,added several train-wrecks of maps while ruining most of the original or near original ground maps they also added helicopters which at first weren't op but then quickly turned to op with near 0 counters when using their atgms at max range then aa was added to counter but then nerfed and some where in the middle between those they added Strike drones which are Stil cancer have made several maps clearly one sided last updated and ruined the only tank i actually enjoyed anymore

ways they can improve this game Add the ability to disable up-tiers and down-tiers make it a single switch for both so its a pro con rather than a plain pro. Make match lengths back to 30 for ground and a hour max for air again Spread the ground targets in air out to accommodate for the much bigger maps now Add a forward airfield to allow quicker attack runs for re-arms. remove the entire battle-pass system in favor of a new Year long event idea like the way Star trek online does its events where its 1 long yearly campaign made up of sever week to month long events each having their own moderate to large reward for time spent and then the main yearly one having a multiple reward choice. for the maps do similar to what CSGO does and make community made maps have contests for making them then have the community vote on a select few then put them in a special "event" that players can manually choose to play and a way of providing feedback THEN add it to the map pool instead of churning out terrible maps every update remove volumetric and rework it until it doesn't have spots of extreme 3000mm protection because of fenders or the pinholes in armor where shells go though where they shouldn't bring back old 2013 air clouds instead of these horrible "new" add the ability to revert to the cbt naval aiming system or to a per turret sight mode straight remove the pan stir until they fix all other nations anti air no one nation should have a clear advantage and then ONCE all nations have SOME high tier anti air that isn't just stingers strapped to something OR fix stingers so they can actually lock Choppers THEN Work on counterparts for the Panstir and then RE add the Panstir with them along with it. make apds SLUGS do more damage so when you aim for ammo and hit ammo it actually destroys it instead of just turning it slightly yellow remove strike drone Entirely and kick who ever came up with the idea out of the highest window in your hq aswell as anyone who agreed with them

Conclusion a game that once gave me constant joy
now is a slog with occasional moments of joy Please Gaijin Put care into your game other than adding new vehicles just because the new big better thing is going to make you money because if you keep going as you are This game Will slowly turn away most if not all new players and then slowly Wither away as more and more old time players get upset and leave. I want to enjoy this game again please just please stop having your head up your ass to make more money
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Created by - ♔ PinkGalaxy ♔ and J3RWU
101 ratings
Soviets used a very tough but light material on their aircrafts. It's called Stalinium. This is why they are so fast but so resistant to 20mm hispanos shot at their wing. Instead of ripping off, they make a beautifull spark show. So stop complaining and ac
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For Most of them i would take gems, trading cards i need, emoticons i don't have, and backgrounds i don't have and i would like to have
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Just reworked risk mod with a new map
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Created by - 1Blujay
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Vumi 26 Jan @ 8:00am 
let's partner up
General Tide 6 Jul, 2024 @ 3:20pm 
This comment is awaiting analysis by our automated content check system. It will be temporarily hidden until we verify that it does not contain harmful content (e.g. links to websites that attempt to steal information).
1Blujay 10 Sep, 2018 @ 9:45am 
just defending them
1Blujay 22 Apr, 2018 @ 5:38pm 
bongo 29 Dec, 2017 @ 12:05pm 
this boi hella :litteras_G::A::Y:
1Blujay 8 Dec, 2017 @ 4:22pm 
Nice now your calling me gay as if theres something wrong with gays nice