Rada vzájemné hospodářské pomoci RVHP
Rada vzájemné hospodářské pomoci RVHP
21 September, 2024
Czech Republic 
ABOUT Rada vzájemné hospodářské pomoci

Rada vzájemné hospodářské pomoci

Совет Экономической Взаимопомощи


Formed in Moscow in January 1949, the primary mission of the RVHP is to unite the forces of the USSR and its allies against the economic power of the West and thus become a self-sufficient space.


Созданный в Москве в январе 1949 года, СЭВ ставит своей главной задачей объединить силы СССР и его союзников против экономической мощи Запада и таким образом стать самодостаточным пространством.


Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!

Пролетарии от всички страни, съединявайте се!

Пролетарі всіх країн, єднайтеся!

Proletáři všech zemí, spojte se!

Proletári všetkých krajín, spojte sa!

Proletariusze wszystkich krajów, łączcie się!

Proleteri svih zemalja, ujedinite se!

I. Sjezd RVHP
Soudruzi a soudružky! :odznak:

The dawn of a new era broke on this day, 21st of September, 2024, as the I. Congress of the RVHP convened under banners of solidarity and international peace. The date, auspiciously aligned with the International Day of Peace, resonates deeply with our shared vision: a world liberated from the shackles of exploitation, inequality, and division—a world where humanity stands united under the radiant sun of socialism.

Our congress opened with the chorus of young pioneers and their singing of the Internationale. Their youthful voices, full of promise, echoed the dream of our foremothers and forefathers: a world where peace and brotherhood reign supreme.

The RVHP is not merely an alliance of republics or a gathering of delegates—it is the embodiment of the people's will, the hammer of justice that shall strike down the barriers erected by the forces of capital. In our first session, we spoke not of past glories, but of future victories. We reaffirmed our commitment to peace, but not the peace of the oppressor, which masks exploitation in the guise of order.

This congress is the foundation stone upon which we will build a new world. We stand in the vanguard of this transformation, the torchbearers of a future where the fruits of labor are shared by all.

Let it be known, to the workers of the world, to the oppressed of every nation: the RVHP stands with you! As we raise the banner of socialism high, we do so in the name of those who came before us, in the name of those who struggle now, and in the name of the generations yet to come.

~delegates of the ČSSR, FNRJ, NRB & PRL

Forward, soudruzi, to socialism! :rare_soviet_star:

Long live the revolution!
Long live the RVHP!
Long live the international solidarity of the working class!
