CSn Star Citizen Future Org SCCSn
CSn Star Citizen Future Org SCCSn
18 October, 2015
ABOUT CSn Star Citizen Future Org

CSn Star Citizen Gamers Unite

Hi! This is a group to assemble players for upcooming Star Citizen.
Do you play it now or will probably buy it on release, this group is for you.
I wanna keep the good community from CSn and good players to work as a group aswell in this game for you who are interested.

My planning stage so far is either you fly and do ur stuff alone all the way from exploring, mining, transport or just want to be a cowboy in space taking in criminals and earn ingame cash that way, or hopefully as a group to earn ingame cash to upgrade ur own personal fleet of ships, upgrades etc. That way you and all of us will get even more out of the game. The bigger missions, the more help is needed. Pirates are always around the corner.

My goal for myself and for us as an Organization in space is to work together and share the profit equally if we do missions together.
Or even have a % of the earnings put in a virtual piggy-bank to expand our fleet in space and mission areas.
The game have alooot of stuff to do in it. So ships we could need is really big trading ships/transport ship. Also maybe a salvage ship, mining and so on. Even running factories will be a thing. That way we can all try out sharing the stuff between us all and do stuff you might not have tried and we can teach from eachother.
We could also save up for a capital ship and fly around doing all kinds of missions. So far the biggest capital ship is 300+ meters long. Huge!

This game is mainly serious compared to other games.
With that I mean, medics will be needed or rescue crew.
FPS part for me atleast all new for me. Your character can die (sort of) and he/she will age. Dont worry, you wont die completly or lose ur stuff.
So if you are on mission on space station and get shot down by pirates, you dont spawn right away and run out and fight back again. You gotta have tactics and be careful. Sir Roberts dont want us to have a grinding game, he want to give us real life in space basicly. If you die you probably spawn on the nearest planet, or some sort of spawn areas.
As a crew though doing missions your teammates can drag you to safety and revive you and help you back into the game much faster.
And just that part of the real-life feeling will have you on the edge the whole time, probably alot more when ur doing stuff alone and might get shot down in an alley on a planet or around the corner in some space station far away.

And the organization will be made around release and this group is for planning all that upcooming stuff until then. And for you who are playing alpha, we use this group for now with updates or missions when v 2.0 releases hopefully very soon. (Training)

Feel free to invite anyone you know that play it already in Alpha or will play it on release.

Minimum PC requirements:
Windows 7 (64 bit) – Service Pack 1, Windows 8 (64 bit)
DirectX 11 graphics card with 1GB Video RAM
Quad core CPU
8GB Memory

NOTE! This not finished settings.
So mid july 3.0.0 will be launched
Star Citizen Organization Created!
CSn| Balubish 16 Apr, 2016 @ 3:07pm 
Join here! its the start of our Corp
CSn| Balubish 11 Mar, 2016 @ 1:11am 
2.2.1 So me and Penndragoon tested successfully for short time before it started failing, multicrew missions. There are still issues with it but was fairly easy to join the same "instance" server now so its going the right way. They have implemented now so you can test beeing a pirate or hunting them down. Kinda cool feature and works pretty well. If you have the game I recommend testing it out. If you have more questions about how pirate stuff works just holla.
CSn| Balubish 4 Mar, 2016 @ 3:09am 
2.2 is Live, a bit more content added and alot of bugfixes. You can now hunt down pirates and the penalty beeing a pirate this far is respawn takes several minutes longer. A step closer to how the biiig universe will be.
CSn| Balubish 21 Jan, 2016 @ 1:58pm 
Gillian Andersson - X-Files actor.
Enter chat room
18 October, 2015