Grim_XenoReaper   United States
hello I'm :sacrificed:Grum_XenoReaper:sacrificed: just playing to have a lot of fun and just play the game
I'm the first p100 xenomorph in the game.

My DBD rules
- your not my teammates and I'll never help from a hook or healing you unless your my friend
- if you have TTV, YT in your name don't expect me to help you either because you are so entitled like a 12 year old cry baby that doesn't know how to walk on 2 legs and blue hair liberal with pronouns in your bio
-If you last second switched to a character or item then I'll go next on hook and if you unhook me then I'll drop every single pallet in the game just to make your match miserable
- if you bring in a map offering then I will dc the entire match just to the killer doesn't have to deal with your easy win unhinged lunacy
- if I see you doing nothing then I'll go next on hook and if you unhook me I'll drop every pallet in the game
- if you a bully squad like to be sore winners then I'll defend the killer from your raging cry babies
- if I see Feng, Nea, Sable, Steve and David in my lobby I will lobby Dodge and if I see you last second switch to any of them I'll DC the entire match as well
- if I see the same characters in the lobby I will lobby Dodge and if you last second switch then I'll DC the entire match

- if your running meta perks or second change perks with any item then your bad at the game because garentee that you won't last awhile in the match without them
- if your in a swf on comms then your cheating because your using a 3rd party software that was not intended and if the devs encourage it then tell the devs to add it into the game but for now on its still cheating
- if your bring a map offering then your bad at the game since you like to have an easy win and bully the killer
- if I see 3 to 4 survivors with any items that are the same then I'll lobby Dodge and it you last second switch I'll DC the entire match
- if you bring any event offerings that increase blood points or bring bloody party streamers then I know it'll be a sweat fest and it's and act of war and if I see 3 or 4 of them then I will dc the entire match if I see 3 or 4 of them pop up
- if you your a streamer and being mad at the game then I will hold you hostage until the timer is out
- if I see Nea, Fengs, Steves, David, Meg and Sables in my lobby I will tunnel then out and I'm purging the world of all those characters and any survivors using a flashlight
- if you running dead hard then you deserve to get hit on hook because you need a health state over distance which distance is better than health states
- if you say gg in the egc while escaping that is hollow AF because you only say gg when you win
- if you say gg when you lose that is also hollow because I don't know what your really saying so if your saying good game then say good game and if your say it way too long then your lazy because you can literally do in 2 seconds in 8 letters
- if the gen are getting done faster then I will tunnel and proxy camp so don't bother on even saving and if your saving then it's your funeral
- if you take a bt hit then I'll wait it out for 20 seconds and tunnel you out of the game

Currently Online
Screenshot Showcase
Dead by Daylight
3 1
Basement Bubba Paying it forward
Streak: 578
What will cause a Basement Bubba paying it forwards
- map offering
- abusing FOV
- using a Boon
- using a styptic agent in front of me
- hiding all game
- bringing bloody party streamers
- Bringing any event bloodpoint offering
- sabo a hook in front of me
- t bagging me at the exit gate
- using the wave hand in front of me
- pointing at me
- t bagging at a pallet
- bringing a key with killer aura reading
- sore winners
- t bagging at the exit gates
- 4 man TTV or YT SWF

Killer Win streak
My win condition
- if I get 1 hook that a killer win: 1 point
- 1 kills: 2 points
- 2 kills: 3 points
- 3 kills: 4 points
- 4 kills: 5 points
- 5 kills: 6 points
- 6 kills: 7 points
- 7 kills: 8 points
- 8 kills: 9 points
- kill a TTV: 10 points
- kill a TTV while they're live: 20 points
- mori a TTV: 30 points 2x in the match
- mori a TTV while they're live: 40 points 4x in the match
- mori a survivor: 50 points
- close the hatch: 80 points
- salty/ toxic in egc: 4X the points in the match
- salty or toxic comment on my profile: 20x the point's in the match
- Criticize my winstreak: 100x the point's in the match
- Cheaters: 100 point's plus 200x in the match of 4k or 8k
- getting really nice survivors and being adorable: 400x in the match of 4k or 8k

Xenomorph: 466,425 world record
Dracula: 40,829 world record
Huntress: 22,665 world record
Bubba: 9,356 world record
Freddy: 807
Pig: 566
Clown: 504
Legion: 1,645 world record
Demogorgon: 921
DeathSlinger: 1684 world record
Nemesis: 789
Wesker: 1,450 world record
Doctor: 235
Blight: 507
Dredge: 948
Singilarity: 21
pyramid head: 1,865 world record
Nurse: 428
Wraith: 1,029 world record
Hillbilly: 1,129 world record
Myers: 48
Pinhead: 23
Oni: 195
Tokyo Ghoul: 54,918 world record
Onryo: 258
Plague: 485
Trapper: 606

DBD Official Tournament
Killer Wins: 599
Survivor Wins: 135

Screwing Survivors Streak: 798
- Using Technician on a gen and spam space button
- Run the killer to a survivor while in a chase with bond
- Not saving the survivor from the hook
- Saying your not my teammate in end game chat
- bringing the progressed gen down to 0
- T Bagged the hooked person
- Drop the pallets while no one is looking
- Booning a useless Boon perk
- Using Red Herring on the most progressed gen
- down myself on top of basement if only the survivor have invocation perk
- wave the survivor off of the gen and used repressed alliances on the gen
- Stay on the hook and not let the survivor get the hatch

Tail Attack Count: 68,809
Artwork Showcase
Grim Reaper Xenomorph
Featured Artwork Showcase
New Killer: Grim_XenoReaper
Power: Mist of Shadows
- you'll become undetectable until you found a survivor and start chasing a survivor
- you'll use the tunnels to gain movement speed for traveling across the map and gain crawler mode for the tail attack at the cost of survivors having flame turrets to knock you out of your crawler mode
- You'll get 6 Grim_Facehuggers that will travel around the map and Hinder the survivors my only 3%

Killer States:
32 meter terror radius/ 24 in crawler mode
4.6 movement speed
Height: average/ short in crawler mode

The Addons for Grim_XenoReaper will be a mix between the Xenomorph, the Pig and a little bit of Nemesis


Scourge Hook: Grim Shadow
4 hooks become a scourge hook if the survivor is hooked on the scourge hook they'll suffer from the blindness effect until getting off the hook and if the survivor rescues the hooked survivor on the scourge hook suffers from the Blindness, Oblivious and Deafness for 40 seconds

Hex: Death Approaching
When the exit gate is powered all Dull Totems remaining become a Hex Totems and each Hex Totem gives you a 5% movement speed until cleansed

When a survivor is separated from the other survivors for 20 seconds the survivor will suffer from Paranoia causing the survivors to hear an increase and decrease terror radius regardless on where they'er at on the map and if your isolated for 40 seconds then the killer will get killer instinct until they get into a chase and will be deactivate for 30 seconds
A7 12 Mar @ 8:05pm 
W Xeno i had fun not playing in a comp state. Actually such a fun Xeno
W Killer
Grim_XenoReaper 10 Mar @ 12:17am 
I was actually just trolling just pretending to be an entitled killer main
gluttonous beast 10 Mar @ 12:09am 
can you report me :3
wubbly 9 Mar @ 7:07pm 
dont forget to leave me a msg when u touch ur first female, looking at ur steam profile id say its going to be a while, but ill give u props when u do! id suggest first removing that essay of ur dbd killer accomplishments.. ts isnt real life, your time commitment and investment towards it is surely destroying your social life
Grim_XenoReaper 1 Mar @ 2:34am 
cronna you died in 2v8 your completely delusional