fuck cunt
Jack   Australia
Even a clock that does not work is right twice a day. ~Polish Proverb

raiN u beast <3

10:47 PM - LusT.raiN^6`: that chick is a hawty
10:47 PM - モcl1pseh@NEW OCE <3: thats my mum
10:47 PM - モcl1pseh@NEW OCE <3: ....

ah ily A.G

11:14 PM - Smok'd | A.G <3: 8:10 AM - モcl1pseh@trialing for synergy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQA6vpc327s HERE IT IS ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ NEW EDIT 100% SONY VEGAS AS USUAL
8:10 AM - Smok'd | A.G <3: I DONT WANT IT
8:10 AM - Smok'd | A.G <3: GTFO
8:11 AM - モcl1pseh@trialing for synergy: ^
8:11 AM - Smok'd | A.G <3: The only good thing about this
8:11 AM - Smok'd | A.G <3: Is the appropriate title.
8:12 AM - モcl1pseh@trialing for synergy: ^ ikr
8:12 AM - モcl1pseh@trialing for synergy: im worst in aus
8:12 AM - モcl1pseh@trialing for synergy: /world
8:12 AM - Smok'd | A.G <3: Nope.
8:12 AM - Smok'd | A.G <3: Universe shat you out because you were so bad.
8:12 AM - モcl1pseh@trialing for synergy: universe
8:12 AM - モcl1pseh@trialing for synergy: ^
8:12 AM - モcl1pseh@trialing for synergy: LOL
8:12 AM - Smok'd | A.G <3: You were such a bad editor, the universe said man get the ♥♥♥♥ out of existence.
8:12 AM - Smok'd | A.G <3: Your reality is a pain in my asside.
8:12 AM - モcl1pseh@trialing for synergy: ikr i sill have the email
8:13 AM - Smok'd | A.G <3: And like a fat kid with diarrhea, you went plop from the universe's anus.

u miirin?

10:25 PM - Hogs :D: sony vegas
10:25 PM - Hogs :D: so can i come down sat and finish edit
10:25 PM - Hogs :D: pls ? <3
10:25 PM - ┌П┐(⌣́_⌣̀)┌П┐ モ cl1pseh 2.0: im out
10:25 PM - ┌П┐(⌣́_⌣̀)┌П┐ モ cl1pseh 2.0: work :/
10:25 PM - Hogs :D: ok what about
10:25 PM - Hogs :D: tomorrow
10:25 PM - ┌П┐(⌣́_⌣̀)┌П┐ モ cl1pseh 2.0: sporting commitmentssssss brah
10:25 PM - Hogs :D: sunday?
10:25 PM - ┌П┐(⌣́_⌣̀)┌П┐ モ cl1pseh 2.0: party
10:25 PM - ┌П┐(⌣́_⌣̀)┌П┐ モ cl1pseh 2.0: lol
10:25 PM - Hogs :D: ♥♥♥♥
10:26 PM - Hogs :D: why do u always
10:26 PM - Hogs :D: have to have
10:26 PM - Hogs :D: a social lifew
10:26 PM - ┌П┐(⌣́_⌣̀)┌П┐ モ cl1pseh 2.0: ^


10:14 PM - Raid` E z a a h `: why do you watch gay porn?
10:14 PM - ┌П┐(⌣́_⌣̀)┌П┐ @ ツ: im in it? :)


10:30 PM - RapiD.Ecl1pseh ツ #ea: hoyl ♥♥♥♥ u there
10:30 PM - RapiD.Ecl1pseh ツ #ea: i found vest website veerrr
10:30 PM - RapiD.Ecl1pseh ツ #ea: everrr*
10:31 PM - eGN || Spike: ok
10:31 PM - RapiD.Ecl1pseh ツ #ea: www.fingerslam.com
10:31 PM - RapiD.Ecl1pseh ツ #ea: best website ever
10:31 PM - eGN || Spike: wow ♥♥♥♥
10:32 PM - eGN || Spike: you're ♥♥♥♥

10:32 PM - RapiD.Ecl1pseh ツ #ea: ROFL
10:32 PM - RapiD.Ecl1pseh ツ #ea: u click it?
10:32 PM - eGN || Spike: only because I thought you were being mature
10:32 PM - eGN || Spike: obvs not

Currently Offline
fuck cunt 19 Apr, 2012 @ 6:00am 
ye ye buddeh i would be happiest person aliveee
PC방 18 Apr, 2012 @ 6:12am 
So stoned ♥♥♥♥ man...aw ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥, hella ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 666 od future bro. Smoke w33d everyday. Legalize crystal w33333d!
cnnr 19 Mar, 2012 @ 2:01pm 
its gonna keep happening !!!!
cnnr 19 Mar, 2012 @ 2:01pm 
I Know Quite alot About You and im sure you know who i am !!!!
A.G HMPH! <3 27 Feb, 2012 @ 5:26am 
Submachine spray downs, I'm still God, always have been, always will be, like they never will be like they never were, don't believe me? Your mother will concur.

sucrose 18 Feb, 2012 @ 6:42am 
Unhappy with the New youtube layout? Sign this petition and stop it! Spread the word! at 10,000 Google will consider it! http://www.change.org/petitions/youtube-allow-this-new-channel-design-to-be-optional#