Flower Squad ✿FS✿
Flower Squad ✿FS✿
30 March, 2015
ABOUT Flower Squad

Welcome to the 1st Flower Squadron!

Add the admins or join group chat to join our group

Flower Squad is a gaming group that tries to create a safe space for players that share similar interests.

We do events, talk in our discord server and also post on forums.

Some basic rules:
  • No Hate Speech

  • No NSFW

  • No joining to lecture your own view
Important Things:

If you have any issues, or are suffering from any kind of harassment in the group, please contact one of our mods, admins, or the group owner.
Subscribe to notifications in our Discord!
How does it work?

We create a role, let's say "Overwatch", and add you to it. Discord has a feature where you can @Role, for this example, @Overwatch, to notify everyone in that role. So everytime we have something important to share related to overwatch, we would tag @Overwatch, tagging everyone who joined the role, or subscribed to the notifications.

What would be shared under these tags?

It would be limited to only important info like a heavy new update for a game, a new episode for a show or a new development in some sort of proccess.

Who can make new subscriptions?

Well, anyone. If you cook up some kind of interesting thing a bunch of people want to follow and subscribe to, just ask the admins to make a role for it, and you can choose what tagging that includes and who is allowed to use the tag.

Can't wait to see what kind of subscriptions you guys make!

More information about individual roles will appear on here

Join us in Overwatch Open Beta on May 5th-9th!
What is an open beta?

Open beta is basically having the game be open to anyone for a limited period of time for free. You don't need to buy the game to have access to open beta.

Why should you care?

If you haven't been following Overwatch, it is considered to be a pretty good game and maybe even a Team Fortress 2 competitor. It currently costs around 40 dollars to buy the game, so not a lot are interested in buying it. Which is why we are making an Overwatch event to really see if it's worth purchasing. And hey, if you already decided you wish to buy it, this might be your chance to find people to play with!

How do you join?

Before anything else, we highly suggest you get Discord[], a program we use for communicating in and outside of games. It's like skype and teamspeak/mumble combined, but has free servers.

For joining our discord server, information can be found here.

Then you would require to download Battlenet[] to be able to download Overwatch. This is a tool similar to Steam but way smaller, we will explain how to use it more in-depth once you are in our discord server. And of course, you will need to download Overwatch off the program.

Who will join?

Well how about you tell us! Write down in the comments if you are joining the event, and we will be able to notify you of the event personally when it happens.

Wait so what is Overwatch again?


Kirsticat 4 Jul, 2016 @ 5:33pm 
Mialeelay 21 May, 2016 @ 3:08pm 
thank you very much for the invite! everyone feel free to add me and play together :)
Bo 10 May, 2016 @ 10:41pm 
wow can't believe all the women in overwatch are lesbians....what a great game
SpaceKiwi 26 Nov, 2015 @ 4:15am 
cheeseburger 17 Nov, 2015 @ 6:50am 
fallout 4 hittin the group like a train. rip everyone
akropolio ledas 12 Nov, 2015 @ 12:25pm 
Sorry that the group is so innactive, most of us are just playing fallout non stop.