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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 722.0 hrs on record (461.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: 14 Jul, 2017 @ 4:23pm

Early Access Review
What can I say about Brawlhalla? Fun and entertaining as long as you're playing with your friends and not going to play rankeds to get the highest rank on the leaderboard while using experience from any other fighting game. I'll be talking mainly about mechanics and the game in terms of competitive, ranked matches.

Someone metioned it already, but I just have to write about this. Dodges and wall camping are mechanics that basically hinder the pleasure that can come from playing this game. Dodges are meant to allow you to be invincible for one attack and to have a big cooldown. However, it doesn't work like that in a practice. People found a lot of ways to give themselves low cooldowns on dodges, making them invulnerable to most of the attacks and all of what they'll be doing is staying passive for the whole match and punishing you for the approach. Wall-camping is another thing that can raise your frustration to the level where it's twice the size of Canis Majoris (google it up). I take a guess that most of the people will think I'm talking about people camping on the edge of the platform just to finish the enemy when they come nearby the wall of a platform. Well, if you're one of those people, you're wrong. Wall-campers are people that hold on to the wall like their life depends on it. They'll be annoying with you by standing on the platform for less than a second just to come back. Before it was even worse because they didn't have to stand on the platform because the wall was all they needed to recover the jumps, dodges and recovery attacks, but one update forced wall-campers to start standing on the platform, but it's still not enough to fight this plague.

However, there's a glimpse of hope for ranked matches. Developers are working on new mechanic and changing the existing one. Dashes are going to be introduced and dodges strongly nerfed. Dodges will have bigger cooldown and the duration of it. Apart from that, there won't be anything like momentum dodge (dodge that can be done right after landing a hit or when running full speed) and because of that, chain dodges (series of momentum dodges that can be done by pressing dodge button shortly before the finish of the first or second dodge) are also going to disappear. In place of them, dashes are going to be introduced and, hopefully, it will punish the passive-floating people from doing so.

Unless you want to play rankeds like me and spend some time (read: 463 hours) playing it just because none of your friends wants to play with you, I recommend it to you! It is perfect when you want to play with your friends, gaming part of the family or FFA because there's almost no possibility you're going to meet people that will be passive.
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76561199768168251 5 Sep, 2024 @ 10:40pm 
Wow,your review is on point! So much info and thought put into it. I'm seriously impressed. Keep it up! 💖👏