mamma mia !   Corse, France
•Deux choses sont infinies : l'Univers et la bêtise humaine. Mais en ce qui concerne l'Univers je n'ai pas encore acquis la certitude absolue ! -Einstein

•Cuiusvis hominis est errare: nullius nisi insipientis perseverare in errore. Cicéron

•Dieu se rit des Hommes qui chérissent les causes dont ils déplorent les effets. -Bossuet

•On passe une moitié de sa vie à attendre ceux qu'on aimera et l'autre moitié à quitter ceux qu'on aime. -Victor Hugo

•La vie, ce n'est pas attendre que l'orage passe, c'est apprendre à danser sous la pluie. -Citation apocryphe de Sénèque

•Le plus grand voyageur n'est pas celui qui a fait dix fois le tour du monde, mais celui qui a fait une seule fois le tour de lui-même.

•La force ne vient pas des capacités physiques ; elle vient d'une indomptable volonté. -Ghandi

•Lorsque tu fais quelque chose, sache que tu auras contre toi ceux qui voulaient faire la même chose, ceux qui voulaient faire le contraire et l'immense majorité de ceux qui ne voulaient rien faire.

•Les temps difficiles produisent les hommes forts, les hommes forts engendrent les temps prospères, les temps prospère produisent les hommes faibles et les hommes faibles engendrent les temps difficiles. -Proverbe oriental

•L'homme est un roseau, le plus faible de la nature, mais c'est un roseau pensant. Deux choses instruisent l'homme de toute sa nature : l'instinct et l'expérience. La concupiscence nous est devenue naturelle et a fait notre seconde nature. Ainsi il y a deux natures en nous : l'une bonne, l'autre mauvaise. -Blaise Pascal

•La France ne peut être la France sans la grandeur. -Général Charles de Gaulle

•Entre possible et impossible, deux lettres et un état d'esprit. -Général Charles de Gaulle

•La démocratie, c'est le gouvernement du peuple exerçant la souveraineté sans entrave. -Général Charles de Gaulle

•Celui qui contrôle la peur des gens devient le maître de leurs âmes. -Nicolas Machiavel

•Je n'ai pas la force, tout petit individu que je suis, de m'opposer à l'énorme machine totalitaire du mensonge, mais je peux au moins faire en sorte de ne pas être un point de passage du mensonge. -Alexandre Soljenitsyne

•Les hommes n'étant pas dotés des mêmes capacités, s'ils sont libres ils ne seront pas égaux, et s'ils sont égaux c'est qu'ils ne sont pas libres. -Alexandre Soljenitsyne

•Nous savons qu'ils mentent. Ils savent qu'ils mentent. Ils savent que nous savons qu'ils mentent. Nous savons qu'ils savent que nous savons qu'ils mentent. Et pourtant, ils persistent à mentir. -Alexandre Soljenitsyne

•Un Homme sans culture ressemble à un zèbre sans rayure. -Proverbe africain

•Le mensonge donne des fleurs mais pas de fruits. -Ghandi

•Il vaut mieux être un lion solitaire qu'un mouton populaire.

•La plus petite des actions vaudra toujours mieux que la plus grande des intentions.

•Si tu ne te bats pas pour ce que tu veux, ne pleure pas pour ce que tu perds.

•Life is a fight of everyday, every struggle in your life has shaped you into the person you are today. Be thankful for the hard times, they can only make you stronger, never forget that!
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Life goes on | La vie continue
Greetings, stranger ! // Infos here ⬇️
Salut / Hello / доброе утро / Buenos días :WhiteWolfInterset:

:steamsalty:If the sudden and irresistible urge comes to you to insult, to be toxic for no reason, then I advise you to make an appointment with the psychologist so that you can express all your anger and frustration where it will help.. Enjoy life, we only have one. :l_o_l:

⚠️I'm not often online on steam right now because i have a lot of things to solve irl. I am going through a difficult period and I do not have as much pleasure and time to use steam as before. So please don't get mad if i do not answer to your message everytime or if i accept your friend request very late. I may be offline for a long time. Sorry by advance :Beds: ⚠️

- Hey! Here are some important things you need to know before you add me:

:red_pointer: I do not accept private profiles :nonono:
:red_pointer: I'm not selling anything or trading, sorry.
:red_pointer: Before adding me, tell me why in comment at the risk of your request being ignored. I am very vigilant because of the many thieves, scammers, bots and morons who tried in vain to deceive me or waste my time.

:red_pointer: I do not rp, sorry :TrashPizza:
:red_pointer: French baguettes are actually nightsticks
:red_pointer: Water is wet and fire burns... YOU DIDN'T KNOW THAT HUH?!
:red_pointer: I like to imagine myself imagining that i imagine about me imaginging that i imagine.
:red_pointer: Crazy people don't know they're crazy. I know i'm crazy, therefore i'm not crazy, isn't that crazy?
:red_pointer: I have done nothing but teleport bread for three days :D
:red_pointer: Okay have a nice day

:red_pointer: What did you expected to see here? Dummkopf! :60sted: :demoticon:

About me :

I'm just a guy from eastern France who love nature, gaming, to draw, to write, photography, listen to music, and subjects as politic, sociology and philosophy :WhiteWolfInterset:

I started to play video games when I was around 7 years old, I've always been a fan of Nintendo games, especially Super Mario which was the first game i played! Now i mostly play on PC but also on Nintendo switch and 3DS. :LostEmberWolf:

There was a time, I was doing a lot of posing on Gmod and SFM, but over time I got tired of it even if I keep doing it from time to time. I now practice other art forms such as drawing and writing.

But one of my greatest passion are animals, especially wild cats that are graceful and fascinating predators. :cheshire:

Otherwise, I really like listening to music. It’s one of the best ways I know to relax, it allows me to escape a bit and think a bit more positive. It motivates and it inspires me when I write or draw. It also sometimes makes me realize that life is better than we think and that we don’t enjoy it enough. My favorite music genre are New wave, Rock, Pop rock, Synthpop, etc (moslty songs from the 80s) but my tastes are quite varied, i listen to a little of everything depending of the day or my mood!

I’m not really extraverted, I’m more of a loner, but loneliness doesn’t mean suffering for me, on the contrary, it means peace and tranquility. Therefore, I'm not the super chatty type but sometimes i like to discuss a little bit more, it depends of my mood, but of course I don’t mind making friends sometimes, meeting cool people with whom I share centers of interest :lionsmile:

Friends :CatHapi:

:woodlehappy: Very friendly people:
:winter2019joyfultearsdog: Zmanandtails
:winter2019joyfultearsdog: BlazeTheCat02
:winter2019joyfultearsdog: ShadowScar
:winter2019joyfultearsdog: Jully
:winter2019joyfultearsdog: Kiara

Musics 🎶🤘

- Some sounds i love :CatKira: :

New Order - True Faith
The Beatles - Let it be
John Lennon - Imagine
Oasis - Live Forever
Oasis - Wonderwall
Oasis - Don't go away
Scorpions - Still loving you
The Police - Every breath you take
Roxette - Listen to your heart
Duran Duran - Ordinary world
Europe - The final countdown
Tears for fears - Everybody wants to rule the world
Depeche mode - Enjoy the silence
TOTO - Africa
Flashdance - Maniac
U2 - With or without you
Kavinsky - Nightcall
Daft Punk - Veridis Quo
Keane - Somewhere only we know
Procol Harum - A whiter shade of pale
Bryan Adams - Everything i do i do it for you
Keane - Everybody's changing
Queen - I want to break free
Nik Kershaw - Wouldn't it be good
Scarface - Push it to the limit
Pitbull - Feel this moment

Inspiration and motivation :UltimateStar:

•"Some believe that it is only a great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have discovered. I found it is the small things, the everyday actions of ordinary people that preserve us from evil. Simple acts of kindness and love."
•"There is a part of light and shadow in each of us. What counts is the one we choose to show in our choices."
•"There are two days when nothing can be done. They are called YESTERDAY and TOMORROW. For the moment, TODAY is the ideal day to love, believe, do and mainly live."
•"Strength does not come from physical abilities; it comes from an indomitable will."
•"To be happy is not to have a perfect life, it is to cling to joy and recognize that life is worth it in spite of difficulties."
•"I never lose, either i win or i learn."
•"Learn to write your wounds in the sand and to engrave your joys in the stone."
•"A journey of a thousand leagues always begins with a first step."
•"Tears are words of the heart that the mouth is incapable of saying."
•"Life is a mystery to be lived and not a problem to be solved."

Thanks for reading everything!

I put ketchup in my spaghetti... What? You got a problem with that? U WANNA FIGHT LUIGI?!
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I really wanted to make her blink and here it is. Original art by SPIRIT FIRE.
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L'ange gardien tricolore de Los Santos
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4,898 Hours played
The first game i ever played on PC, and the best i ever played since this moment. I was immediately fascinated by this singular universe that is the world of tf2, few games had such a lifetime with such a level of attendance. It is a very good game from my point of view. It offers a very wide choice of weapons and cosmetics that sometimes make this games more a kind of hat simulator. The nine characters are great and original (personally i prefer the soldier and the engineer). Plenty of map are available with all their interesting side and theme and an atmosphere that I love personally. I really like the mod Mann vs Machine but i find that the casual has become less intersting than before and totally unbalanced. Otherwise, i love tf2 and I recommend this game for people who know how to stay calm ;)
I would like to add the fact that i've never laughed so much in a game (game that also made me freak out often, if we exclude UNO and Getting Over It of course lol), this is also why i like it a lot! It’s so sad to see that valve leaves TF2 abandonned, I hope they will react quickly because this is just unacceptable. There hasn’t been a real big update in years! Anyway I’ll stay until the end hoping it won’t happen before long. There will never be anything as powerful and friendly as the Kazotsky kick, so let’s dance maggots while it lasts !
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Horizon's call
DreamCast Chaos Husky 7 Feb @ 6:26pm 
Awoooo~ I hope things get better for yous
- ̗̀ Lu. ̖́- 22 May, 2024 @ 12:33am 
A real cat-astrophe, huh?
How purr-plexing.
You could even say it's amewsing.
I won't apawlogise for the apawling puns though.
At least you'll know I'm not kitten around when I call the local claw enforcement.

Purrhaps I just needed an excuse to get these cat puns out of my head
DreamCast Chaos Husky 2 Jan, 2024 @ 8:05am 
Rioma 15 Nov, 2023 @ 2:11am 
Vive le pain et le camembert
Gangly Dangler 9 Sep, 2023 @ 7:46pm 
Also I failed to read you don't do trading or selling so I apologize. I got added by an impersonator and was able to nail down the details so they didn't get away with it.
Gangly Dangler 9 Sep, 2023 @ 6:42pm 
Hey man I apologize for the sudden add. You got an unusual I've been searching for and would like to know if you're willing to part with it for either cash or items like keys. Saying no is an option so don't feel pressured or anything.