Tomáš   Slovakia
Currently Offline
I know it ain't gonna be no easy ride
And what doesn't kill you makes you stronger
But I'm running outta places I can hide
And every day, it's like the nights get longer
When I close my eyes, yeah, the waves get higher
And the flames get hotter
So I'm asking myself 'cause I can't tell
If this is hell or just high water

Is the tide gonna turn, or will it keep on rising?
And is it all gonna burn out or strike like lightning?
'Cause I'm fighting and I'm just
Hanging on to any thread of hope
Wondering if I should just let go
'Cause it's killing me to just keep on climbing
Looking for a silver lining
A.B.bby 27 Feb @ 11:06am 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ come and go, brah
But you know I stay
+rep bro
OFFI_SK 7 Apr, 2023 @ 6:19am 
Looks like those days ended monts ago..
te⎝ 𝒩𝑒𝓀𝑜 ⎠te 20 Jul, 2022 @ 3:16pm 
+rep, he is still getting pegged to this very day
te⎝ 𝒩𝑒𝓀𝑜 ⎠te 7 Feb, 2021 @ 9:20am 
_____################## +PEG#######________
L33tCrusader 27 Nov, 2020 @ 12:37pm 
Tvůj profil se mi zdál málo mužný, tak sem ti sehnal recept na kuře pro chlapy.


Kuřecí prsa
12 lžic pomerančového džusu
6 lžic sojové omáčky
6 lžic medu
sambal oliek nebo chilli omáčka
sezamový olej
česnek, zázvor
hladká mouka


Prsa obalíme v hladké mouce. Pomerančový džus, sojovou omáčku, česnek, med, sambal oliek a zázvor smícháme v pekáči. Vložíme prsa a pečeme v troubě dvacet minut. Podáváme s rýží.
KazisvetSK 23 Nov, 2020 @ 4:04am 
+rep dobry trader :)) diiky