Santa Barbara Videogame Club SBVGC
Santa Barbara Videogame Club SBVGC
6 August, 2007
United States 
ABOUT Santa Barbara Videogame Club

Santa Barbara Videogame Club represent. Playin' games and failin' grades.

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TOS(Eng. Ver) 2nd Beta Test Schedule
There is no limit on the number of testers this time!

Posted 2015-10-16 on Tree of Savior Official Site[]

Originally posted by STAFF_JAdmin:
Hello. We are IMCGAMES TOS Team.

We are glad to share with you our 2nd Beta Test Schedule for TOS English Version.

The test will be carried out for one month of period.

We wish to accomplish enhancement on qualities of English translations and receive various feedback on overall contents in the game by updating the game fast enough to catch the latest Korean version throughout the test period.

Furthermore, to accommodate more of our fans to the test, there is no limit on the number of testers this time.

The detailed schedule is as follows.

All Dates and Times are based on Eastern Standard Time (NA).
EDT will be applied until Oct 31st and EST will be applied from Nov 1st.

1) Test Schedule

Tuesday, October 27, 2015, 03:00 AM (EDT) ~ Thursday, November 25, 2015, 23:00 PM (EST)

2) Server Operating Hours and Maintenance

24 Hours
Maintenance: Every Tuesday 01:00 AM ~ 05:00 AM (4 Hours)

3) Registration and Deadline

Register through [Register for 2nd Beta Test] Button on TOS homepage

Registration Period: After the announcement of this notice ~ Monday, October 19, 2015, 01:00 AM

The testers who had participated for the 1st Beta Test can use the same keys they had used for the 1st Best Test and do not need to go through the registration process.

4) Requirements and Exceptions

There is no limit on the number of testers so anyone who registers through [Register for 2nd Beta Test] Button on TOS homepage will be selected as Beta Testers.

However, our fans from the countries like Korea, Japan, China and the other countries where we have our local publishers will be excluded from the test. We seek for your kind understanding in advance.

5) Beta-Keys Distribution Schedule

Wednesday, October 21, 2015 ~ Friday, October 23, 2015
Beta Keys will be distributed to your email addresses and you will also be able to check your Beta Keys on TOS homepage.

6) For our github contributors and fan site managers

There will be no limit on the number of testers for our 2nd Beta Test so please register within the registration period.
If you need additional keys after the period, please inquire us via [email protected]

7) Other Information

All data from 1st Beta Test will be reset
All the Rates in the game including EXP/Drop Rates and etc will be based on Korean 3rd CBT.

For more detailed information on test participation and the way to activate your Beta Key, we will notify you again soon.

Thank you.

Ragnarok Online's Spiratual Successor Tree of Savior
PudgyBuns (Adamu) 5 May, 2016 @ 5:01am 
Hey i've made a discord in attempt to bring some vgc members together again.
PudgyBuns (Adamu) 8 Sep, 2015 @ 4:56pm 
Anybody playing ARK? MSG me the info if you play on a server, and if you dont, message me and i'll give you info for a great one!~ :D
PudgyBuns (Adamu) 21 Jul, 2015 @ 7:20pm 
Message me if you want to play something with me some time folks!
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6 August, 2007
United States