The French Foreign Legion (FFL)
The French Foreign Legion (FFL)
23 September, 2010
ABOUT The French Foreign Legion

Legio Irus Actica (The Legion is our Strength)

The French Foreign Legion is considered to be the best fighting force known to man, Legion training is the hardest in the world, this is shown by the fact that the Legion is made up of only 8,000 men. The French Foreign Legions most unique feature is the reason for it being called the Foreign Legion, natural born frenchmen are not permitted into the Legion, men from 136 different countries are allowed to join, although, over the years, some frenchmen have gotten in by claiming to be belgian or french canadian. The Legion was formed in 1831 by King Loius Phillipe of france and it was ordered to be made up of nothing but forigners in order to prevent the spilling of french blood as well as solve the problem a thousands of mercenaries in france. Since the Legion recruits from 136 nations, they teach the men a common language, French. Since the Legion also accepts men with sometimes criminal backgrouds the legion is unique for offerin men a second chance, they are allowed to change there names and start anew. When joining the Legion you must sign up for a minimum of 5 years, and in the time frame a person is certain to see combat. The Legions combat history has been written in blood all over the world. The Legion has seen combat in Algeria, Indochina, Mexico, both world war, chad and Desert Storm etc. Since the early 1900's over 30,000 legionaires have been killed in action. The Legion has always imortalized one battle in its history, the battle of camroon in 1863, were 65 Legionaires were surrounded by thousands of Mexican soldiers in a farm house, after 2 days of heavy fighting, the farm house in ruins and only 6 Legionaires left alive, the remaining men fixed bayonets and charged out to meet the mexicans, 3 of the men were killed but seeing the bravery of these men, the mexican commander allowed them to live and to carry there colors as well as there dead off the feild with honor..

"Legio Irus Actica" (The Legion is our Strength)

"Legio Patria Nostra" (The Legion is our Fatherland)
"Honneur et Fidélité" (Honour and Fidelity)
"Marche ou crève" (March or die, unofficial)
Quelqu'un sait-il pourquoi la légion étrangère est la bagarre la plus élitaire s'unissent dans le monde ?(Does anyone know why the foreign legion is the most elite fighting unite in the world?)
señor kenz 22 Feb, 2017 @ 12:12am 
Légionnaire, tu es un volontaire, servant la France avec honneur et fidélité.Chaque légionnaire est ton frère d’armes, quelle que soit sa nationalité, sa race ou sa religion. Tu lui manifestes toujours la solidarité étroite qui doit unir les membres d’une même famille.Respectueux des traditions, attaché à tes chefs, la discipline et la camaraderie sont ta force, le courage et la loyauté tes vertus.Fier de ton état de légionnaire, tu le montres dans ta tenue toujours élégante, ton comportement toujours digne mais modeste, ton casernement toujours net.Soldat d’élite, tu t’entraînes avec rigueur, tu entretiens ton arme comme ton bien le plus précieux, tu as le souci constant de ta forme physique.La mission est sacrée, tu l’exécutes jusqu’au bout et si besoin, en opérations, au péril de ta vie.Au combat, tu agis sans passion et sans haine, tu respectes les ennemis vaincus, tu n’abandonnes jamais ni tes morts, ni tes blessés, ni tes armes.
andrei 4 Feb, 2017 @ 11:28am 
Anyone actually plan on knocking on those gates in France?
Henrik Kranz 4 Nov, 2015 @ 11:06am 
If you got anything to say about the subject, add me.
Henrik Kranz 3 Nov, 2015 @ 12:49pm 
Are anyone here actually in the legion, or is this just a fan group?
Jiminy Glick 29 Sep, 2010 @ 4:31am 
Vive la Fance!
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23 September, 2010