Au milieu d'un monde des ruines
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Quote that illustrates my journey and spirit, and more
« Nous sommes aujourd’hui au milieu d’un monde de ruines. Et la question qu’il faut se poser est celle-ci : existe-t-il encore des hommes debout parmi ces ruines ? Et que doivent-ils faire, que peuvent-ils encore faire ? »
J.E., Orientations

Today we find ourselves in the midst of a world in ruins. The problem to pose is, do men on their feet still exist in the midst of these ruins? And what must they do, what can they still do?

Interests: philosophy (e.g. metaphysics, perennialism), sedevacantism (traditional Catholicism), classical art forms (e.g. baroque music), history, analogue photography, writing, anything that stimulates and is wholesome for the soul. Notice it doesn't say gaming and indeed I barely play anything (modern). For good reason.
Review Showcase
Played on last patch
Old and new bugs persist
Old issues were never fixed
Follower since the Kickstarter campaign

Un(der)delivered promises
Technically executed like a mess, unpolished
Iffy "realism"
Underwhelming story
Will test your nerves due to bugs and awkward game design

This game is tainted by bugs, broken game design, bad writing and undelivered promises so it needed a lot more dev time, testing and features that were cut or passed up on. The main quest isn't really finished and can get bugged. When it came out, it simply wasn't acceptable for release and still has problems. This game also looked better and more impressive during development. They didn't quite deliver the game they advertised. Because of all this, I have to give this game a thumbs down. Your playthrough may be ruined again and again because of corrupted saves, game breaking bugs or the save system itself. Old bugs persist, patches continued to introduce new bugs. The devs don't communicate and ignore the issues. The DLC are short, disappointing and their development took precedence over fixing the game.

The bad:
  • Bugs for days. Broken main and side quests. Broken crime and reputation system. Broken AI and pathfinding. Graphical glitches. Corrupted save games. Silent stealth kills aren’t actually silent. Henry randomly rockets into space. Broken combat. Broken encounters. Sound bugs or no sound at all. Henry can run up a steep mountain but not a flight of stairs. Horrible physics. Eternal loading screens. Too many bigger and smaller issues to mention to be honest. Many restarts forced upon me that didn't solve anything.

  • On performance, terribly optimized. Long freezes, crashes. Vávra admitted himself the higher graphical quality options were added in a hurry, untested and he said they didn’t anticipate PC CPUs handling the game badly “because at least it runs well on PS4” which is why the game runs badly.

  • Obvious missing features that should have been in a Medieval open world RPG with survival and simulation elements: lances on horseback (somehow never seriously considered during development but there are bouche shields and cuirasses with explicit lance hooks), trampling enemies by horse, crossbows (cancelled), hand cannon (never considered), more attention for pole-arms and shield usage (advanced features for both cut even when there’s a skill tree that can still be unlocked with mods), actual horse armor to fill the conspicuously empty body armor slot and in a game where food is important, why can’t we even give our horse an apple? Horses are high maintenance but not according to the game's "realism" (to reinforce this point, the unbearable dog from DLC does take food). Smithing was cut even when your character is a blacksmith. An inventory search function and more sorting options. Proper endings to storylines including the main quest. Donating to beggars. A PDF manual to explain the convoluted mechanics.

  • Seems they seriously decimated the big battles that were supposed to be in the game and towns have been depopulated. This is the most obvious of all features of the game they'd advertised differently. Most people, including noble protagonists, don't even have families or courtiers depicted!

  • As a sandbox game it's terribly flawed. Patches broke encounters so the world is dead or just even more bugged.
    So-called interesting sites and other marked locations rarely have something nice in them. Combat arenas and other conspicuous locations serve no purpose and suggest cut content (some of this was confirmed to be paid DLC).
    Timed quests urge you to hurry without properly enjoying the world.

  • The save system. You can’t save whenever you like as with the ribbons in Resident Evil, but here you get schnapps which makes you drunk. It was wonderful at first because it forces you to accept your choices and play naturally. But the fun is gone when the bugs start mounting up and hours of progress are lost. Tough if you've got a real life.
    All considered, this means the game doesn't respect my time.

  • Did the combat really have to be lock-on? I find it’s a matter of “press Q to win”. Fighting becomes a circle dance and it clearly doesn’t work when fighting a lot of enemies.
    Patches broke combat AI and advanced combat moves.
    Unnecessary slow motion and sound effects.
    There's a lot of artificial difficulty by adding far too much input lag, an RNG element and stamina affects the AI differently.
    Enemies often just stand still when shot with arrows, sometimes they don't turn around when flanked and getting stabbed in the back.

  • On bad writing, a really sore point:

    1. They should have written Henry differently. The game sees him as a joker, a rascal who is ultimately a 'good' boy. Imagine you want to play as a stoic, very masculine and strong character like Guts in Berserk or Geralt in The Witcher. It doesn't work. His whole personality and morality are predetermined in dialogue which makes for an inconsistent role-playing experience. Skills don't add to the experience and everyone becomes the same character because of the gameplay and lack of possibilities. You have to RP Henry according to WH's arbitrary and tight limits. He also has no development arc.
    Henry's final face makes him look 30+ though he's an adolescent.

    2. Despite multiple solutions to quests and encounters and different playing styles being a major selling point, the game often is equally or more linear than most of the other RPGs in recent years. For example, criminal quest givers can be obeyed but usually not reported. When you can it's inconsistent.
    The main quest is written with such urgency in mind that it should be approached pretty linearly or things go wrong. The second half is of worse quality as if WH ran out of time and money. The story falls apart with a major twist which is then immediately brushed aside and never mentioned again.
    The preference of cinematics over gameplay adds to the feeling of being railroaded. Again, it takes role-playing, even just reacting to events away from you.
    Simply too many fetch quests.
    Timed quests were weirdly and inconsistently implemented.

    3. Sadly the game insists on Henry being an idiot when you win. Sometimes there are no cutscenes or rewards for objectively doing well.

    4. Despite the fact this is an RPG, you can’t decide on your own religious or political allegiance in a sufficiently meaningful way. The upcoming Hussite uprising is strongly felt here, but what if I strongly feel the current clergy and less decadent feudal lieges are in the right?
    It would surprise me that peasants have strong feelings in favour of Wenceslas since historically he was one of the most decadent and cruel medieval monarchs. They’re trying to portray him as “their” "good" Bohemian king while he had as much or as little to do with Bohemia as Sigismund or any monarch of the same dynasty who was half or fully Germanic, spent a lot of time in Italy and was brought up in France.
    I can only conclude this happens because this mostly Czech developer team is (otherwise rightfully) proud of their national heritage, twisting the facts a bit too much in their own favour.
    Catholicism is treated as a parody even if the intention is to stay true to medieval "realism".

    5. It's a flat good vs bad story with boring antagonists. The main characters feel like they're from a sitcom, sometimes slightly dumb but "good" characters cracking jokes.

  • Despite having improved since the beta, the animations and voice acting are mostly comically bad and some conversations feel ahistorical.

  • Patching mostly stopped in 2019 except for DLC updates despite being necessary. Fixes won't ever come.
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Anna 2 May, 2022 @ 9:31pm 
1349 18 Jul, 2021 @ 1:06pm 
No Hands No Cookies

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Lou 22 Jun, 2020 @ 7:09pm 
Sending the bestest vibes over to you, keep being you and keep being awesome! :mkanvil:
17 Jun, 2019 @ 4:00pm 
+Rep importent person
Au milieu d'un monde des ruines 16 Feb, 2019 @ 11:18am 
Thank you :O I just want people to know we're all together in this
JurajSK98 16 Feb, 2019 @ 11:11am 
+rep great forum and discussions contributor