Noots' Angels ~N^A~
Noots' Angels ~N^A~
18 March, 2011
ABOUT Noots' Angels

<=RB= Events

This is an offshoot of the group <=RB= Running Backwards.

Members will be added and deleted in order to organise <=RB= group events and matches.

Running Backwards
Suggested Dates for Our Get Together - Please Post Your Availability
Why have you been invited to this group? - MELBOURNE MEET UP
<=RB= AoM Lazyling 29 Aug, 2012 @ 6:31am 
I wish to alter my answer for #8 in light of the Alestorm concert I discovered recently. If our timing goes well, we can plan the trip right around that (all this I've already said), so those of us that are interested (which are mainly Tassie members, I think,) can go.
Syandris 31 May, 2012 @ 1:05am 
1. I probably wouldn't be going if my friend bzerk wasn't going and I don't really know that many other people in the group.

2. Sure if I could afford it and had someone I know personally going or to stay with. I do have a brother in Melbourne so maybe I could stay with him.

3. Probably between December and march? Timing is hard though.

4. If I was to stay with my brother, no otherwise probably yes.

5. I have no problems using cheap airlines as have done so before. The food if any is fine, I like the wine but the movies are bad.

6. Activities would be best for me as I'm not a huge chatty person. I have been to dream world once and I was one of the greatest days ever. I went on all the scary rides, "the Claw" twice. The LAN parties I went to as a teenager are some of my best memories. Having fast food and playing hide and seek in the local park at 10-12pm at night before playing halo till 3am in the morning and doing it all again the next day, good times.
Syandris 31 May, 2012 @ 1:05am 
7. Those ideas all sound good. Anything video game related would be good as well. I am rather prejudice about which video games I like but should be fine learning to enjoy things together. Something else to consider is "we can play video games anytime together" so I guess it would be OK to do non-video game things as well.

8. Never been to a big event before, unsure. I would probably like lots of small events myself.

9. I Most likely won't be able to go as money and time will restrict me here (I'm a super broke student). But if I had my wish and I were able to morph into an eagle at will I would fly over without a care in the world (life would be so much better as an eagle, I wouldn't have to care about stupid moneys). Also I'm not a huge social talker (at all) or outward going person so maybe an event like this would not be my thing. Who knows?
Laz 23 May, 2012 @ 6:49pm 
1. *shrug*

2-5. I live in central Melbourne. So, anything goes. Like Liggy, Eeeeeee!

6. Awesome things to look forward to would be great, but just the ability to put faces to voices and the like would be good too.

7. COFFEEE! No doubt I will drink plenty of it anyway, but Melbourne offers a pretty gentrified cafe experience. It seems to be a local tradition to have no idea what your city has to offer tourists, but I do know for certain that there are plenty of awesome places to eat and drink. I hear that Mana bar is now doing Barcraft, so that could be cool to check out, even if virtually every gamer friend I know who has been there is skeptical of the place.

8. I am not a big convention person. It might be up to you guys to change my opinion.

9. If I think of something, I will probably say it.
<=RB= AoM Lazyling 23 May, 2012 @ 1:03am 
7b. A LAN is the most obvious thing to do. :P I don't mind going out and having fun though. But definitely a LAN at some point.

8. Erm... I think this is asking if we want to meet at a date centred around an event. In that case... Well, if there's a CONvenient event (ie around that time), sure. More money, but hey, this is already an expensive trip.

9. Hmm... Not really.
<=RB= AoM Lazyling 23 May, 2012 @ 1:00am 
1. I can't think of anyone.

2. Of course! I do believe I already said I'm game for it.

3. Anytime throughout 2012/2013 holidays, provided it doesn't run straight over a camp that's... I think late Jan? I can move anything else.

4. Group booking means less work overall for the group. When and how much do you want?

5. I have no idea what planes to take, I've only had brief looks at that. I'll go on whatever the Tassie Team takes.

6. Why not a week? Then we could do a lot of both! (Admittedly accomodation goes right up...)

7. I have one big thing to say here: Wherever we eat out, I demand that place be somewhere that will serve plain food! Preferably it be on the menu. I just get sick of "hearty chicken curry with tomato, potato and your choice of lettuce or cucumber salad". (Note, this isn't a list of stuff I don't like, it's a combination.)
Group Player of the Week:
Enter chat room
18 March, 2011