Kronikarz Tuli Pan\ie Dziejku
Michał Hołda (Holda)
I do read books and write reviews of them.

:2019headphones: Żeby w ciszy czytać oczywiście potrzebuje słuchawek, jak w fabryce, w domu nie ma takich probemów ale w 10 piętrowym bloku wojskowym z lat70, już tak.:2019headphones:
:2019headphones: To read in silence, of course, I need headphones, as in a factory, at house there are no such problems, but in a 10-story military block from the 1970s, there is. :2019headphones:

:steamthumbsdown:Stare pokolenie wojskowych poumierało, rodziny powynajmowały mieszkania, remątując je tak że 3 pokojowe mieszkania 55 m2 mające dwa małe pokoje, i duży. Ściane między małymi powyburzali, albo ściane między dużym pokojem a kuchną. Jest jeszcze łazienka, osobno wanna osobno wc. Ale nawet nasz sufit, a jest to parter, przed remontem był zarwany, teraz jest zaszpachlowany... Domek z kart. :steamthumbsdown:
:steamthumbsdown: The old generation of soldiers died, families rented apartments, renovating them so that 3-room apartments of 55 m2 with two small rooms and a large one. They knocked down the walls between the small ones, or the wall between the large room and the kitchen. There is also a bathroom, a separate bathtub, a separate toilet. But even our ceiling, and this is the ground floor, was bend down before the renovation, now it is filled with glaze... A house of cards. :steamthumbsdown:

Ktokolwiek chce ogrywać ze mną osiągniecia, wysyłajcie mi zaproszenia do znajomych.
Anyone who wants to get achievements with me, send me friend requests.

Whenever possible, I invite friends and strangers to play together, you can only play and write on stream with friends.

Pracwałem w UK przez 7 lat najczęściej w fabrykach, ale też jako wolontariusz w Biblotece publicznej w Atherton, mieszkałem tam 12 lat, wyjechałem zaraz po maturze. Zrobiłem tam jeszcze edukacjie i egzaminy ESOL i FCE z Angielskiego. Po powrocie do Polski pracowałem w McDonaldzie, na kuchni i w Auchan, na dzale sprzedarzy.
I worked in the UK for 7 years, mostly in factories, but also as a volunteer in the public library in Atherton, I lived there for 12 years, I left right after high school leaving exams. I also took ESOL and FCE English education and exams there. After returning to Poland, I worked in McDonald's, in the kitchen and in Auchan, in the sales department.

Perhaps reading one, own way has its purpose apart from its beauty.
“I am not afraid of a person who knows 10000 kicks. But I am afraid of a person who knows one kick but practices it for 10000 times.”
― Bruce Lee, Bruce Lee ― Wisdom for the Way
Być może czytanie na swój własny sposób ma swój cel oprócz piękna.
„Nie boję się osoby, która zna 10 000 kopnięć. Ale boję się osoby, która zna jedno kopnięcie, ale ćwiczy je 10 000 razy.
– Bruce Lee, Bruce Lee – Mądrość dla Drogi

Miałem :
-IBM PS/1 - 2121 z systemem Windows 3.11
-Pentium II
-Dell Optiplex GX270
-Komputer Intel Celeron
-MSI GP62 Leopard i5-7300HQ/8GB/1TB GTX1050

Mam :
- AMD 5 5600X 6-Core Processor 3.70 GHz
- RTX 3060
- 32 GB RAMu
- Dysk 2 TB(1,86TB) 2TB x 0,909495 = 1,82TiB To konwersja dziesiętna na binarną. Dyski używają TB w systemie dziesiętnym, system Windows używa TB w systemie binarnym:
- Dell P2722H 27 cali

Gdyby ktoś chciał grać, zaprzyjaźnić się przez steama, to zapraszam. Mam pełno czasu, bez dzieci, dziewczyny, pracy i już nie czytam tyle co kiedyś, czyli nie cały czas. :cleanfloppy: Tylko po to, żeby się razem zrelaksować i pośmiać. :cozyrealmroyale:
If anyone would like to play and make friends via Steam, please let me know. I have a lot of time, without children, girlfriend, job, and I don't read as much as I used to, which means not all the time :cleanfloppy:
: ) :cleanfloppy: Just to chill and laugh together. :cozyrealmroyale:

Email: [email protected]


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Apox Saxon - Just Let Me Rock
Screenshot Showcase
Assassin's Creed Valhalla
Jak to zrobić żeby spędzać razem czas?
Ta gra powinna zostać zremasterowana, to porządna gra RTS
This game should be remastered, it is decent RTS game

America: No Peace Beyond the Line

Jak kogoś interesują gry na amige z lat '92-'95... Od Wolfenstaina 3D (który znam z dzieciństwa) PC stał się wiodącym sprzętem. Ale dlaczego?

Pamiętam jak Wolfa 3D tata kupił na dyskietke, gra była na 10 dyskietek chyba, on kupił tylko piewsze dzeisięć poziomów,nawet nie wiedzałem że potem są zombie, tagże w dzeciństwie nie wyszedłem z bunkra i nie zabiłem Hitlera.

Tryb 13h to standardowy tryb 256 kolorów w sprzęcie graficznym VGA wprowadzony w 1987 roku wraz z IBM PS/2. Ma rozdzielczość 320×200 pikseli. Był szeroko stosowany w grach komputerowych i oprogramowaniu artystycznym/animacyjnym od końca lat 80. i od początku do połowy lat 90. „13h” odnosi się do numeru trybu w BIOS-ie VGA.

Tryb 13h umożliwia dostęp tylko do 1/4 pamięci VGA, czyli 64K, wystarczającej tylko na jeden ekran.

Oznacza to, że aby zobaczyć wszystko, co widzisz na ekranie komputera, wystarczy jedno gniazdo pamięci Video Graphics Array. W Amidze jedno miejsce pamięci było używane dla każdej palety kolorów na ekranie i trzeba było przełączać się pomiędzy nimi! Niemniej jednak ludzie w roku 1992 i później nadal wierzyli, że Amiga jest rozwiązaniem, że jako jedyna potrafi renderować grafikę 3D w najbliższej przyszłości.
If anyone is interested in Amiga games from '92-'95... Since Wolfenstain 3D (which I know from childhood), the PC has become the leading device. But why?

I remember when my dad bought Wolf 3D on a floppy disk, the game was on 10 disks, I think, he only bought the first ten levels, I didn't even know that there were zombies later, and I didn't leave the bunker and kill Hitler when I was a child.

13h mode is the standard 256-color mode in VGA graphics hardware introduced in 1987 with the IBM PS/2. It has a resolution of 320×200 pixels. It was widely used in computer gaming and art/animation software in the late 1980s and early to mid 1990s. "13h" refers to the mode number in the VGA BIOS.

The 13h mode allows access to only 1/4 of the VGA memory, i.e. 64K, enough for only one screen.

This means that you only need one Video Graphics Array memory slot to see everything you see on your computer screen. On the Amiga, one memory location was used for each color palette on the screen and you had to switch between them! Nevertheless, people in 1992 and beyond still believed that the Amiga was the solution, that it was the only one capable of rendering 3D graphics for the foreseeable future.
Review Showcase
This DLC(expansion) is superb and hardest so far, without guide I would have to spend countless hours to get it.

Charlemagne, Otto, Vortigern, these campaigns are of most secret era of Europe, desendents of rome, ofthen descrbed in fantastic mtiological way, therefore living plenty room to wonder what was realy happening back then.

Charlemagne is like king Artur, has 18 sons, and is living ancestor of all Europians, like Dan Brown portrated Jesus too.

Vortigern I have studied in Le Morte Darthur: The Winchester Manuscript in English, and haved finished, his portrated as evil demideity. As well as metioning of Questing beast, that is very alike to the monster from The Thing horror, book, and movies(only adoults, for real, or you ruin you psyche, one of the crew members making these dools for movie become crazy, making them!) But questing beast is monster hunded by Artur's knights.

That alone, history behind these misions in this one are huge asset. True they are hard, but thats even better !

I could see Saxons, setteling and smashing with elbows in Londinium (city that I read is ought to be New Troy). Or Teutons in York in Britania. And 'am now doing Ragnar Lothbrok mission, to get 100% achivment completion.
Apart from that take to consideration this, its saxons having secred cabined over Poland.

Secret Cabinet - a Saxon authority, founded in 1706. Stanisław, who took the throne in 1733, renounced it. For Augustus III of Poland. In the Holy Roman Empire, he was known as Frederick Augustus II. King involved Saxony in three wars between Prussia and Austria for Silesia, which is of vital importance to Poland.
Ah and also notice hauses of people in The Dark Age era?Are these tents of jewish style? At the very start, before Greeks, there was neolithic revolution, we had innovation of housing, of bread, of domestication animals, and cementray burial,and clay pottery , back then if poeple lived in tents or wooden hut, they lived Hebrew way, and Jewish back then, went to caves, to marriy cave people into community.
Review Showcase
This classical work has been bought by me dozen times over my lifetime, always playable with joy but here, in this version its hard to get used to zooming,as I do need it by being books lover, and game view loses its art in close. Nevertheless this work great one. Btw, Book that this game is inspired upon is not as good.

The Canaanites were a people inhabiting the land of Canaan

Canaanite religion included the worship of a supreme deity, El and his consort Asherah. The Canaanites also worshiped Baal (god of rain and thunder), Anat (goddess of war), and Astarte (goddess of love and fertility).

Canaanites and Israelites
Israel refers to both the people of Canaan and the later political entity formed by that people. For the authors of the Bible, Canaan is the land that the tribes of Israel conquered after they left Egypt, and the Canaanites are the people they displaced from that land.

In Genesis, the curse of Ham is described as a curse placed on Ham's son Canaan by the patriarch Noah. It occurs in the context of Noah's drunkenness and is provoked by the shameful act of Ham, Noah's son, who "saw his father's nakedness."

Can it be true that Sword Coast in the game and lore of forgotten realms is Jerusalem, Israel? the Southern Levant !
Seth, one of gods of Egypt is precursore god Baal. Egypt was conquered because immigrants Hebrew and Syrians financially drained that state.

According to Egyptians Baa is person's character, and thus idea of immortal mind that is soul, Socrates thinking. Means that our characters or minds will go to heaven along with heart of Aristotelian precision that is alive(as in nourished floral, plant life domain), feeling(animals domain) and reasonable( only found in humans). In the moment of thinking we do 'tend to view this moment when we are alive as immortal if you think about it. As long as human is alive is immortal.

Seven Virtues of the Soul are Purity, Peace, Love, Joy, Bliss, Powers and Knowledge.

Animals, like domestic one like dogs or cats has souls that has virtues too, they're virtues make them wanting to be raised. But if you see someone who raises animals well, it is proof that that person is good believer, as animals are raised best by these that believe.

The souls which have seen the most are to enter the seeds of men who will become philosophers, lovers of beauty, men of culture, men who are dedicated to love;* the second group those of law-abiding kings or military commanders or civic leaders; the third group those of politicians, estate-managers or businessmen; the fourth group those of men who love exercising in a gymnasium† or future experts in bodily health; the fifth group will live as prophets or as initiators into one of the mystery cults;* the sixth group will most suitably live as poets or some other kind of representative artist, the seventh as artisans or farmers, the eighth as sophists or demagogues, and the ninth as tyrants.

Set had a positive role where he accompanies Ra on his barque to repel Apep, the serpent of Chaos. Some stories say that Apep has his origins as the severed umbilical cord of the god Ra

Apep, also known as Apophis, was the great serpent-god of chaos in ancient Egyptian mythology. Some stories say that he has his origins as the severed umbilical cord of the god Ra. Ra was the foremost of the Egyptian gods, having domain over the sun and therefore all life.

In ancient Egyptian mythology, Ra, the god of the sun, was believed to battle Apophis, the god of chaos and darkness, every night as he journeyed through the underworld. According to the myth, Apophis was a serpent who would try to swallow the sun each night, plunging the world into darkness and chaos.

Each night, Ra and his allies would battle Apophis, and each night, they would emerge victorious. However, the battle was never truly won, as Apophis would always return to threaten the world once again.
Baldur, too, for many years pretended to be his brother Thor.

And Odin called himself the Third, High, and just as tall.

Three figures sit on thrones; High on the lowest, just as high on the middle highest, and the third on the highest of the thrones.

The blind god Höd, deceived by the evil Loki, killed Balder by hurling mistletoe, the only thing that could hurt him.

Light and beauty ar Baldur's divigne vitues.

Perhaps Bladure's gate is one of the gates of hevens.
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