Team Beefcake Beef Team
Team Beefcake Beef Team
28 August, 2015
ABOUT Team Beefcake

Team Beefcake


Team Beefcake has now changed our names to TBC Tactics! You can join our group here!

Please join that Steam group!

TBC Tactics[]
Updates for the Next Week
1. Temporary Server Instability
We don't plan on moving servers again anytime soon. However, since I have some more free time now, I am planning on taking this opportunity to overhaul some of the inefficiencies in the back-end to make life easier for me and the rest of the admin team. By Server Instability I mean game servers may be shutdown or restarted what may seem randomly as I'm working on it (although more than likely I'll be notifying people in-game of the impending restarts). This overhaul is necessary if we want to run a lean and clean operation and will help us expand our server offerings! Which leads in to the next few points...

2. Deathmatch Servers
In addition to our FFA Deathmatch and FFA Deathmatch Headshots Only servers, we'll also be adding FFA Deathmatch Pistols Only and FFA Deathmatch Pistols Headshots Only servers (literally any flavors you want).

3. Retake Servers
Retake servers are a gamemode which spawns Terrorists in the bombsite with the bomb while the CT spawns on rotation routes and try to retake the site and defuse the bomb. You'll be able to work on your site retakes and site defending with this! More than likely, we'll be working with Matchmaking rules, not tournament rules (45 second bomb timer).

4. Tweaks to Scrim Servers
The scrim servers have been tweaked a little bit. Now at the end of each round it'll print out the amount of damages you did to certain players! In addition, some tweaks were made to the back-end to help us out.

5. Shrimp on the Barbie
We've landed in Australia! For now, we'll be setting up a single scrim server in Australia to expand our "scrimming" opportunities with folks in Australia.

6. Recruiting for Team Beefcake Scrim Team #2
Anyone who wants to play more competitively as a team and regularly scrim (and organize scrims) should contact the admins and let them know they're interested! We're looking to make a second team (or even a third!) and to organize intramural tournaments within Team Beefcake! (Maybe even PRIZES?!) Anyways it'd be awesome to see more organized teams playing Matchmaking and private ladders, so if you're interested then let us know and we'll help organize it!

7. Off-topic: Team Beefcake ARMA 3 Server
We now run our own Invade and Annex Arma 3 server in Singapore! On our down time or just breaks from CSGO, we're screwing around on Arma 3. Feel free to join us! Server is

8. Get Known!
Want to get more involved and known within Team Beefcake? Show your face and hang out with us on Teamspeak at! Even if competitive CSGO is limited to 5 people per team, this doesn't mean you can't get involved in our scrims and activities! Feel free to hang out with the rest of the crew!

If you made it this far, thanks for reading the longest announcement I've ever written so far!

Teamspeak Server Moved
Zendriel 3 Sep, 2015 @ 6:49am 
StarD is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥. but a awesome one :D but still a ♥♥♥♥♥♥..