GanjaShack ganjashack
GanjaShack ganjashack
29 December, 2015
ABOUT GanjaShack

GanjaShack - Eng/Ger Hurtworld Server Community

GanjaPVP Features:

We have installed a list of modifications to improve overall game performance:
- Ressources: 6x Gather, increased DetCap chance (4x) as well as increased loottables for all crates.
- Kits: Starter kit with Semi M4 and good tools, Car kit with full car parts (24 h usable), House kit that will give you material for a decent house.
- Livemap.IO Integration: See your position on the map and share it with other players.
- Playerlist: See who is online
- Private messages: Use PM to communicate with your friends
- Money: Your receive in game money for playing on server. Soon you will be able to buy ressources with your money, set bounty on other players etc.
and many more.
- Teleportation: Teleport to your friends to make some fast paced PVP.

We do save the map every 5 minutes and do daily backups. Our servers are protected vs. DDoS attacks and will guarantee almost perfect availability.

Wipes: You will be able to build loads of structures. Structures lag out the server after a specific time and this will result in frequent (bi-weekly) wipes on the server. Wipes will be announced and used for great events.

Events will be held every week and will give you great opportunities to get extra loot!

Join in and enjoy the game:

Active Admins available, no abusing of admin rights. Join in, chat, have fun. If there are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, those will be warned to behave as we can expect mature persons to behave. Warnings will be followed by kicks and we do reserve the right to remove players that continously intoxicate the atmosphere of the server. (if lagsdue to buildings gets out of hand there might be a wipe, but players will be compensated based on their online time.)

Fresh map (vehicles will spawn more and more) and you get a starting kit that will help you get into the game a bit faster.

Starter Kit - you will receive 6 Owrang Seeds, Some Lumber and Flintstone, initial tools and food (as well as some protection against cold) - Kit is usable every 12 hours. (/kit yolo)
PM - you can send private messages to other players without the whole server knowing it - /pm <player name> <message> - type in /r <message> to reply.
Teleport - you can set homes near stakes you own and teleport back.
to set a home: /sethome homename
to remove a home: /removehome homename
to port back to a home /home homename

Coming up modules:

- Increased drop date:
We will increase drop rate of detonator cap / vehicle party by 4x.
Maybe we will increase gather rate to 2x.
- Livemap:
See yourself and friends on the livemap.
- Donation ranks:
Small donations will give you a one time and recurring bonus.
GanjaPVP #1 now Main server again - Server #2 was Failure # 2 Server now Mainserver
Spike スピーゲル 25 Jan, 2016 @ 11:32am 
Once again, server got wiped due to increasing lag from structures and objects, we lowered gather rate to x4, owrongs raw and cooked meat and some other things can stack up to 255 now, warps teleport points for events,shop is up and a bounty system is in place. Join the fun
Spike スピーゲル 18 Jan, 2016 @ 12:10pm 
Server just got wiped. we are back online with a new map, adjusted kits for the new version and more stuff to get for free with voting, ingame shop will follow the coming days so you can spend all this money you saved up before the wipe
Spike スピーゲル 15 Jan, 2016 @ 1:00pm 
Server is updated with the new oxide, plugins all working again
Spike スピーゲル 15 Jan, 2016 @ 7:26am 
server updated, but no oxide atm - will update server as soon as the new oxide is available
Spike スピーゲル 15 Jan, 2016 @ 6:43am 
cant update the server right now, steamCmd seems to have some issues getting the files for the update, also oxide (for all those plugins) isnt updated aswell at the moment, i will update as soon these resources come available again
H0t!x 11 Jan, 2016 @ 3:10am 
Hey, u need to update your server, we cant play now
Enter chat room
29 December, 2015