Killing Floor Weapons Development Team KFWDT
Killing Floor Weapons Development Team KFWDT
31 May, 2010
Torkilon 6 Feb, 2013 @ 12:33pm 
Is this group alive? Or all the comments happen on the forum?
Cyco_Fusion 16 Jun, 2012 @ 12:08pm 
is this group still going??
Raico 16 Nov, 2010 @ 6:48pm 
IM making a tonfa baton right now in 3dsmax in the process of animating at the moment. Will someone help me code it and turn it onto a mutator to get it in game? Im no good with that kind of thing lol :D any help would be greatly appreciated. <3 Next project= A decent sniper for the sharpshooter
Tiktari 37 12 Aug, 2010 @ 12:23am 
Hi, new guy here. I just read KF patch notes about adding new weaps etc, and am about to dl the SDK. I have made a Kukuri in 3ds max recently, and set it up in the UDK with a pretty decent material. I'd like to try adding this knife to killing floor, so.. Can I pretty much just replicate the UDK material? Cube maps supported? Will I need to animate this? Adding bones? Never gotten this far before so yeah. Here's a pic of the Kukuri in the UDK anyway:

Thanks for any pointers!
Switch 29 Jun, 2010 @ 5:47pm 
WOOTcan't wait to get it going bro
Switch 10 Jun, 2010 @ 6:15am 
My latest part of an animation to see in the KFED
Switch 7 Jun, 2010 @ 12:44am 
hello everyone I just got the KF hands exported & fixed up so enjoy
Lv. 122 Goblin 5 Jun, 2010 @ 12:53am 
Hey, just thought I would drop by. I'm not experienced at modeling/animation but I can export/import models/animations from other unreal engine games if you guys need anything.
ZestyMordant 4 Jun, 2010 @ 9:00pm 
Well, Hello there!
I'm technically new to KF, but I want to help making new community content :D
I specializa in modelling, weapons and props.
I use Maya (Which I'm still learning though) but I also handle 3DS Max and Cinema4D.
Hope I can help with anything, and I'll try to get/post new ideas to get some feedbakc on them.
The Senate 3 Jun, 2010 @ 4:32pm 
I'm having a go at modelling an AWM scoped rifle to replace the Xbow, proper British gun, 5 round mag, bolt action.
Switch 2 Jun, 2010 @ 8:14am 
The_Sorrow (a.k.a) The_Sorrow
Level Desogner (Average)
UVMapper (Expert)
Animator (Average)
Modeler (in between Average & Novice)
Programmer (Learning)

I started learning to map & mod since Swat4 was released & KF2.5 mainly, I am learning to code from John Lee/ Yommassis. Ienjoy Golf Tennis & Masturbating but not so much Golf & tennis OH did I mention I love sandwiches?, I use Maya & am learning 3DS MAX & am progressing sssssllllllllloooooooowwwwwwwwwwlllllllyyyyyyyyyyy with Max, I would like to help anyone who needs animations done... although they screw up in the KFED for some reasone, IVAN I need your help!

oh & btw I can get some awesome weapon sounds too & you can see My things at Tripwire on the 3D & animation threads. My only animation specialty is first person, My thread is the New KF weapons & the main stuff is at the last pages & I'm almost complete with the Scar-L ;P
Prod 2 Jun, 2010 @ 8:13am 
OK i can do some really half-ass blender modeling which will come out looking like ♥♥♥♥. I can make a PRETTY decent map, but what i like best is coding.
Yomommassis 2 Jun, 2010 @ 2:05am 
John Lee (a.k.a.) Yomommassis
Programmer (Weapons)
Animator (Novice)

Been around since KF 2.0
I can code weapons into the game via mutator to change starting loadout, change shop inventory, change onmap weapon spawns, and obviously weapon stats, sounds, models, animations, etc.
I'm still new to animating but i know enough to make my own weapons - 3Ds Max

To see some of my work look for my KFIncendiaryMod and KFMeleeModbeta
The Senate 1 Jun, 2010 @ 1:19pm 
btw, could we have a list of all the members and their respective fields and programs?
The Senate 1 Jun, 2010 @ 1:18pm 
Hey Sorrow, when you get a moment I need to speak with you.
Switch 1 Jun, 2010 @ 7:31am 
most AWESOME idea for a group, btw should get more members