Clan [NEO] Dedi Server Group NEO_DS
Clan [NEO] Dedi Server Group NEO_DS
14 de Maio de 2010
United States 
SOBRE Clan [NEO] Dedi Server Group

Northern Evacuation Ops Server Profile


Strickly Enforced

Rules of the [NEO] (Northern Evcuation Ops) Server

1.) Play as a team. This game is intended to be a team (Co-Op) game, abandoning your team defeats this aspec, so please don't leave your Crew astray while you avoid the heat racking per points taking onlittle damage due to lack of numbers. Maxed out players in there choosen perk caught doing this will probably be asked to join the group if not kicked as a warning.

2.) Be respectful. Disrespecting The [NEO] members and our guest will if done frequently will be banned. Depending on the seriousness and if the Guest show's frustration will determin if perminate or temporary. Disrespect on players with the [NEO] tag will get you banned for good or at the descretion of the member who was attacked. Some players may feel obligated to mention that they don't care, and that they have there own servers they host to play on. If this approach is take by the offending guest, be assured you will be permabanned, without further notice.

3.) Clan Games will be private and if for some reason there isn't a password on the server you will be banned till the game is done. This will be a put on you if you refuse to allow the clan enough room for members trying to get in. Ban will be removed as soon as the private game is completed. Please don't take offense to this, it will not be treated as a normal ban, but simply to help ensure that all [NEO]members are present and have there designated spots.

these rules are just guidelines to ensure the enjoyment of the game at its fullest, and are put inplace in order to have fun. If a Guest would like to have somewhere to game without being stalked by another from other servers is requested it will be granted if the harrassment is noted repeatidly, but not right away. This sort of request will take many requests to be granted, unless it is witnessed by an administrator, and will not be lifted till the guest requesting the ban asks.

If anyone is for any reason banned who doesn't feel that they deserve it either by Hi-Jacked account or maybe a friend who was on there PC playing at the time, please do your best to explain the situation and you could have the ban lifted untill further notice. Please keep in mind this isn't an offer that is designed to take advantage of, but merely an option available to allow a second chance. Remember who uses your PC is your responcibility, and how your PC is used is also your responcibility. Things happen and this is the only reason this is considered!

Hope you have fun on the servers, and remember play hard, polite, and do what is needed to make the most of it!!


Also for Map downloads;
Look for a link just below in teh Group Description labled as "Get teh Map Pack that holds the majority of the hosted maps"

Clan [NEO] Steam Home Profile
Get teh Map Pack that holds the majority of the hosted maps[]
New Home for COD 4 with a Friendly Clan group that is rebooting as well
Norther Evacuation Ops Voice Channel
46 comentários
[NEO]Flogged U 22 nov. 2020 às 19:59 
Got a Kick ass Host for my Killing Floor 2 Servers. Have a go on them. Sure it is mostly stock now but after I get the portal Bugs worked out, I strong advise only Great Players join. Gotta Keep the noobies out. Here are the IP's use the Open console command to quickly enter the games

It might be in the trackers now but Last I checked they weren't
Server Name is New Haven |NEO| * Pros ONLY

1.) Suicidal Server
2.) Hell on Earth server
[NEO]Flogged U 11 nov. 2020 às 13:26 
We have a New Group to use and all Messages in this Group will be used to forwad to a Discord Group " New Haven "

The Killing Floor Servers Available are below

Killing Floor 2 Server 1

Killing Floor 2 Server 2
Hell On Earth
[NEO]Flogged U 27 abr. 2020 às 0:10 
New Home for COD 4 with a Friendly Clan group that is rebooting as well

See me playing Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare, maybe you should join UP!!

New COD 4 1.7 Server up to use Just open your COD 4 if you have it and add new Server to your favorites
Upon connecting you should get any required Updates installed you will need

Tracker information can be found here
[NEO]Flogged U 20 jul. 2019 às 16:18 
The Server is back up again. Check it out at the IP . There will also be more servers to come Old members encouraged to become active again and TAGGED.

There will be some minor changes and we are planning on registering a Registered Domain to access and post everything. More on this to come. For now there is the Steam Groups and a Forum to use till things get rolling again!!

Join the New Forum up again help us grow again
[NEO]Flogged U 20 nov. 2013 às 12:42 
My Server/s Will be down for a while today while I do maintainance

Will be back up later this evening when I return home
Entrar no chat
14 de Maio de 2010
United States