Worldwide United Gamers of the Holy Fast Food Spork Federation -HFFS-
Worldwide United Gamers of the Holy Fast Food Spork Federation -HFFS-
6 December, 2007
ABOUT Worldwide United Gamers of the Holy Fast Food Spork Federation

The federation is HERE! Join now for instant citizenship!

Hello Steam gamers.

"The Holy Fast Food Spork watches over you - I know when you're hacking, I know when youre playing fair. So be the latter and avoid being damned to the inferno of banned gamers." - The Holy Fast Food Spork

Q: What is the WUGHFFSF you ask?

A: The Holy Fast Food Spork Federation (will be called HFFSF for now to make it simple) is a project in steam to see how many steam users we can get to:

FIRST: Join up in this group

SECOND: Encourage FAIR gameplay (thats right... if you join this group, those hacks should come off..)

AND LAST: We are trying to take the STEAM community by storm and take the top listing as the most well-known community group while also being the one that encourages *FAIR* and *RESPECTFUL* gameplay to make the online gaming experience just that much better.

Q: How can I help the WUGHFFSF achieve it's goals?

A: Very simple, once joined in this group, tell your steam friends about us... tell them about what our "mission" is and tell them about the Holy Fast Food Spork. If they like what they hear, tell them to join up with us! Anyone and everyone is welcomed!

If you are not sure how to invite others to join the group it is simple, look them up on your friends list then right-click their name and select "INVITE TO GROUP" then select this group. Done... niiiicceee +1

I guess that about sums this up... if you have any questions about the HFFSF please contact me at:

[email protected]

Thank you!



There once was a small villiage years and years ago, where a simple spork was born from a Mother, who was a spoon, and a father, who was a fork. The child was made fun of, called names such as "Half-breed", "Pointy-butt" "Douche-spoon" and "Floppy-Fork". His parents knew he would serve a greater purpose than anyone else could see.

At the age of 15 (Which in spork years is around 40 human years), the Holy Fast Food Spork realized his calling. A spirit appeared to him in his deepest slumber. The spirit was quite strange, in that it was a spoon on one side, and a knive on the other. He called himself the "Creator of Fair Gaming". He called unto the Holy Fast Food Spork, and told him that soon he would have great power in his prongs, and that with great power, comes great pleasure (You thought I was going to say responsibilities... got ya)... where was I.... oh yea... pelasure.

The Holy Fast Food Spork was soon granted the ability to see clearly through all of the online data streams, packets of information, and even the power to change the communities for the better. He was born to serve a purpose, he was born to cleanse the internet of poor gamers, of the common hackers, of the common smurfs, and to give power and unity to the once wild west of gaming environment and unite the gamers who truly care.

Respect the Spork, Respect the Game!
I have returned, as promised.
Merry Xmas!
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6 December, 2007