Movie Addicts MovieAddicts
Movie Addicts MovieAddicts
28 March, 2016
ABOUT Movie Addicts

Movie Addicts Club

A group based on SteamGifts[] which tries to gather all of the movie lovers. And of course winning and giving is included.

Are you a new member?
  • Make your first GA and post it here. This is not considered a monthly giveaway.
    Until completion you're considered a new member.

  • Quality Giveaways (QGAs)[] will be locked from entering until you complete your 1st GA. You can see in our announcements and in the GA description what GAs are QGAs .

  • If you wish to enter a QGA while in this status, please send a message to the owner or officer - dragnor or Amorphism. Most requests won’t be approved.
Make sure you subscribe to this thread to get notification of rules updates and other important news. In order for us to know you're subscribed, please comment on this announcement.

The full list of rules are here[]. Please read them carefully.

Movie Addicts Club
Being a member in this group automatically makes you a club member. This is a very exciting feature unique to our group. Want to know more about it? read all you need to know here!

Not enough entries - a guide for avoiding less than 5 entries in your GAs
Here's a guide we've made to help members of the group with this problem.
Click HERE[] for the full text guide or check the TL;DR version below.
Click HERE[] for the easy visual guide instead.
VIEW ALL (120)
Reminder - Last Week for Monthly GAs
[Important!] The Club will be Disabled for December
  • We continue to run the club in the beginning of 2017 and see if the metrics of participation, giveaways, reviews and donations for the Grand Prize pick up. The staff (Amorphism + Dragnor) can’t keep donating $10-15 X 2 and we won’t run these events with $10 or less since it’s not exciting and doesn’t seem to motivate most members.
  • We drop the club concept, go back to the first days of the group where we only focused on a set of generic rules - make 1 GA per month with a small review and payback for winning a QGA. No points and no prizes. There still might be movie nights from time to time.
  • We close the group. This is the least wanted option of course, which I’m sure no one wants but it’s on the table if all else fails.

The road ahead is currently unclear but I want to stay positive and see our group prevails.

We’ll greatly appreciate your feedback on this matter, so please let us know what you think in the comments.

Thanks for being a member of Movie Addicts,
Amorphism & Dragnor

Threepw00d 3 Sep, 2017 @ 9:52pm 
Thanks for having me guys, but I have decided to leave some groups.
Zeruel 28 Jul, 2017 @ 2:29am 
Hey there! Thanks for having me.
As of late, I've started having some stuff go on in my life, meaning that I can't really afford the time to write the reviews anymore.
For that reason, I must sadly depart from this group. You guys have been great. You managed to rekindle my interest in movies and for that, I thank you.
Goodbye and best of luck to you all and to the group itself.
Obtuse Moose 2 May, 2017 @ 1:38am 
Need to take a hiatus on GAs for a month or 2. I'll try to refrain from joining GAs during so.
Misiu 4 Apr, 2017 @ 7:17am 
Thank you for having me in the group, but I haven't been able to keep up for a while (thought I would bounce back and make up for it - didn't enter any GAs either obviously to be fair during this time). College consumed more of my time than I anticipated, and whenever I get a break I use it to play games. Ran out of movies/time to write reviews, along with not working during the school months left me unable to afford GAs. As such, I no longer feel as though I'm a good fit for the group, so I will leave. Thanks again and sorry~ :musicnote:
nellyneko 30 Nov, 2016 @ 6:11am 
leaving the group, but not without saying goodbye:
Threepw00d 22 Aug, 2016 @ 1:39pm 
Thanks for having me in the group :-)
I'll be creating my first giveaway momentarily. Cheers!
Enter chat room
28 March, 2016