Lustful♥Energetic   United States
"An ex-Valve gamer(also, an ex-Team Fortress 2 gamer and was it's 10-years veteran since Oct 18, 2009) and currently, a variety gamer; also refers themself as a nomad gamer."
- HeavyBiscuit(ヘビー・ビスケット)(They/Them)'s profile motto, Feb 8, 2024.

Biography(Featured Profile Theme BGM: The King of Fighters XV - Team Sacred Treasures Theme Music(Fictitious or Real)) :
It was on Oct 18, 2009, that I joined Steam when I heard about Team Fortress 2 and how the game caught my interests due to it's unique designs. And a day later, after giving the game a try during it's free weekend, I bought a retail copy of the game for PC at my local Best Buy and thus, begins my long journey into TF2 and for many years to come.

It was on Aug 22, 2010, that the name "HeavyBiscuit" was created onto the surface platform after learning about the typical popular gamer called TotalBiscuit, who's best known for being a WoW player. HeavyBiscuit's existence in TF2 wasn't yet recognizable until after being devastated for losing 5 WoW accounts by several of Blizzard employees in the forms of a hacker, for unknown reasons despite having already my WoW subscriptions renewed. Feeling humiliated, I decided to return on playing TF2 which started a journey that would became the flicker parts of the once good ol' days to come: Seeking new adventures by joining the community servers. Hooking up for some item trades(Hats, misc, weapons and such) and even, chatters on trading servers. And much more encounters.

In additions to my said journey in TF2 back in those halcyon days, it was on Feb 28, 2011, that I learned the usefulness of taking screenshots as ways of remembering the good ol' memories and even, upload them on social medias like being on Steam.

It also acts as the only way to remember all those times and moments we made together, whenever our memories of the past begin to fade from our current mind and state.

It was on June 10, 2019, after 10 years of playing TF2 and being with several of TF2 Steam groups. And reaching to the conclusion of where GabeN's plannings with Valve games is going to, I left TF2 and many of Valve games and other games behind for good, never to return and look back. ;')

Many years has passed since leaving behind my halcyon days of playing Valve games and older games, I emerges myself anew and had entered into an new era: one that would change the future that everyone have and how all things will reaches to it's climactic conclusion.

Thanks to my times spent in and experiences I've gained from the two major games I've played: :mhmordhau:MORDHAU(Feb 2020 to Jan 2022) and :savecrystal:Final Fantasy XIV(FF14)(Jul 2021 to Aug 2024), I decides to return to playing varity of games(non-Valve, non-Chinese & non-Korean games only) on Steam due to having a solo main interest(living up to my words since around 2000s): SNK games(most especially, The King of Fighters and Samurai Shodown).

Thus, I resumes my grand journey of both a :mhfury:warrior-gamer and a :mhneigh:wanderer. However, for my purpose to venture beyond, I must remain a :bigfire2020:nomad gamer(variety gamer/gaming hermit, for alt names) in order to claim the ever-endless happiness that I hunger and seek. And that the name HeavyBiscuit, even started out as a long-time TF2 player(prior to the Uber Update(Jun 23, 2011)) and Valve gamer, will continues to live on through different shapes, forms and legends...

:HAOHMARUPIC: :NAKORURUPIC: :KyoKusanagi: ...for their soul and spirit will never dies. :IoriYagami: :GENJUROKIBAGAMIPIC: :SHIKIPIC:

- HeavyBiscuit(ヘビー・ビスケット), Timelost Glory.
Featured Artwork Showcase
[2012.12.28] Daemon Tamer x Grimro
Artwork Showcase
[2022.7.25] ~Green Ninja~ Daemon Tamer
[UPDATE; 2024.11.10!] My Introduction
:SHIKIPIC::IoriYagami:Rules For Viewing My Profile:IoriYagami::SHIKIPIC:
They/Them(I can still be referred as He/Him by my old friends).
Don't accept any random friend requests including trade offers and others.
Friend requests through Steam will be instantly :steamthumbsdown:ignored, regardless we met in-game before or not. If you want to send me a friend request on Steam, it'll have to go through specific DMs(e.g. Discord and others I'll name) but you'll still need your Steam level to be 20 or higher. No Valve gamers(Counter-Strike, DOTA 2 & TF2), no Blender artists and anything related to being bots(including using AI arts).
-> NOTE: Anyone(including bot scammers coming from Valve games and others) with Steam levels 0(even those with private profile)-19 and having suspicious profile description(name-changes, copy-pasted & being a Blender or any AI artist) on their Steam will be completely :steamthumbsdown:ignored. Including those if sent for second and multiple times and have the same copy-pasted description.
Never ask for my age. That includes my friends too.

:challenger::KyoKusanagi:Main Games/Hobbies via Diversity(as of Feb 15, 2024):KyoKusanagi::challenger:
Japanese voices, dialogues and languages only. Western and any non-Japanese(such as Chinese, Taiwanese and Korean) voice-speaking options are not allowed! Overseas(and yes, Western) languages are still allowed for reading subtitles and texts. ;)

SNK games - Original developers of the NEO-GEO game console system and it's arcade cabinets in their own amusement park(now-disbanded) Neo Geo Land back in 1990 to 2004 to emulate arcade experience, SNK roses as being one of the oldest JP gaming companies for making the popular iconic game franchises as well with making better-well-crafted story writings, seen through story/arcade mode and such! Game franchises includes the 80s titles: Psycho Soldier and Ikari(Ikari Warriors). 90s and later titles: :challenger:Fatal Fury, Art of Fighting, :HAOHMARUPIC:Samurai Shodown, Metal Slug and their most annual flagship of all: The King of Fighters! Theirs are the real bangers out there, for their future will continues to grow!

The King of Fighters XV - The 15th main and current installment of the ongoing game franchise The King of Fighters and the second chapter of it's fourth story saga: New Age(formerly known as Shun'ei/Verse). There has been many KOF games like '98 UMFE and 2002 UM & SNK other title games stored on my Steam Games Library, and enjoyed quite well. But this one is still the ongoing looker, even if I haven't played for awhile and such. I'll continues to like and have faith on SNK for their amazing works and lores, especially with KOF games.

:KyoKusanagi:KOFXV truly shatter all expectations!:IoriYagami:

:mhfury:Western(NA/EU) Games/Hobbies:2016villain:
English voices, dialogues and languages only. Oceanian(such as Australian and New Zealanders), Indonesian, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean and any non-Western voice-speaking options are not allowed! Languages that are associated with Western such as Mexican, Brazilian and any-European(such as Swedish and German) are allowed. Japanese animes-related stuffs, however, are allowed as long as it isn't AI-generated, Chinese, Korean or any non-Japanese(especially, French and Finnish) made. But if you do want to, and don't use AI-learnings: Impress me, but not in the likeliness of Avatar: The Last Airbender, RWBY and Cyberpunk: 2077. >:)

Dungeons & Dragons(D&D) - Originally created and designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and published by Tactical Studies Rules, Inc.(TSR) in 1974, Dungeons & Dragons(D&D) was the first fantasy tabletop role-playing game(TTRPG) released over to the Western continents and is considered as "The All-Fathers" to most modern fantasy RPG games that had came after D&D such as Final Fantasy, Warcraft, Elder Scrolls, Everquest and Pathfinder(first debut with the uses of D&D 3.5e ruleset). And it is how these modern fantasy RPGs & JRPGs got it's main inspirations and ideas from by re-tracing back to D&D and even, Middle-earth(The Hobbits)! Currently, published by Wizards of the Coast(WoTC), who is also a subsidiary of Hasbro since 1997, D&D continues to expands it's existance as "the world's greatest roleplaying game" to the world all over and it's campaign settings(also refers as the Multiverse) such as The Forgotten Realms(Faerûn), Greyhawk, Mystara, Ravenloft, Dragonlance, Dark Sun, Planescape and Eberron through the changing of it's edition rulesets. D&D is currently uses 5th Edition ruleset but will changes it to One D&D(aka 5.5 Edition) Edition ruleset.

Baldur's Gate 3 - Developed and published by Larian Studios via contract requests by Wizards of the Coast(WoTC), after being amazed by Larian Studios' 2017 release Divinity: Original Sin 2, Baldur's Gate 3 is a long-awaited D&D video game in Baldur's Gate games series and released 20 years after it's previous sequel: Baldur's Gate II. Taken place within one of D&D campaign settings: The Forgotten Realms(Faerûn), you are infected with mind flayers' tadpole and must find a cure to remove it before being ceremorphosis into one of these tentacled monsters! Having escaped from the crashing nautiloid ship, you and your gathered party companions must journey together to the only place that may be their own salvation of getting rid of the tadpole while getting caught in a conflict by both sides that will determine the world's fate: to the city of Baldur's Gate! Baldur's Gate 3 uses D&D 5th Edition ruleset and no, playing the game with installed mods such as party limit begone are excluded .

"Don't wake me up. Just leave me there, dreaming...!"

:GENJUROKIBAGAMIPIC:Several of Variety Games/Hobbies:IrisHeartRebirth3:
Non-Valve, non-Blizzard, non-Riot Games, non-Chinese, non-Korean, non-freemium, non-assert flip and non-AI games only. Japanese games may be slow and hard to come by in regarding of it's non-freemium types, but I'll continues to like 'em so long that they have good reputations, making sure that their EULA/policy isn't dictating and see if they can make better lores(no ambitious & ambiguous intents) like adding story cutscenes in both arcade and story modes. Plus, I'll always play it with JP voices! Meanwhile, I'll flock towards Western games, since I'm still seeing most of asian gamers(especially, JP gamers) kept playing them out of curiosity or some unknown reasons.
But nevertheless, I'll considers on which one I'd play due to their ambitious intents for budgets-milking.

:SylviePaulaPaula: My eyes on you...! :SylviePaulaPaula:

[WIP; later!] :ah3petra:Current & Former Titles/Positions:TEAMAGENTPIC:!
Come back when it is time. Oh, and don't bother adding me if you skip reading my profile info, okay~♥? ;3
Favorite Game
General jruokis the Merciless 4 Feb, 2019 @ 7:50pm 
Dengekiko 24 Dec, 2018 @ 10:14pm 
Merry Christmas to you!
♥HeavyBiscuit☠ 2 Oct, 2017 @ 5:04pm 
Thank you, my dearest friend :Dengekiko:Dengekiko! For this, I'll gladly accept your gift that you sent me. :D
Dengekiko 2 Oct, 2017 @ 4:45pm 
Happy Birthday!
♥HeavyBiscuit☠ 5 Apr, 2017 @ 2:54pm 
*Whispering to Bashful in a quiet tone* Hello!
Dilfshake 5 Apr, 2017 @ 2:06pm 
:Chiaki_DGR:Bashy say's hello.:blanc: