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259.0 hrs last two weeks / 7,104.4 hrs on record (2,238.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 6 Aug, 2022 @ 12:33am

Early Access Review
To be fare I think you are justified in protesting and making your voice heard about stuff you disagree with. There are a lot of valid concerns, Ultimately VRChat doesn't have to listen to them, but that doesn't make them any less of a valid concern. I never used mods, however the companies attitude against the modding community has been less then desirable. The bigger picture issue here is the 80 Million dollar investment made by a Corporate Entity in Cali, which is pushing the big buttons for VRchat now as it becomes more corporate. It will start with EAC and end with no more lewd models and less user customization. It's a geared approach towards moving the game towards being advertiser friendly, which means Kid Friendly. I also disagree the Dev's are working there butts off. Updates towards VRChat have been almost as slow as valve time at releasing the next half life game. The Dev team just gets major grants from HTC, Facebook (meta), etc chews them up and gives nothing to show for them. The only time they launched a major update was after banning mods, probably stealing/borrowing code and reimplementing half the features they added to the game, which btw were all features users begged for, for years prior. The game is honestly at it's start almost an Unity Asset flip with VR and online servers. The VR Dev team operated on the same principles as Discord where they think the world runs on gum drops and lollipops and didn't go into it with the intention or know how for monetising the platform, this major downfall is what made the rise to Discord Nitro, And VRCPlus. Both of with add a lack lustre array of features far to late to the platform. If they had gone into this with a realistic approach they would have made sure to monetise the game ahead of time and miss the entire mess of needing investors to not go bankrupt on server fees. Alas they didn't and while almost running them self into a hole did the only option they had left, sold out to investors. Make no mistake, that's likely what has happened here. While mods are gone today, expect more issues in the future, ones that ACTUALLY affect you, and your friends. It may not be tomorrow, it may not be next month, but it will happen. It won't end VRC, it will just end fun. Also no, this does not fix crashers. Also for others asking, yes alternatives exist and I appreciate people mentioning them, if you are able to enjoy and have fun in them good for you, I can't however. They are too underdeveloped and not user friendly. I know you all say OH but it will be fixed soon. Maybe. But devs say that all the time. When it happens. I'll look, till then good luck. I will keep playing VRC for now, but unsure about the future.
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KazuSama? 3 Oct, 2022 @ 12:09pm 
to be fair*