[NEO] KF-Server 1 {509}
The HomeBrew DEDI   Yakima, Washington, United States
When this account possibly goes full blown, this page will be used to colaberate meeting times to play games as private invite by TBM Clan Members with there favorite Bro's and Gal's. Undesided at this time if the Servers will be full time or not, but it looks like there is a fair chance. To help this along and get it determined Fellow clan members are urged to reply end expressing the frequency of use they could possible expect to use the server. I'd like to have 2-3 days a week worth of traffic, or a high number of people interested in actually using this service
Currently Offline
[NEO]Flogged U 15 Mar, 2016 @ 12:37am 
haven't had internet. but the servers will be back
Should have internet now but the local internet company stood us up
Kaiiten 25 Feb, 2016 @ 5:37pm 
heh you were online like 666 days ago!
[NEO]Flogged U 15 Aug, 2013 @ 2:10am 
Up Comming Additions to Servers
The Killing floor server will be up here tonight, and is installing as I type this. It won't be hosted on the normal Server RIG and I am not sure how weell it will work on this older PC. But it will be Dedicated, and it will be up all the time as it normally is on the other RIG.

Also I am adding some Descent Servers up to prepare you Descenters, if any are in this groupd for the new release to be released soon, possibly this winter or Spring next year. Get your Flight Sticks out, and Get ready for the best game in the Gamers world, one of the few 6 Degree's of Freedom games worth playing for more then a few hours before it finds the closet. Descent 4 Is on it's Way thats for sure. So to help Fans out who haven't touched the game in while and are playing other games now, There will be an addition to the NEO server, Descent 2 Vertigo, and Descent 3 Sol Acent. Look for them in the comming weeks as I get my other stuff cleaned up.
[NEO] KF-Server 1 {509} 20 Jul, 2013 @ 1:09am 
Due to
request of a Total COnverstion Server using the Base of Killing Floors SPecific version of UnReal Engine, I Desided that it was a Great Challenging MOD, that is Difficult enough to Satisfy me, but Easy enough it isn't Impossible. I do ask that you Downloading the MOD Packs 2-4 off this Work Shop Page first. File are huge, and will take a long time to download threw the Killing Floor Connetion process. Unless however someone wants to put the monies into a Gameserver.com redirect every month. At anyrate, here is teh Link to Get teh Files.http://steamproxy.com/id/wpcmods/myworkshopfiles/?1250