CSGO Group for the Deaf GroupftDeaf
CSGO Group for the Deaf GroupftDeaf
16 August, 2015
United States 
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DiggerNick (Team Captain) 29 May, 2017 @ 8:04am 
Lil Will and the Magic Genie

Authors Note: Sorry I haven't been posting lately, I've been pretty busy with exams and anti-Trump rallies for the past two years. I finally lost both of my part time jobs working at Subway and Dunkin Donuts for stealing company products such as napkins, so I finally have some free time to write and post. Without further ado, here is the highly requested chapter 2!!!
DiggerNick (Team Captain) 29 May, 2017 @ 8:04am 
Chapter 2: Be careful what you wish for

Lil Will's small and pruny body trembled before the very prescense of Tiffanny the genie, who floated above him.

To save a long winded discription of Tiffanny's appearance, we're just gonna say he looks like Obama with a turban, no shirt, a beer belly, a strap-on purple dildo, and cabin socks.

Many questions we racing through Lil Will's mind at that moment. Who was this strangely attractive man? What 3 wishes? What's for dinner? All of these important questions and more pounded Lil Will's walnut sized brain.

Tiffanny snapped his fingers. Instantly, Lil Will felt a change. He felt a familiar sensation of ejaculation, but something was off. Normally Lil Will's ejaculations lasted about 3 seconds, 4 on a good day. This was much longer. He noticed the water level was rising, but the faucet wasn't on. He looked down. To his pleasure and horror, his solid quarter-inch penis was shooting a current of ♥♥♥, with no sign of stopping.
DiggerNick (Team Captain) 29 May, 2017 @ 8:04am 
"What's going on?" Lil Will exclaimed. "UUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH - Why can't I stOOOOUGGGHHHH..."

Tifanny looked on with satisfaction at his HANDy work.

"You wished for an easier way to jerk off," Tifanny replied unplexed. "I think never having to worry about jerking off is MUCH easier than any other method."

"But-" Lil Will started.

"No butts! Not now at least. Maybe later if you REALLY want it that bad," Tiffanny suggestively replied.

As Lil Will stammered, the tiny tub finally began to overflow. He looked on in horror as his iPad and earbuds, which were laying beside the tub, became encased in his smelly-ass ♥♥♥.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Lil Will exclaimed. "This wasn't what I wanted! I just wanted an easier to - agghh - ♥♥♥ 'cuz my hard on wouldn't go away!"

"THAT'S what you wanted?" Tiffany replied shocked. "Well next time be more specific, you silly goose! How was I supposed to know that, I've been in that lube bottle for a while now!"
DiggerNick (Team Captain) 29 May, 2017 @ 8:04am 
The flooded ♥♥♥ and bath water reached the bathroom door, where it solidified and blocked any openings into the bathroom. Lil Will was now neck high in his own ♥♥♥ (which is about the height of a normal toilet seat off the ground) and was desperately flailing his arms to stay afloat.


"Did you say ♥♥♥-in-me?"

"- can't you undo this wish? I'm gonna be a dried up raisin in a second and drown in my own bodily fluids if you don't stop this!"

Tiffany sighed. "That would be problamatic if you died choking on YOUR ♥♥♥ instead of mine... Fine. Just this once, I'll undo the wish and give you a handy- I mean freebie! Yes, a freebie! You'll still have your 3 wishes. But take this as a lesson on being careful over what you wish for (Look at that, worked the title into the story. I'm just that good :steammocking:)."
DiggerNick (Team Captain) 29 May, 2017 @ 8:03am 
Tiffany then reached deep inside his bumhole and withdrew a long, golden dildo. With several generous strokes, the dildo spurted purple goops. Suddenly, a great gust of wind entered the bathroom. Lil Will closed his eyes, but unfortunately didn't close his mouth in time as glops of his own semen entered his mouth. Despite Lil Will not minding the smell or taste, he coughed and spat it out on instinct as he layed on the bathroom floor. He looked around, and noticed that the bathroom was completely semen-free. Even his iPad and earbuds were free from being encased in his own ♥♥♥ (but not for long).
DiggerNick (Team Captain) 29 May, 2017 @ 8:03am 
"Beware young one," Tiffany boomed. "This gift bestowed onto you by the gods and your raging hormones can be your ticket to fame, glory, and the high life. However, it can lead you to your downfall as well. Beware young one, beware."


Well, finally finished chapter 2. Once again, be sure to stick around for more chapters to "♥♥♥!"
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16 August, 2015
United States