We all love Gordon Freeman GF
We all love Gordon Freeman GF
2 July, 2010
United States 
ABOUT We all love Gordon Freeman

Gordon Freeman the BEST

Gordon is a native of Seattle who exhibited an early interest in theoretical physics, especially quantum mechanics and the theory of general relativity. His childhood heroes were Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, and Richard Feynman.[2] After observing a series of teleportation experiments conducted by the Institute for Experimental Physics in Innsbruck, Austria, the transmission of matter became Gordon's obsession. Gordon has no known dependents.[3] He graduated from MIT with a Ph.D. degree in Theoretical Physics. His doctoral thesis on the teleportation of matter through extremely dense elements was titled Observation of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Entanglement on Supraquantum Structures by Induction Through Nonlinear Transuranic Crystal of Extremely Long Wavelength (ELW) Pulse from Mode-Locked Source Array.[4]

Gordon's research into science eventually leads him to accept a job offer by the Black Mesa Research Facility,[3] and begin working on a top secret research project headed by his mentor at MIT, Dr. Isaac Kleiner. He takes up residence at Black Mesa, conducting nuclear and subatomic research in its Anomalous Materials department. Despite his education as a theoretical physicist, the work Freeman is involved with at Black Mesa is of a more experimental nature.

The games often make light of the fact that the tasks Gordon performs amount to little more than manual labor, despite him being a theoretical physicist. Gordon's assigned job at the start of Half-Life consists of little more than pressing a button and pushing a cart. Barney Calhoun wryly notes this irony at the beginning of Half-Life 2, when Freeman performs similar "technical" assistance by flipping a switch and returning a plug to its socket ("Good job, Gordon. Throwing that switch and all. I can see your MIT education really pays for itself.").

Gordon wears a special full-body hazmat suit known as the "Hazardous Environment Suit" during combat, obtained from Black Mesa. The HEV suit is designed to protect the user from radiation, energy discharges, and blunt trauma during the handling of hazardous materials. The suit's main feature is its "high impact reactive armor", an electrically powered armor system that, when charged, absorbs two-thirds of the damage that Gordon would ordinarily suffer. A fully-charged suit can survive several dozen hits from small arms and even a direct hit from a rocket propelled grenade. The suit can be charged by various means, and has its own oxygen supply and injectors which can deliver various drugs such as morphine and an antidote to neurotoxins. It comes with a built-in flashlight, a radio, various tracking devices, a compass, and a Geiger counter. The suit contains an on-board computer system that constantly monitors the user's health and vital signs, and reacts to any changes in the user's condition. It also projects a heads-up display (HUD) which displays Gordon's health, suit charge, remaining ammunition, and a crosshair.
MR.Freeman 20 Jul, 2021 @ 6:04am 
:steamthis:Kneel down to the great and mighty:steamthis:
🤤 下着通 😋 19 Jul, 2021 @ 8:20pm 
MR.Freeman 1 Dec, 2020 @ 4:27am 
I am MR.Gordon Freeman:steamhappy:
AymericTheNightmare 28 Jan, 2016 @ 3:09pm 
Half-Life Preliminary Findings: cut content, videos & interviews from 1997. (ValveReference)
Otouph 30 Aug, 2011 @ 8:35am 
Раздаю инвайты в SteamGifts. Добавляйтесь, пишите.
Otouph 14 Nov, 2010 @ 6:20pm 
Gordon in the army now) come back 05/07/2011
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2 July, 2010
United States