Jurassic PVP (Ark survival server) Jurassic PVP
Jurassic PVP (Ark survival server) Jurassic PVP
9 July, 2015
ABOUT Jurassic PVP (Ark survival server)

Ark Survival Evolved Server.

Jurassic ARK PVP Server Public Group
So you're here for a reason, and that reason is you've likely joined our ARK server. So WELCOME!

Our current administrators and Moderators are as follows:

Server Owner: Serious
Serious is the server owner, thus has complete control and ultimate power. Only trouble him when you wish to discuss donations, bans or have been directed to him through other admins. Serious can usually be found in the dark smokey corner of jazz bars drinking a glass of 1962 dalmore.
Admin: Swifthulhu
Swifty is Serious's Second In Command. Swifty is much better looking than the rest of the admin team and lets admit it, a much better gamer. Swifty can handle server restarts and updates as well as anything in game. You can find Swifty roaming the island or lurking in this steam group page, so either add him or leave a comment here and he'll get back to you asap.
Admin: "LP"
When LP is on, he's great, when he's not, he's still pretty great. Fair handed and exceptionally attractive. LP is an acronym, and I’m sure you can guess what for, and let me tell you, its 100% true! LP can be contacted for anything at all ;) Yes, even that…he’s probably up for it.
Admin: Preacher
It is said that if you even whisper his name in the wrong tone, Satan will crawl out of the bowels of hell and damn you for all eternity.
Moderator: Nato43
Newly appointed moderator. Nate can be contacted for basic concerns or questions regarding the server or events. He smells a bit funny, which at first can make you uncomfortable, but after a while it just sort of envelopes you and you're just kinda stuck smelling a little like old cheese and toothpaste.

Feel free to add them all, we'll do our best to respond to your queries.

Server Rules
1. No hacking or cheating.
2. No killing tamed dinosaurs set to passive.
Whilst this is a PvP server and raiding is obviously allowed, killing passives is a poor act. If you do this and are caught, all of your dinosaurs passive or not will be covered in an insane amount of C4 and blown up in front of you.

In other words, don't be a tool.

Important information regarding the server
After a recent wipe of the map, we've decided to implement only allowing raiding on Saturday and Sunday. More information regarding this can be found here.

We also have donation benefits! Information regarding this can be found here.
Regarding the PvP/Base Raiding.
Post Server Wipe Information + Important News
Server Wipe
The server wipe went as expected with absolutely no issues. We had about 5 people on last night so there are a few bases scattered around already. We are looking at increasing the resource gathering speed for the weekend to allow people to get themselves in a better position.

Applied Fixes
The fixes that have been applied were for stability and for issues with placement of items.

While I personally haven't encountered any issues with placements, this fix will allow for any future problems to be adhered to with ease.

Stability is always a concern when playing an early access game and I have seen some players be affected by game crashes and lag spikes. I myself crashed so bad that another player had to not only kill me, but also destroy my body to allow me to log back in. These updates will hopefully support the game to reduce these problems. It's obviously not going to remove all of the issues as it's still a game in development, but we hope it helps.

The most exciting part (for me anyway) of the wipe was that we have been able to implement an awesome mod to the server. This mod is basically a tool to enforce PvE. You can read more about this mod by clicking HERE. Whilst this is a PvP server (and I intend on PvPing) the server wipe has set everyone back some distance, and rather than have everyone's bases raided and destroyed before they can get their feet off the ground, we have set it so the only days (at the moment) that you can raid are from 00:00 Saturday mornings through to 23:59 on Sunday nights.

Other notes
The developers of ARK have released a developer kit. This tool will allow us to (hopefully(easily)) create mods and custom content for the server. An example of these mods would be custom spawn points, or megalodons with frikken lasers attached to their heads.

Our powerful and fearless leader Serious, has created an announcement topic about what mods you would like to see. If you have any suggestions, please comment on that announcement or contact him directly. We will endeavor to make it happen or tell you why your idea is bad and that you should feel bad for even thinking it up (or simply why it cant happen).

As a small foot note, please check these announcements regularly. Any updates or changes will be placed here as we use this page as a noticeboard. If you don't read these announcements, you wont know about stuff that's happening on the server!

Good Luck Survivors.

-Swifty :coolthulhu:

S1ade 21 Jul, 2015 @ 6:54am 
New discussion is up. read it. comment on it. let me know what you think.

Riley 14 Jul, 2015 @ 7:03pm 
Love this server :)
Enter chat room
9 July, 2015