TGS Blood Bowl Fan Group TGS BB Fans
TGS Blood Bowl Fan Group TGS BB Fans
13 March, 2013
United States 
ABOUT TGS Blood Bowl Fan Group

The Home of Seriously Fun Bloodbowl Action

Welcome to our Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition group! We are EU and NA only. Sorry Aussies, Kiwies and people in the Asian countries

For questions not answer by the following text be sure to ask either myself (icbpenguin) or Betaman

The SOPs (standard operating procedures) for most things

Group rules
a.First you are going to have add me and Betaman as friends on Steam
b.There is no early quitting or disconnecting from games allowed
i. If you do this you will get one warning
ii. Do it a second time and you will be removed from the group and any
leagues you are in. I do understand that occassional accidental DCs do happen. Should this happen, contact a commissioner of the league as soon as possible
c. No racist or homophobic slurs allowed. Especially not in the team name or player names.

Finding a league
a. New leagues will show up in the discussions page
b. Sign up to league by posting on the corresponding thread for that league
c. Usually this will require you to include your coach name and
race of choice for that league
d. It is also highly recommended that you make sure your names listed in the "Coach Names and Steam IDs" thread in discussions.

Finding your opponent
a. Look up their name in the group. If you find them add them
b. If this fails to work you need to check the Coach Names discussion. In
this there is a list of all the BB coach names and their associated
Steam names.
c. If both of these efforts fail to find the person that you are looking for, then
you ask either me (icbpenguin) or Betaman.

Arranging matches
a. The best way to do is to ask the other person what time of the week
would be good to play your match. Do not use the terrible in game mail
system. Nobody checks it and it has no notifications.
b. Don’t wait for the other person to contact you. Be the initiator because if
you wait then chances are high that the other person will do the same and
then the match won’t ever happen and it’ll be marked 0-0.
c. Generally you should find a two hour long chunk of time in which you are
free to play your game. Games usually last one and a half hours but it Is
good to be safe

Conduct within matches
a. Play to your best ability and don’t forget to have fun! That it is what we
are all here for anyway.
b. If you are new to this you are probably going to lose, a lot. That is
perfectly ok and you'll find you learn a lot more from your losses
than your wins.
c. If you see your opponent making some really simple mistakes then try to help them. This group was made to help other people new to Bloodbowl learn the game. Improving their knowledge of the game will make the matches better for us all.

League rules
a. Leagues are generally 8 teams large
b. Playoffs are 4 teams
c. Ties will be marked 0-0
d. Forfeits are marked 2-0
Polaris Speedbowl
Lovecraft 1 May, 2014 @ 6:24pm 
I just joined this group and was wondering if their is anyone I need to talk to or get approval from? Any help is apprciated!
wilddogs.breakfast 28 Feb, 2014 @ 3:01pm 
Hi Guys, new member here but long standing wider community member and moderator on

hope to play some online in the near future
Von Teckel 24 Sep, 2013 @ 8:31am 
Smoking Tiger. 12 Sep, 2013 @ 9:05am 
Hello guys (and girls ^^), I was wondering if any one here is from the Netherlands and plays BB in RL? I love this game so mutch i wanne buy the miniatures but i would need some people to play with XD
Coor 8 Sep, 2013 @ 12:21am 
Hello all. I just joined this group. I see most leagues are just about finished. My Steam ID is: StrikeburstAZ I just installed BB Chaos Edition. I live on the US West Coast. Arizona and am up late. BB coach name: Strikeburst I'll be looking forward the next season of Leagues.
Seagrave 8 Aug, 2013 @ 1:09pm 
I have sent my friend requests as asked to join this league my coach name is MichaelSea1 i have not come up with a team name but rest aassured it will be awsome and sweeet
Enter chat room
13 March, 2013
United States