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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 669.1 hrs on record (633.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: 26 Nov, 2024 @ 5:19pm
Updated: 12 Dec, 2024 @ 7:22pm

Hunt Showdown has the potential to lead to serious addiction issues. like, im talking adrenaline junkie with a pistol, homicidal urges, and prepared to die at any moment kind of issues. I started on console back when it first came there, graduated to PC two years ago (solely because of hunt) and I'd say this is not just my favorite competitive pvp game but my favorite game of all time.. and Im experienced enough to say I have a quarter century of gaming under my belt.
the way this game can get your blood pumping is the addictive part that will make you chase more. (eddited:) but seeing the new decisions the investors of crytek are making, I can no longer recommend the game with as much conviction as my previous review. Corporate capitalism is killing the satisfaction and joy of hunt, they are done. the decision makers are SELL OUTS who are presently trading their amazingly crafted lore, unique AF world and atmosphere, and their whole identity and selling it out to whoever they deem "alt pop"
ghostface was the first warning sign, post malone is the ♥♥♥♥♥ iceberg.. there's no resistance, they know we aren't pleased, they no longer care about hunt showdown and begun only caring about the steady influx of cash with stuff they can pump out and I'm afraid they are out of ideas.
they said ghostface was thought about for a long time and how they blended it into their world lore by making it a wooden mask and blah blah blah. they are rationalizing their decision to sell out their own identity to whoever they think could draw some attention. hunt wont gain more scream fans or post malone fan geeks than it will lose actual players of their game who adored the something special hunt made itself to be.
enjoy the event SPONSORED BY A CELEBRITY. that ♥♥♥♥ does not fit into hunt no matter how you rationalize away.. oh wait they didnt rationalize malone becuase they went b ack on their word for him. "we wont be fortnite or anything" was their respone to ghostface, and here we are booting up hunt... with malones face plastered all over the place. whats got me ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up the most is you and I both know how it went down.
post malone is to crytek what taylor swift was to the nfl.... a complete and total distraction that takes away from the competitive sport, but keeps getting bumped in our faces because the high and mighty think theyre going to garner more dollars for their piggy bank.
hunts entire hardcore, raw, unique idea got sold out to a POP STAR.. because he has face tattoos..
whoever decided this does not love hunt the way the creators and the players do. I cant escape and immerse myself into hunt when I am reminded of the outside world constantly. so until they knock this kind of ♥♥♥♥ off I am no longer bragging about my "favorite game" to people. and unfortunately I doubt my review alone will sway their business accumen. i almost feel sick to my stomach watching this game update....
now i just realized post malone isnt just a face presenting the circus, they acyually made him a playable character?!?!?! that means post malone is in hunt now until the day hunt goes offline...

GG hunters.. hopefuly snoop dog isnt on the next one
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