counter strike fantastic CSfantastic
counter strike fantastic CSfantastic
1 September, 2016
ABOUT counter strike fantastic

Trading/playing group

welcome to this group!!!

first of all when we reach 200 members there is an ak redline (field tested) give away. We will search a random player with a system thats select a number from 1-200. WARNING if scammers are trying to get stuff and they are saying that the are from the give away. AU7 the moderator will send you a trade offer with the ak redline the winner will be selected on the 1 march

counter strike fantastic is a community group that plays full compenetive games on cs go. this is not a scam group or a group that spam stupid links, trade offers or other stuff like that.

the group is made by a full MG1 team that has the following players: Rusty, AU7, warper, ricardoedwin53 and hond. we decided to make a group that is public to play with other people that are in the group. also are there sometimes give aways. the most give aways are skins for CS : GO.
if you get scammed by somebody in our group. please warn us so we can kick him and report him for scamming. you can warn the moderators or admins.

admins: Rusty

moderators: AU7

countries: NL, BE, D, A, PL, S, N, HR, SRB, BIH, RU, CZ, FR, SLO, EN

the most give aways are when we reach a total of members we will do give-aways at the 200, 500, 1000 mebers. the give aways exist: 200 give away (ak redline field tested)
500 give away (awp electric hive Field tested)
1000 give away (ak vulcan field tested and a glock water elemental field tested)

rules of our clan:
be respectfull to each other
don't scam with trading
don't spam ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!

if there are problems contact us from the following info.

1. just send a message to admins and moderators
2. ask other members of the clan if they can help u
3 with scamming warn us and report the scammer by valve
4 with spamming people warn us so we can kick or warn the player.


csfantastic is an community group that likes to play cs go and other games. also is this group a safe trade group and everything will be secured by our moderators. the reason of making this group is to create a huge cs community and play full teams compenetive. you can support us to send trade offers to the following players: Warper, Rusty or AU7
we are also supporting our members with awesome give aways and preciate that they are members of our clan. we can sometimes to an random give away to support our members. thnx for joining this awesome clan :D.
NotThatRusty 23 Mar, 2017 @ 12:30pm 
What's up guys!
0CTAVIA 31 Dec, 2016 @ 2:54pm 
Happy 2017 cs fantastic members ;D
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Group Player of the Week:
Enter chat room
1 September, 2016