Neptune Story Group Neptune
Neptune Story Group Neptune
4 July, 2009
ABOUT Neptune Story Group

in here, we make an epic saga. togheter

the "Neptune III" was a word that appeard in my head several years ago, when i was in elementary school. the word had no meaning by itself, but slowly, i created it...

now, the universe conatins tons of facts and interesting stuff that i myself, completley alone, have created. they are all related to the sci-fi gerne, with space as the stage for events of epicscale, large battles, planets and much more...

even more so, the very first person, Lt. Overkill, was caught on the story when i tried a new way of storytelling... now, she have completed much in the universe, and we are not even close to finnishing.

all it requires of YOU to join this private group is to ask me, if you feel interested. i will give you a tour of it and what we actually do here... if you wish, you may become a fullfledged member that evolves this past boundries not even known!

so contact me, the only administrator, and let yourself be introduced to a universe where YOU develop the course!
Part 4: The Fracture
New ships for Part 3
Red Angel 6 Jul, 2011 @ 10:52am 
so, im working on with the story on multiple leads all over the world, but right now i need someone with knowledge of different visions like infra red, ultra violet and similar different light aspects that cannot be seen by the human eye
Red Angel 10 Apr, 2011 @ 3:33am 
the four new ships that are being built are the follow ones, and each will be described in later posts:

Victory class Grand Cruiser

Gladiator class Grand Cruiser

Memphis class Cruiser

Hoplite class Cruiser
Red Angel 10 Apr, 2011 @ 12:59am 
if anybody is confused, this is the basic timeline: Republic is engaged in a war with the Jelkalan empire, which is part 1: Neptune III. after many tours back and forth, the war is eventually won at a heavy cost. so heavy, in fact, that a group of humans left the Republic in the mindset that they were doomed. theese were brought to a engineer planet, Neo Terra, on the other side of the galaxy. they created the Faith and after considerable time, they make contact with the Republic. that is part 2: Like a Phoenix. Part 3: Age of Instability is between part 1 and 2, and deals with the aftermath of the Human-Jelkalan war. piracy is widespread, and all militaries are decimated from the recent titanic war. as a example: the Republic fleet needed 5 times as many ships to patrol their own space efficiently, and now they have to patrol about 17 times that area, and that is after losing over 30% of their fleet... do the math.
Red Angel 5 Mar, 2011 @ 1:51am 
during all this time, the Faith had gone away from the traditional course of Republic warfare. their ships do not have shields, and they use a all purpose cannon as sole weaponry. they have stopped using EMP, which is now a forgotten technology in their libraries. they employ heavily armored ships, with better quality armor than the Republic can use, to accomodate for the lack of shields. they have managed to make a ship cloacked to sensors, which translates to a ship that can only be seen via optical view, and in space and its distances and lack of landmarks, there is little chance of theese so called Blank destroyers to be detected. they are used in raids on ill defended targets, such as commercial convoys and light patrols. all technology is based on the sole meaning of killing aliens faster and better.
Red Angel 28 Feb, 2011 @ 11:12am 
Jelkalans, after their medical actions for the other races, were given full membership in the alliance, and they enjoyed the respect of others now through other means than power. earlier, they had relied on military might, following their magical and spiritual leaders words that if they struck down everyone, everyone would fear them. now they could enjoy pride through peaceful means, something very strange and new to Jelkalans, and they realised it was much more worth than through war, which just created ill feelings for all. their leaders tried still to initiate zealots, but they failed and soon gave up, seeing their race decend into a very peaceful time for Jelkalan history.
Red Angel 28 Feb, 2011 @ 11:10am 
numbers are uncertain, but there is no question they are gigantic. sickness, such as cancer and old "familiar" ones, took the lives of immense populations, and the cure was as distant as ever. here the Jelkalans proved to be a masterpiece. they had a uncanny ability to develop medicine for their own race, always finding the cure for a new disease very soon, even within weeks or even days. now they noticed the cancer humans suffered, and they quickly realised that curing the cancer and other sickness for their new allies, they would regain their honor. within a month, cancer had found its cure, and it was 100% effective, never missed the sickness, and it was easy to manufacture and distribute. suddenly, where the Jelkalans had killed millions of humans, they now saved just as many, or more. cancer had finally been removed, and what took humanity over several centuries took them a few weeks.
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4 July, 2009