Payday 2 Better Weapon Stats GUI Mod PD2-BWS-GUI
Payday 2 Better Weapon Stats GUI Mod PD2-BWS-GUI
게임 중
2015년 1월 5일
Payday 2 Better Weapon Stats GUI Mod 정보

This group exists for the discussion and distribution of the Payday 2 Better Stats GUI mod. The mod works by showing several important stats normally hidden to the player by popup when mousing over stats in the Inventory GUI, and also shows useful information derived from these stats, like Damage per Second and Shots to Kill. This mod does not alter any in game.

Go here[] to download the latest version of the mod. Check the sidebar if you need a LUA hook to run this mod with.

Thanks to Seven for most of the framework for the Stat Popups, without his help this would have taken considerably longer to complete.

Download Better Stats GUI Mod[]
Download BLT LUA Hook[]
Download BLT:CSE LUA Hook[]
인기 토론글
최근 공지
So Long...
Update 4.1 is out!
  • Added poison dot information to weapons and grenades.
  • Fixed bug where mods that had different stats for different weapons would not display their stats correctly (DMR Kits).
  • Fixed bug where if the last heist you had played was Death Wish shots to kill would be calculated incorrectly.
  • Fixed bug where the sentry displayed more decimal places than necessary.

댓글 34
KarateF22 2015년 8월 2일 오후 10시 49분 
@Lord Lunga You set it in mod options for the main menu. README.txt taken out due to the drag and drop nature of the BLT LUA hook, I viewed it as mostly unnecessary.
Loaf Alkman 2015년 7월 25일 오전 4시 38분 
Where is the README.TXT and how/where do I set the hotkey for BWS?
KarateF22 2015년 7월 23일 오후 4시 05분 
@Milkychan Its on the list of things to do when I get the time for it.
Milky 2015년 7월 22일 오후 5시 26분 
Any chance you'll be adding skill support? There are a few that don't have impact on the numbers. Silent Killer, Hard Boiled off the top of my head.
KarateF22 2015년 7월 15일 오전 11시 42분 
@Rainbow Assuming you installed the BLT LUA Hook there should be a mods folder in your Payday 2 directory. Place it in there.
/SVN.JPG 2015년 7월 15일 오전 5시 53분 
Where do you put the 'Better Stats GUI' folder?
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7 채팅 중
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2015년 1월 5일
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