USS Courageux NCC-2178
USS Courageux NCC-2178
31 August, 2014
ABOUT USS Courageux

“Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.”

The USS Courageux is an Excelsior Class Starship in service for the United Federation of Planets Starfleet. It has recently been commissioned and being brought into service with a new and fresh crew of Starfleet Cadets along with a Cadre of New Crewmen. With a new ship and a new crew, what will the galaxy hold for these young officers and crew?

This Roleplay will be set in the realm set up in Gene Roddenberry's "Star Trek", now I understand there is a lot of debate over the topic of who is the best Captain and what is the best era, however I have taken this upon myself to choose a good era in which we may have conflict and exploration. As such, this Roleplay will begin in 2285; this places it within the movies of the Original Series. I have chosen this era based on the conflicting interests within Starfleet at the time, as well as the conflicts with the Romulan Raiders from the Romulan Star Empire and Klingon Warriors looking for glory in fighting Federation Vessels.

The Starship "U.S.S. Courageux" Crew

Observing Captain:

The Bridge Staff
First Officer:
Second Officer and Operations:
Science Officer:
Tactical Officer:
Communications Officer:

The Engineering Staff
Chief Engineer:
Engineering Warrent Officer:
Engineering Warrent Officer:

The Security Staff
Security Chief (Warrent Officer, Reports to Tactical):
Security Team Leader:
Security Team Leader:

The Medical Staff
Chief Medical Officer

The Positions above are a guideline for those wanting to sign up, the chances of filling them all are probably small, however the more people invited; the better. Also, these positions are not set in stone and some things may be added depending on applications.
Quick Poll!
  • 1. I have actively watched many/all the series and movies.
  • 2. I have casually watched the series at various times, but watched all the movies.
  • 3. I have casually watched the series and movies and have not seen all of them.
  • 4. Never seen the shows, but have seen some of the movies.
  • 5. Never seen the shows or the movies besides the new J.J Abrams movies.
  • 6. Never seen the shows or the movies at all.


Clearing a few things up! Also. Sign up!
  • The United Federation of Planets is not a human organisation! Its a multi-race Federal Democracy Utopia and because of this humans should not be seen as the supreme dominant force as they are one of the original founding members of the Federation, alongside the Andorians and Vulcans.
  • As I said before, the Federation is a utopian society that doesn't believe in the practice of using money; the only concept of money within the federation is on the trade level with other stellar powers.
  • Starfleet is not a military! This is a common misconception. It is a tool of exploration and humanitarian aid. Its military role is purely defensive of federation members and its colonies. So as such, Marines/Strike Teams and other such units are never active duty and are generally selected from Starfleet Security in the outbreak of a war.
  • Rules of Starships are not like military vessels (Meaning you can have relationships with those of your co-workers). However I would like to point out, this is 2285; quarters and such what you may see in The Next Generation are not around and are generally smaller or shared on a greater level.
  • Admittence to Starfleet Academy means that you must either be a Federation Citizen or on recommendation from a foreign stellar power. So if they aren't in the Federation, chances are you won't be able to get in with that race.

And on a final note, I would ask everyone who is interested to sign up as I will be probably doing the first session this weekend and I would like as many applications as possible to make this a productive and fun roleplay.


=INV= DƦεαδ 12 Sep, 2014 @ 9:14am 
Thanks for the update.
Michael_Danlin 11 Sep, 2014 @ 6:37am 
After speaking with Vestulte, this is still happening guys. He's just got some stuff to get sorted before it starts. So just chill and it'll start when everything's going to actually be fine to start
☠ANTONIUS☠ 7 Sep, 2014 @ 11:54pm 
I am very sorry but i pushed the leader off the ship i have taken command this is now a fast action war ship star fleet is the way of the past but we are short of crew so it will be hard managing this ship with 89 men. But word has got out of are break away from the fleet and few have answerd the call.Great news i found some dark knight guys they are some goths with red shiny sabers they want us to kill some jedi and we know who they are cos they say they have green and purple/ blue sabers they look handy in close combat so take what you can may war be the way of life now:AOEKnight:
☠ANTONIUS☠ 7 Sep, 2014 @ 2:40pm 
Wow so every thing is free.
=INV= DƦεαδ 6 Sep, 2014 @ 8:02pm 
Unfortunately, it looks that way.
Stromboli Jones 6 Sep, 2014 @ 8:01pm 
I'll be honest, Dread. I think this group died already.
Enter chat room
31 August, 2014