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2 people found this review helpful
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2,988.7 hrs on record (2,188.8 hrs at review time)
It's okay I guess
Posted 6 December, 2022.
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101.4 hrs on record (18.9 hrs at review time)
Great game, loved act 1 but I knew it was going to change because I opened my eyeballs and noticed the game change at 1:06 in the video trailer.
Posted 12 January, 2022.
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4 people found this review helpful
132.5 hrs on record (50.9 hrs at review time)
If you want a summary of every negative review here it is:

"Food is hard to find, I've been playing for 2 hours and potions hurt you more than they heal you."

"Skyrim controls"

"AI are harder, game is harder."

Pretty much^

I've played this entire game as a mage/battle alchemist/werewolf, healing items and healing spells increase your arcane fever as well as wolf blood pots, so dont spam 25 potions at once because then you'll get hurt and overheal and waste your entire inventory of potions for no reason. However one potion DOES heal you more than it hurts you. 2% arcane fever isnt anything its just an addition to a bar, a value you will have to look at once in awhile.

Ambrosia is plentyful, you dont need more than 2 which the game gives you for free. When you get to the first city make your own Ambrosia here is a hint: Vyrnroot and Baldris can be fount as well as peaceweed its everywhere.

Food and Alchemy is now useful, Kings Mead is my favorite to use in combat along with magic restoring potions (which dont hurt you so... )

The only magic that hurts you is healing/restoration, I've never used it once even in base skyrim. Hunt or Purchase some cooked meat and eat 5, the heals stack and some are applied the moment you consume it.

The game is hard if you are used to running away and cheesing terrible skyrim AIs. This game has more advanced AI but still not that bad, lower the difficulty if they become too overwhelming. (You start on Adept) or better yet, learn to kite.

also buy some food... like why are you playing the game like skyrim if it isnt working?

Here is some actual good critique:

1. Game crashes are quite common, but not overwhelming, autosave happens after each transition (door to dungeon city etc) or randomly when opening tab menu. So just keep in mind if you are in a long dungeon, try to save once in awhile.

2. Quests and several bugs exist and are infuriating to deal with, some quests can be completely broken and without console commands are unfixable. The broken quests are pretty rare and not as common as game crashes, however some are really annoying to deal with. Some areas you try to 'skyrim' over, like jumping up a mountain can lead to your character becoming stuck in a wall or other foliage. Which will require you to use a telescroll to teleport out, or even need to use the console at times to fix your character.

3. Placing furniture is a little confusing, and there isnt alot of guidance about making furniture.

4. If you're stuck and dont know where to go, there is little information on the wiki to guide you.

5. no fast travel (which isnt a con for me, I personally enjoy it, but some casuals who treat this like skyrim might be disappointed.)

6. You have to actually prepare before adventuring because newsflash, you'll need food, drinks and potions to heal your HP and MP (not a con for me, but another thing that people seem to hate below)


These are the largest general cons I can think of. Other than that, its a free mod that is 100x better in story than skyrim can ever hope to be. Also is beautiful graphic wise, and unique in dungeons and questlines. You arent some god in this game, you're just a random guy. If you really want a challenge try being a phasmalist. The NPCS voice acting is a little cheesy but some are VERY well done, some quest lines have really suprised me and made me feel a variety of different emotions.

TLDR: Alchemy, cooking/food/drinks, and enchantments are important along with handicraft. If your skyrim playstyle of completely disregarding these things in the game is something you wish to test out here, you probably shouldnt download it.

If you're good at playing games Enderal is a refreshing step up in difficulty, play away.
Posted 14 September, 2019.
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5 people found this review helpful
736.4 hrs on record (103.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The majority of players downvoting this game I could only call ignorant of the games core mechanics and frustrated with the 'Early Alpha' feel.

Boundless I am recommending for the great community and the constant help and replies from the devs and other community members.

Join the discord and the forum, if you ask a question you will immediately be answered. If you want to talk to the dev's you can contact them and actually give ideas and things to improve the game. Someone on the forums said 'it would be cool if there were meteors that hit the planet' and lo' and behold we now have meteors that fall from the sky and give us loot.

Super responsive, and sure a small comunity but this is early access and not many people are going to purchase something at such a high price due to obvious mistrust and less completion of a game.

However as someone who liked minecraft and other building games once you look a little bit with your eye balls, and seek out the community you will realize how helpful and reliable they can be. It is almost as if you are part of a tight knit team and a community. You just have to reach out a little.

If you plan on warping to a planet first time and looking around and giving up in frustration when it's 'too hard' then you wont enjoy the game.

All I can say is get good, caves do change in layout, some are drop down and some are flat. However if you get a hookshot and know how to use something so basic then mining becomes easier, same with skills that improve your sight in the dark etc.

It's hard at first that is just how survival games are, also it's harder because its still early access you need to give the game a decent chance and explore a bit more in capitals/towns/cities created by players before you turn away because 'oh there is no one here I am bored tty'

The game is still exactly as it is advertised, you point at a world and you can teleport there it's crazy and fun. However once you realize that its an mmo and you need help from other people and you stop being ignorant to the world of people in front of you. You'll realize you do not need to struggle building portals for yourself because we have this awesome and wonderful community that create portal hubs for everyone to use and we have people that mapped out the entire solar system that can provide useful information and help you along the way.

Dont buy this game if you want to play by yourself and be mad when it's hard, an mmo is a game you play with other people. You get ALOT of skill points per level and you have ALOT of things you can invest in. (Hunting, Gathering, Building recipes.) You get 3 characters and you can be all three and it's difficult to do alone.

This is not minecraft boys and girls, the only thing that is remotely the same as the game is the fact that Boundless is block based.

If you want to compare mods, tekkit + mcmmo but better.

If you are unsure and dont want to risk the 40 dollars then just wait for new updates and read a little, there are so many things going on behind the scenes and so many people in the test servers trying new things that to me sound amazing.

I did not regret spending the money because I found a game where the community is friendly, easy to talk to, and I can even personally ask the devs questions and give ideas. It feels like I am a part of the game, and that is what an early access game should be about.
Posted 26 February, 2018.
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2 people found this review helpful
26.7 hrs on record (23.6 hrs at review time)
Life is strange is a playable story of Max and her ability to randomly be able to rewind time.

It's never truly explained why Max randomly gets these powers, and ultimately I feel a little hurt and shocked the ending portrayed how useless the time control really was. To be honest there is no real reason you get these powers and in some "Thats So Raven" esque fashion the game seems to imply that it doesnt matter if you can change time, it will happen anyways.

Dont get me wrong, if you love story. This is a great game. There will be choices that you will have to pause and stop before being able to answer them. There are consequences for certain actions that wont seem very impacting, and then some choices that can completely change the various episodes the game has to offer.

If you get Life is strange, buy the BUNDLE I cannot stress that enough, episode 1 is barely enough to satisfy and the bundle ultimately is cheaper anyway.

If you are unsure about the game wait for a sale.

If you never heard of this game before I do warn you its a rather dark story that has plenty of death and inappropriate themes such as swearing, drug references, and typical/stereotypical bad teen scenerios that some may be uncomfortable with. Which I learned immediately after reccomending this game to someone else.

The story is compelling and has you wondering whats going to happen next, Square Enix shows no trouble at all in hooking you to the story almost immediately. I suggest you explore as much as you can in each episode just so you dont miss any actions or decisions. Trust me asides from some crucial points where the game tells you that you are running out of time, you literally have all the time in the world.

So relax, walk around, and immerse yourself in the story. If you really enjoy story, and choice/consequence games this is definitely one of the best games I've purchased. It reminds me alot like Beyond two Souls, if you enjoy the thematic story telling of that game, you will most definitely enjoy this one. I myself found myself in tears at certain points of the game, because my decision was too hard to make and I really connected to some of the key characters.

There is a little misconception with the "multiple endings" bit so I am going to make this clear.

There are two "endings."

but choices you make in game will impact the game as you continue through the episodes. Your choices for example, could impact a life in the story and maybe the next episode will show the consequence for that action.

I was disappointed by the ending honestly, but I still wanted more.

Yes I do like the game, yes I recommend it, do I want a better ending or maybe more episodes to show aftermath? Yes of course, because I dont feel fully satisfied with not knowing what happens, whats my consequence for choosing ending A over B for example? It never tells you.

I purchased this game during the steam summer sale, and it was most definitely worth the buy.
Posted 13 July, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
3.8 hrs on record
At first I was very reluctant to buy this game, and I will tell you these reasons:

1. Not a fan of the whole "escape the room" games. Where you have to find objects and use them to continue on with the level, its not like you get any hints or anything so if you are stuck without a walk through you could be there for hours wondering what to basically do, especially if you are convinced you picked up and clicked everything in the area.

2. Graphics were iffy to me, normally I cant get into a game unless the graphics are a certain way. At first I originally disliked character design but after buying it and playing for the very few hours I have, it kinda grew on me.

Lets get to the actual review.

Fran Bow is quite the experience which doesnt throw in any spectacular new elements to these kinds of games, the mechanics play very well like an "escape the room" game in which you pick up items, use them, combine them, examine them etc to make your way out of a room and towards the goal. To progress the story basically you have to pay attention to every item you can possibly collect and logically figure out a way to get to certain areas, keeping this goal in mind.

What is interesting is the "dimension" twist they put on the game in which Fran can freely switch between the real world and her demonic visionary world to solve puzzles. Which again, the mechanic isnt a new concept with these types of games but it does make the game very enjoyable. My favourite thing to do was swap too and from the dimensions just to see the difference in the room, even if logically I didnt have to.

The story itself is rather straight foreward at first, and only gets more skewed as you play, the game tries to make the first chapter as logical as possible with the items you pick up and you only realize the more you get into the game that the whole "logic" to escape a room has slowly turned into something of creativity. For example: (skip the next line possible spoilers below)

(((((((((((((((((SPOILER: The door you make for the tree trunk to get through.)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

When the story progresses you can half assume what happened to her parents in the begining, the story pegs a "bad guy" but something seems really off about it.

The story itself makes you paranoid and unaware of what is real, and it may feel like the developer isnt even trying anymore to be realistic, he just randomly makes it fiction after awhile. Which is what it may feel like, but then again it works with Fran's mental state.

Being a little ten year old girl with a mental issue you begin to question her actual morality and sanity, if I were ten I'd be screaming and freaking out seeing a head explode or feel very hesitant when it came to death and gore. Which Fran does not really show. When it comes to examining certain visions she would say stuff like "Wake up silly!" or "Oh no that baby is on the ground.."

At first I thought the dialogue just wasnt real, not for a little girl seeing so many visions and gore. Then again after reading so many dialogues of apathy/naivety towards death, it really made me understand her mindset and truly see how "not all that there" she really is.

The games ending is an "open to interpretation" sort of ending, which I will not spoil. (My curiosity spoiled it for me honestly) The tasks by some of the "demons/Ghosts" you will have to do are a little corny, and to really enjoy this game you will have to focus on the main story: Who killed Fran's Parents? What is Fran seeing and why?

I recommend it for a relaxed simple puzzle game, there is some gore but its not that bad. Music is fine, I didnt get tired of it. Try not to use a walkthrough for increased difficulty, it isn't too hard but it's still not super easy. Its a short game, it has 5 chapters but its still a fun story to get wrapped up in. Definitely a good buy when on sale. Especially if you enjoy these types of games.

Posted 24 June, 2016.
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