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Ostatnie recenzje napisane przez użytkownika Heady

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Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 17 pozycji
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173.7 godz. łącznie
This game is Harvest Moon, but 1623 times more immersive and beautiful. Mod support takes it to a whole other level.
Opublikowana: 28 listopada 2024.
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51.5 godz. łącznie

But in all seriousness: This is one of the best Souls alternatives out there. While it plays and feels a little bit like Bloodborne it awards aggressive playstyle and parrying.
Story is really well done, graphics are quite the looker, audio (oh, the soundtrack! <3) is very good and then gameplay feels fun and rewarding.
Every weapon is viable and you're encouraged to try out different ones as you play through the game as unupgraded weapons aren't as bad as they are in most games AND you have the ability to combine the handle of weapon A with the blade of weapon B. This opens up a huge amount of combination possibilities and you can just create the weapon that suits YOU the most.

Definitely a recommendation!
Opublikowana: 9 września 2024. Ostatnio edytowane: 9 września 2024.
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244.3 godz. łącznie (193.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
The 2nd best MMORPG of all time (Guild Wars 1 is #1) has now come to Steam!
Opublikowana: 23 listopada 2022.
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31.2 godz. łącznie
Very enjoyable gameplay. A little clunky here and there and possibly too easy for veterans of Soulslikes, but very well done.
Metroidvaniesque exploration isn't too overloaded and you remember most places that you couldn't reach the last time you visited due to the lack of a skill or equipment piece. 3D map helps keep track of that (locked borders are red, now available are green, etc.).
The story is, against what I was expecting, decent and the original (English) voice is very believable and authentic.

All in all it was a pleasure to play through, but also very much fun to get 100% achievements. It took me 31hrs to complete everything, but I've really taken my time sometimes and I have only used guidance when I was really lost finding a single collectible.

Performance-wise this game runs really well. Everything on high, 1080p and I only rarely dropped below 120 FPS with my 3060 RTX, Ryzen 9 5900X and 32GB RAM.

4.5/5 - Very good game with nice gameplay, but a few yanks here and there and some bugs (nothing gamebreaking) lower its score just a little.
Opublikowana: 28 października 2022.
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8.0 godz. łącznie
METAL! \m/
Opublikowana: 25 września 2022.
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89.2 godz. łącznie (64.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
This game really shines where pther ARPGs don't.

This is Dark Souls, but clunkier, but at the same time it isn't. Being able to control your attacks much better and more precise is a great feeling and slashing your way through the game finisher after finisher to collect new gear (you mostly have to cut limbs of enemies to get it) is really motivating.

You also don't have to worry about putting skill points into a category you'll later regret, cause there is no such thing. Character progression works as follows: You find tech scrap (basic resource to spent on things) and you either use it to upgrade your gear or level up your character. For each level your character gets +1 core power. Core power allows you to wear more and/or better gear and implants.

Gear and implants have values of core power. Usually the better the item the more core power it uses. If you want a really tanky gearset you might only take very light implants with you. If you want to have the best implants you should stick to the gear set that uses the least core power (or maybe even don't wear any gear at all).

There's a bazillion ways to build your character and you can all do it during the same playthrough, because you can always unslot all implants and set them back one by one to be able to wear that new set you desperately want, but it's core power usage is too high for your current set of implants.

Story is complex, but at the same time you shouldn't mind it too much - at least I didn't. I always understood what the heck was going on, but the gameplay was what kept me going for hours and hours.

I'd definitely recommend this to anyone who played Dark Souls, but may not be too happy with Sekiro and/or Elden Ring and enjoys a more grounded gameplay loop.
Opublikowana: 10 maja 2022.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
46.9 godz. łącznie
Sneak through the maps avoiding anyone, take them out (non-)lethally one by one or rush in guns blazing and don't stop slicing until everyone in your path is dead. Lethality and way of approach matters highly.

The story is decent: You lived happily ever after (..the events of Dishonored 1) and someone tries to mess up not only your day, but your life. Fall deeply and work your way back to the top by sabotaging through the ranks and getting behind a big secret of your opponent.

To all the achievement hunters: You can easily 100% this game with three playthroughs, while every subsequent can be done as NG+ which lets you keep much of your advantages. 1st playthrough as you like, 2nd with a collectible guide and 3rd without using powers. As long as you keep your goal in mind you can just rush through the story on your last playthrough.
Difficulty of 100%: 3/10 - it only takes time, but no real "skill".
Opublikowana: 7 stycznia 2022.
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Według 4 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
29.4 godz. łącznie (12.1 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
The 1st part of this review was written at some point in December 2021 early during the Beta (or even Alpha?) phase. The addition from December 2023 comes right after that.

Sure, this game is still in a rough shape and enemy AI is actually OP without mods, but it is very well playable and much fun if you enjoy the "SWATsim" gameplay.
I certainly do not recommend the game if you're looking for a solo experience, but get one or two friends (max. group size is 5) and you'll have a ton of fun!

Keep in mind the game is still in Early Access and this little review was posted in reference of the game's version from 18th Dec 2021. Many things might've changed when you read this.

edit (v1.0, 14th Dec. 2023):
The game just fully released yesterday and it has gotten far.
Performance is a little janky in some regard, but it's mostly fixed. Weapon-, tool- and map-variety has increased greatly and the AI isn't frustratingly overpowered with cat-senses anymore.

There's still some work to be done, but it's certainly a great game now.

Just keep in mind that this is no run-and-gun-shooter. It's somewhat of a "SWAT sim" and should be treated like that.
Opublikowana: 30 grudnia 2021. Ostatnio edytowane: 22 grudnia 2023.
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Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
2,284.0 godz. łącznie (531.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
The learning curve is very steep and you should be clear about the fact the game is one of the least beginner friendly games that exist on the market, but once you get used to it you won't wanna ever stop playing!
Opublikowana: 24 listopada 2021.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
405.2 godz. łącznie (265.4 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Many people tend to dislike this game because their expectations after its predecessors were huge, but all in all this is still a great game!

It may lack in deepness of story and characters, but it has - by far - the best gameplay of all the Borderlands games and gets updated relatively frequently (beyond mere DLC updates).

Oh yes, almost forgot: F**k Ava!
Opublikowana: 27 listopada 2020.
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Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 17 pozycji