We Know Better. [W.K.B.]
We Know Better. [W.K.B.]
1 May, 2009
ABOUT We Know Better.

We Know Better

People in this groupe are against:

Rasism, Violence, Sexism, Homofobia, bullying, etc.... Those mentioned are just a few of the things we experience or see almost every day within our different communities.

The point is that we come to realize that hate only leads to hate.
And that wasteing time/energy on feeling hate is just not our thing realy.
Got better things to waste time on.

Most of the hate that exist in the world are pure stupidity and based on ignorance / (lack of knowledge) / religion etc...
Not on well founded grounds that may be used as concret fact without bouncing back at yourself.

- You can't love everyone, but categorizing and seeing everyone as the same person based on stereotypes is not cool -

- Before you judge someone else, look at your self. Everyone has their own problems -

People, stop wasteing your precious time here on earth hateing people for your diffrences, those are what makes each and one of you unique.

Try this:
When you walk into a store, smile and buy a soda/cookie (anything) and be nice towards the person on the other side of the desk and they will 99% give you a smile back :)

It's not rocket science to make other people smile or give them a good day at work or out in public.

This group are not directed mainly towards sexuality as some thinks, but just simple "hate" in any for, it can to show that you don´t enjoy seeing that kid in school beeing bullyed for beeing to fat, or having something else that others wont accept in our "cookie cut mordern world of perfectionism"

I can personally say I know better then to spread hate or jump on a bandvagon to make someone or some people feel bad. I´m a grown adult, and a smart one as well.
Can you?
Invite your friends!
120 Members !!!!
Beyonce55 6 May, 2018 @ 4:16pm 
hate is wack yo
Hydrostatic 13 Oct, 2017 @ 2:05pm 
♥♥♥♥♥♥ peruvians
But Whole 7 May, 2012 @ 6:38pm 
Great group :)
Mister Devil söker jobb 1 Mar, 2011 @ 12:42pm 
banning Akro2000 from this group due to spamming links that steals peoples passwords.
[CY] Kokos 29 Jan, 2011 @ 6:52pm 
i agree with zilak.. i d like to add that in older times there were wars between christians and muslims and even nowdays countries have problems with religious people etc. Nigeria christians kill muslims and vice verca. but i do know that there are really good religious people that just want peace... take care
Mister Devil söker jobb 28 Jan, 2011 @ 7:21am 
I see hanya found how to join the groupe and Jake, thats not true at all.
most people who are "Atheists" simply just dont care and dont wanna be botherd by people who are "super religious" but respects them untill they go to far.. (not saying everyone, but most does)
There exists extreme characters within all religions and non-religions, thats something that you cant avoid, Altho Im pretty sure that the most agressive people are found within people who believes in a god or gods.
There exists far to manny examples of that then "extreme hate people who belives in a god" people. (to be honest Ive not heard of any directtly.
"non-religious groups" maybe are not at all same as an avredge atheist.
I'd by more carefull with the words there then putting everyone together as one.
I know my gramar is not 100% the best at all times, but then again it's decent enough to get my points out and I'm happy with that.
Enter chat room
1 May, 2009