Dragoneye [TGG]
Max   Weiz, Steiermark, Austria
The smith answers only to God, for his hands repair His body.

-Builder Robert Bumaro
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The Golden Guardian - Public Group
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Worlds Adrift
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507 Hours played
A great start vor newcomers to the charge with good graphics, quests on every difficulty level and overall a great game experience that you can enjoy with your friends.
PS. There are also many updates and new content coming regularly. So keep on fighting and sharpening your hammers.
Screenshot Showcase
Like a cwuwew angew,
ung boy, become the wegend! OwO
a bwuwe wind is now
knocking at the doow to uw heawt, and yet
u awe mewewy gazing at me
and smiwing.
something gentwy touwching--
u'we so intent on seeking it ouwt,
that u can't even see uw fate yet,
with suwch innocent eyes.
buwt someday i think u'ww find ouwt
that what's on uw back
awe wings that awe fow
heading fow the faw-off fuwtuwwe.
the cwuwew angew's thesis
wiww soon take fwight thwouwgh the window,
with suwwging, hot pathos,
if u betway uw memowies.
embwacing this sky and shining,
ung boy, become the wegend! OwO
sweeping fow a wong time
in the cwadwe of my wove
the mowning is coming when u awone wiww be cawwed
by a messengew of dweams.
moonwight wefwects off
the nape of uw swendew neck.
stopping time aww thwouwghouwt the wowwd
i want to confine them, buwt...
so if two peopwe being bwouwght togethew by fate
has any meaning,
i think that it is a "bibwe"
fow weawning fweedom.
the cwuwew angew's thesis.
the sowwow then begins.
youw hewd tight to the fowm of wife
when u woke uwp fwom that dweam.
youw shine bwightew than anyone ewse.
youwng boy, become the wegend! OwO
peopwe cweate histowy
whiwe weaving wove.
even knowing i'ww nevew be a goddess ow anything wike that,
i wive on.
the cwuwew angew's thesis
wiww soon take fwight thwouwgh the window,
with suwwging, hot pathos,
if u betway uw memowies.
embwacing this sky and shining,
ung boy, become the wegend! OwO

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This group is made up of followers of the Church Of The Broken God.
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392 hrs on record
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402 hrs on record
last played on 13 Mar
3.5 hrs on record
last played on 13 Mar
Mundi 24 Aug, 2024 @ 12:59pm 
Best bro of all time
Shadicals 30 Jun, 2023 @ 11:02am 
+rep Clean profile, clean record, checks out in my books.