L4D Rage Quit Unanimous L4D RQU
L4D Rage Quit Unanimous L4D RQU
20 March, 2009
ABOUT L4D Rage Quit Unanimous

Say NO to Rage Quit

Our Motto "Say NO to rage quit"

* There is no latin translation for this, As Romans don't rage quit !

Ok so there is

"Reprobo iratus trado" .. but still Romans don't Rage Quit.

What we're about ?

Basically we pledge not to Rage Quit !

We offer Online support for rage quiters and victims of rage quit abuse.
Join the ranks of Left4dead players that won't leave because their side is losing.
Do you want to finish a game regardless of wether you win or lose.Then Join like minded members here.

Why the Unanimous ?

Well we aren't anonymous and even alcoholics are accepted !
Unanimously we oppose Rage Quiting and bad sportsmanship.

How can I join ?

Anyone can join even reformed Rage Quiters.

What do I need to do once I've joined ?

Just follow 3 simple rules.

1) Don't rage quit.

2) Never rage quit ... Ok Rage a little but keep the rage within, It will make you stronger !

3) Never ever Rage Quit .... Ok if you really really have to rage quit,

Then do so but do it quietly. Pretend that you have something important to do !
Take some time out ! Play on the swing for a bit. Then come back with a smile.

* Please note rule 3 only apply to probationary members of the ex-Rage Quiter variety
Regular members just stick with rules 1 & or 2

Remember its just a game have fun and play safe !
Account Hacking WARNING (Please read)
Hit 100 !
DeadlyDav0 2 Jan, 2010 @ 2:21am 
Hacking update....

User: "disturb" - MEMBER OF THIS GROUP
Saturday, 2 January 2010
8:18 PM - disturb The steam is proud to present free games for steam
choerrypie 28 Nov, 2009 @ 2:07pm 
Why WOULD you rage quit this group? This group is awesome !
n3o 28 Aug, 2009 @ 10:21pm 
If you receive any messages from friends or group members offering you free games if you follow their link, do not do so.
It is a clear attempt at stealing your account.

While this message might not be relevant to all of you, there are still some who fall for their tricks.
Never enter your account details on sites offering free games.

Spread the message if possible
E5Ky 25 Apr, 2009 @ 6:27am 
Talking of zero chief

Kicked from group zer0#

Never tell your password to anyone.
zer0#: hey
TOG | E5Ky: hey
zer0#: how you get all the gam3=
TOG | E5Ky: ?
TOG | E5Ky: sorry
zer0#: what sorry?
TOG | E5Ky: "how you get all the gam3="
zer0#: how you get all the games ?
zer0#: yea on you steam acc?
TOG | E5Ky: just go to store
zer0#: yea
zer0#: i will buy tf2 but
zer0#: i will try it
zer0#: can i try it with your acC?
TOG | E5Ky: no
zer0#: whYY?
TOG | E5Ky: who are you ?
zer0#: i am zer0#
TOG | E5Ky: and why would i give you my account details ?
zer0#: i ask onley becouse i will try l4d
zer0#: tf2
zer0#: and not l4d
zer0#: i will try tf2
zer0#: ^^
TOG | E5Ky: yes well good luck with that
zer0#: cna i trY?
TOG | E5Ky: no
zer0#: ok bb

* liars, theives and cheats are not welcome in this town.
Dude McAwesome 20 Apr, 2009 @ 11:34am 
What happens if I rage quit this group. Is it like dividing by zero?
Armitage Shanks 18 Apr, 2009 @ 12:02am 
Are we apposed to playing so hard the other team rage quits? I played a game the other day, the opposing team was different every round, and in 1 round the entire team rage quit.
Enter chat room
20 March, 2009