ArkLife Legends Tentelian
ArkLife Legends Tentelian
11 August, 2016
ABOUT ArkLife Legends

Welcome to Tentelian Gaming

Welcome to our steam-group and nice to have you here!

This group is mostly about and for the community of our Ark: Survival Evolved server, though you will also find all the necessary information about the other multiplayer server we host.

We provide a long-term enviroment and the servers will be online as long as they are needed. Since the servers are not dependant on single persons there is no risk of the server disappearing from one day to another.

Have fun, enjoy your time here and don't hesitate to contact us for certain infos, questions, topics, suggestions or whatever.

Your Admin crew

New Aberration DLC 12/12/17!

Server wiped with the new DLC Aberration

12/12 ArkLife Aberration Hx10Tx25XPx20[ORP]

Connection Info:

To join the server you can press the blue "Connect-Button" on this page:

Main Server settings:



Custom player max-lvl 201, all engrams available, stats per level-up modified

Wild Dino Lvl 240

10xHarvest, custom rates to avoid server-lag



Faster breeding

Longer days, shorter nights

Increased Structure resistance and turret-damage (hard to raid setting)

Some basic rules:

Main chat language english or german

No Cheating, hacking or exploiting IN ANY WAY!

Don't exploite the rules. Don't be a ♥♥♥♥.

No griefing. If you have nothing to do than run around and kill peoples tames or raid new players please go play somewhere else...

No content blocking of spawnpoints or biome/cave-entrys, obeliscs,artifacts, main passage ways and all that

No foundation spamming. Dont litter the map with old structures. Remove your old taming bins. - If you cluster the map with little houses, taming bins, old bases and such expect a /destroytribestructures...

Don't raid new players. If we see well established tribes raiding new players, griefing people or stuff like, that it's a ban...

We all want to play together, even in PvP there is nothing that says you can't even try to be fair. Mess with people of your size, don't ruin the server community in the long run. No one wants to play alone or on an empty server...

Current Mods:

Seven's Forge Kit
Seven's Spoiler 'n Grinder
Structures Plus
Photon’n‘Sentry Rifle
Pimp my Dino
Big Walls
Dino Tracker
Rawr Beacons

A list to all mods in the steam group discussions section.

The mods and settings might get further adjusted if we feel it's necessary. For questions and everything, please use our steam-group forum.

Have fun and see you in Ark!
Aberration is out! ArkLife Server wiped, up and running!
New Aberration DLC 12/12/17:

12/12 ArkLife Aberration Hx10Tx25XPx20[ORP]

Connection Info:

To join the server you can press the blue "Connect-Button" on this page:

Main Server settings:



Custom player max-lvl 201, all engrams available, stats per level-up modified

Wild Dino Lvl 240

10xHarvest, custom rates to avoid server-lag



Faster breeding

Longer days, shorter nights

Increased Structure resistance and turret-damage (hard to raid setting)

Some basic rules:

Main chat language english or german

No Cheating, hacking or exploiting IN ANY WAY!

Don't exploite the rules. Don't be a ♥♥♥♥.

No griefing. If you have nothing to do than run around and kill peoples tames or raid new players please go play somewhere else...

No content blocking of spawnpoints or biome/cave-entrys, obeliscs,artifacts, main passage ways and all that

No foundation spamming. Dont litter the map with old structures. Remove your old taming bins. - If you cluster the map with little houses, taming bins, old bases and such expect a /destroytribestructures...

Don't raid new players. If we see well established tribes raiding new players, griefing people or stuff like, that it's a ban...

We all want to play together, even in PvP there is nothing that says you can't even try to be fair. Mess with people of your size, don't ruin the server community in the long run. No one wants to play alone or on an empty server...

Current Mods:

Seven's Forge Kit
Seven's Spoiler 'n Grinder
Dreamtime Fertilizer Silo
Structures Plus
Reusable items
Photon’n‘Sentry Rifle
Pimp my Dino
Big Walls
Dino Tracker
Rawr Beacons

A list to all mods in the steam group discussions section.

The mods and settings might get further adjusted if we feel it's necessary. For questions and everything, please use our steam-group forum.

Have fun and see you in Ark!

ArkLife server will get wiped for the new Aberration DLC!
New Aberration DLC 12/12/17!

Server will be wiped today when the new DLC Aberration drops

Since we are all excited for the new DLC and all the new content and it seems like everybody waiting for it to get released, we will wipe our server today as soon as the DLC is finally out!

12/12 ArkLife Aberration Hx10Tx25XPx20[ORP]

Connection Info:

To join the server you can press the blue "Connect-Button" on this page:

(will get updated with launch)

Main Server settings:



Custom player max-lvl 201, all engrams available, stats per level-up modified

Wild Dino Lvl 240

10xHarvest, custom rates to avoid server-lag



Faster breeding

Longer days, shorter nights

Increased Structure resistance and turret-damage (hard to raid setting)

Some basic rules:

Main chat language english or german

No Cheating, hacking or exploiting IN ANY WAY!

Don't exploite the rules. Don't be a ♥♥♥♥.

No griefing. If you have nothing to do than run around and kill peoples tames or raid new players please go play somewhere else...

No content blocking of spawnpoints or biome/cave-entrys, obeliscs,artifacts, main passage ways and all that

No foundation spamming. Dont litter the map with old structures. Remove your old taming bins. - If you cluster the map with little houses, taming bins, old bases and such expect a /destroytribestructures...

Don't raid new players. If we see well established tribes raiding new players, griefing people or stuff like, that it's a ban...

We all want to play together, even in PvP there is nothing that says you can't even try to be fair. Mess with people of your size, don't ruin the server community in the long run. No one wants to play alone or on an empty server...

Current Mods:

Seven's Forge Kit
Seven's Spoiler 'n Grinder
Dreamtime Fertilizer Silo
Structures Plus
Reusable items
Photon’n‘Sentry Rifle
Pimp my Dino
Big Walls
Dino Tracker
Rawr Beacons
Artifact Converter

A list to all mods in the steam group discussions section.

The mods and settings might get further adjusted if we feel it's necessary. For questions and everything, please use our steam-group forum.

Have fun and see you in Ark!

LELLE 27 Jun, 2017 @ 3:04pm 
Nice Server nice Mods love the Server :D!
Justsurviving 15 Feb, 2017 @ 9:48am 
love the map and the Extinction Mod. Great mix of everyhting. thanks :)
Enter chat room
11 August, 2016