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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 138.3 hrs on record (125.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 30 Oct, 2014 @ 4:05am

I was always a huge fan of the Civ games and when Civ5 came out I was all over it, drooling on the counter in my local game stop and almost ran home. Any that's where my happiness with Civ5 ended because I found I could not save my Off-Line game. So after some time of hunting the web for a fix and not finding one that would work for me I un-instaled with the intention of waiting for a patch.
Well after a year I reinstalled and the Base game now saved but then I bought the DLC and the issue has returned.

What can I say about a game I loved? I can say dont by the DLC and expect it to work maybe some will but not all of it or maybe I just did not find the fix (and I tried all the ones I could find).

I recomend the Base Game alone! but not the DLC
Bye DLC at your own risk!
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