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76.1 hrs on record (55.3 hrs at review time)
Dynasty game, whether it is Medieval, Wild West, Sengoku,Japanese or Vikings , that is about to be published soon. Are awesome, and are what I did need in last years after playing Conan Exiles.

I can build Polish vilidge and can plow the fields, what is the most enjoyable task in the game for me, apart from that graphics are like AAA game, such as Kingdom Come Deliverance 1 and 2.

But still I have an idea, what do I have in mind?! Well Aristocracy Dynasty, or Royal Dynasty. What would it be? Well starting with castle we get mansion or Château, or a palace to make grand spectacle, a ball. Obviously, game would be suited to well made game-play. With differen scale of ruling the whole area or the state/shire/kingdom.

What would be good Achievement or DLC, well? We could get to make mental institution it this what was one a house of the whole family. Or socialist community of commune, where 1 0000 + people do dress the same, use the same tools, do tasks on the same time of the day, and work in the very same way. And all can spouse with everyone else in this institution, another madness.
Posted 14 March. Last edited 14 March.
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30.7 hrs on record (30.4 hrs at review time)
I like the game but I cannot get 80th accomplishment: "Spy - Consult another player's Driver Card" and product is broken like forza horizon 4. There is Legend achivment for Completeing all accomplishments.
Posted 3 February.
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40.5 hrs on record (37.2 hrs at review time)
This game is about Roman general Marius Titus leading the defence of Rome against a barbarian invasion.

Emperor Nero has family, all are roten and they face Damocles, mithic and fallen solder, that has vengance to kill that roten root.

Sad, tragic, depresive and determined in stengh story of commander, who lost family, frend commander of his. And in one of many, falls of Rome, Rome that has been not conquered ever, despide barbaric trying, barbarians only managed to get influenced themselves by Rome, in the process. He kills emperor for his sins, and dies hismelf, killed in gods game. Saved in salvation by faithull god.

This is old generation game, is conol port, like God of War, "new generation title" back then. Combat is good, motion of finishes is great, although game is very short, 6 h of lenght, and multi is annoying, I could only do the multi achivments, thanks to my uncle account. Plus, there is only Britain and Rome itself. Not much.

Remember too, that Stonehenge is evidence of greek mycenaean trade with Britain. So yes, it's not only 6 % of Greek in English, but also history.

On this voyage, Pytheas circumnavigated and visited a considerable part of the British Isles. He was the first known Greek scientific visitor to see and describe the Arctic, polar ice, and the Celtic and Germanic tribes. He is also the first person on record to describe the midnight sun. He reported name as Prettanike (Πρεττανική) and Brettaniai (Βρεττανίαι), for Britain and the British islands, which became Britannia, it is assumed that its Hellenised version was under Diodorus.

Pretanī is Britain, It is quite probable that the description of Britain given by the Greek writer Diodorus Siculus in the first century BC derives wholly or largely from Pytheas. What is of particular interest is that he calls the island "Pretannia" (Greek "Prettanikē"), that is "the island of the Pretani, or Priteni".

Diodorus was Greek historian, known for his universal history Bibliotheca Historica. Originally, it was a 40-volume monumental work, covering the history of the Mediterranean region from mythical times to his own lifetime, around 60/59 BCE.

In ancient Greek mythology, the "Hyperboreoi" were a people who lived in a northern paradise of perpetual sunshine beyond the reaches of the god of the north wind. Their name located them within the Greek world; it combined the prefix "hyper-," meaning "above," and "Boreas," the Greek name for the north wind.

The Hyperboreans were believed to live beyond the snowy Riphean Mountains, with Pausanias describing the location as "The land of the Hyperboreans, men living beyond the home of Boreas." Homer placed Boreas in Thrace, and therefore Hyperborea was in his opinion north of Thrace, in Dacia.
Posted 4 January. Last edited 4 January.
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27.9 hrs on record
WRC 5 is good game, and first WRC game to complete with 100% achievements, why because WRC 4 does not support Multiplayer, why. WRC 6 dose that too, why?! It is possible to achieve achievements in WRC 5 and latest, becouse you can buy copy for your friend or family member who has steam account, and outplay these fiew achivments with that person. For other reasons multiplayer in WRC games is dead, nobody plays multi in this sport.

Game is from 2015 and graphicly is ok, however car physics are arcade all the way. And roads are boring in comperason with WRC 7.

Eh, well I enjoyed this game so I give it positive feedback
Posted 3 December, 2024. Last edited 8 December, 2024.
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26.5 hrs on record (11.8 hrs at review time)
This game is wonderful, now Im casual driver, however as a child I did played a lot of this kind of games with my best friend.

Maps are good, why? Becouse I literaly play the best on British soil, and just bit worse on Polish ground. The Portugal or Germany or Finiland are the hardest to me. And why is that? Well I acutally lived in Uk for 12 years. And when game depicts map like it is in reality, Im impresed and happy.

Italian and Spanish maps are worm and good for the eye.

Driving is good on mouse and keybord, and achivments are rewarding, still beaing resonably tasked for.
Posted 18 November, 2024. Last edited 18 November, 2024.
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19.4 hrs on record (13.0 hrs at review time)
Why in this game I cannot minimize the game, when I want to type?! I am used to it, since I look up how to do achievements, and when I do minimize the game itself, my solder cannot move his gun?!
Posted 11 September, 2024.
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A developer has responded on 16 Sep, 2024 @ 7:26am (view response)
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114.3 hrs on record (17.3 hrs at review time)
How the missions end up and characters is actual joke. But the game is of neighborhood that is hard of getting out of, poverty. And if young people realising it is wrong, will play and figure out digits, may have chance to live good life. I mean, this poverty styles, are reason for young people to rebel.

What is even better, is the world, cars and missions, I honestly remember these time much more the the ones from San Andreas,maybe not my street.

I played this game just when I moved to UK and back then it was not optimized, now it runs on smooth.

Niko Bellic, pigeon from NYC in Polish it would be Bielik.
Posted 23 August, 2024. Last edited 24 August, 2024.
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20.5 hrs on record (7.7 hrs at review time)
This is classic Resident Evil, the very best of all to me, Resident Evil is also Dead Space as if!
Posted 26 July, 2024.
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12.1 hrs on record
It's well written game, I do imagine there is book about it, or otherwise, the one who invented is is genus.

You play this 1.5-2-3 h game as a women, in germany in the past, soon you realise you are geting into truble, of finding you man, and you do go through his office and into atlas computers device that is like time machine, soon you realise, you moved to diferend place, you new home is like 1930s, but not qute, afther meating your new best frend, you discover that the wrold you are in, is abandond, for over 10 years, and that it is occupide with dystopian forces of Atlas comuting that had been planted thee by mayor, your husbend, who turns out to be in the atlas, being parasite, to, what is paracite to the world.

At the very end you do learn about liblarians, like aliens alike, and that whole device is probably only making you float in rather small space feeld with own admosphere, an enviroment for ethernity, isolation from all like in purgatrory, only if, this is good example of game in dystopian enviroment, and us such is out of heven/hell spectrum. The one who make dystopia, try to make "paradice" on earth, like communes, the one who work hard, feel like in hell, making income, out of own expences of health, to some extend. The one who write dystopian, are holding back and live life in discipline of sane and defensive.

As if you disconnect from earth's gravity.
Posted 17 July, 2024. Last edited 17 July, 2024.
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55.6 hrs on record
Ok, this game is brilliant, and boring and not working to 100% of achieving it, why?

First of all, all the content is the same, and I love these RTS games, this rebibilitdity is just anoing and tiring.

Why I cannot finish it to 100% achievements?! Soviet Aftermath Mission France - Let's make a Steal, right at the very end, around 10 missionsbefore the end, is broken, and there is no answer on the internet, vehicle that I'm supposed to steal is not showing and the building blows up if makers don't work on it its broken!

Also some missions are so exhaustingly difficult that I just can't go on anymore for a while with this title.

I also post this link with this conversation


Let's make a steal mission bug
i just can't make it done , phase transport doesn't come out form allied factory and there a missing power plant , is just explode leaving only dog , mission just uncompleted.

??? what are you talking about
Posted 30 May, 2024. Last edited 30 May, 2024.
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