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TacticalRD Community TRDcommunity
4 April, 2010
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TRD Is gone, Once again

As many of you know, TRD is dead, again.

This is mainly due to Spook, and Marcus. They are inexperianced with managment, and had no place being in charge.

I was able to keep the servers running at a decent speed, only with the help of my various addons. Marcus, specificly lead to me being Kicked from TRD, and all my addons, that kept the server running with minimal lag, where deleted.

Marcus got jelous that I was better then him, and was scared by my knowledge on the workings of the server. That said I made TRD what it was, and it died without me.

Marcus, also banned another TRD member, and gave the ban the reason of my Steam Name, This got me kicked from TRD. Lets look at the email I got saying WHY I was kicked.

Grimston We have made a decision to remove you from TRD for a number of reasons you do really nothing for the clan you dont participate or help organise we never see you on teamspeak you dont post a great deal on the forums for the position you were holding admin abuse (banning TRD members from our own servers) we didnt want it to come to this but you leave us with no choice Spook General Tactical Response Division

I Do nothing? RPG Addon, for starters. Maintence of the server, keeping it running.
I dont participate or help organise? I wonder how many people remembering me help run those stupid games
never on team speak? Unlike some people I WORK not get handouts for being high on drugs...
forums.... There was nothing to post on the stupid thing!
Admin abuse, Yeah I abused admin a little (Spook also did, Muting people for saying he was wrong about something, childish...) But how often did a hacker join the server and cause problems, I join and they run for the hills!

AND ontop of all that, I then hear they blamed me for there server crashing after I left.... what babies.

In anycase another RPG server is running on the following IP:
TRD Is DEAD, Yet again.
Grimston We have made a decision to remove you from TRD for a number of reasons you do really nothing for the clan you dont participate or help organise we never see you on teamspeak you dont post a great deal on the forums for the position you were holding admin abuse (banning TRD members from our own servers) we didnt want it to come to this but you leave us with no choice Spook General Tactical Response Division

I Do nothing? RPG Addon, for starters. Maintence of the server, keeping it running.
I dont participate or help organise? I wonder how many people remembering me help run those stupid games
never on team speak? Unlike some people I WORK not get handouts for being high on drugs...
forums.... There was nothing to post on the stupid thing!
Admin abuse, Yeah I abused admin a little (Spook also did, Muting people for saying he was wrong about something, childish...) But how often did a hacker join the server and cause problems, I join and they run for the hills!

AND ontop of all that, I then hear they blamed me for there server crashing after I left.... what babies.

In anycase another RPG server is running on the following IP:

TRD servers are back up and running.
Grimston 11 Sep, 2015 @ 9:15pm 
Thanks Seldom, Glad to know someone appreciated what I did :P
seldom 22 Jul, 2015 @ 7:49am 
Lol.. Grimston was the best... You are the only decent person who had any kind of authority in TRD.
NoOpen 2 Jul, 2015 @ 4:47pm 
Long time no talk
Xavmorn 20 Jun, 2013 @ 12:18am 
if anyone is looking for a CSS RPG Server:
NodYarB 24 Jan, 2012 @ 12:33am 
hey whenever i play the wcs the bots often get stuck and dont move is there a way to stop that?
pandabareee 23 Jan, 2012 @ 10:00pm 
wow hey guys its me boose havnt been on in years
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4 April, 2010