GGTech Studios GGTech
GGTech Studios GGTech
31 January, 2024
ABOUT GGTech Studios

GGTech Studios

We are the gamedev division of GGTech Entertainment, with 6 years of making games and specialising in technical excellence, offering innovative gameplay and multiplayer experiences.
eWorlds Original Soundtrack is now live on Steam!
Hi there Adventurers! 🚀

We are super excited to announce that the eWorlds Original Soundtrack, crafted by the talented Hernán Mandarino is now live on Steam!

eWorlds Original Soundtrack invites you to explore diverse worlds with an eclectic mix of sounds. The soundtrack captures the unique atmospheres of eWorlds, and the players journey through diverse biomes. This carefully crafted score enhances the emotional tension between exploration and competition, adapting to the distinct styles and moods of each level.

Available in high-quality WAV and MP3 formats, the eWorlds Original Soundtrack offers an immersive musical experience that perfectly complements the game's adventurous spirit.

Wanna buy the full eWorlds DLC Bundle? Find it here with a 20% OFF!

Haven't tried eWorlds yet? Play it now!

Thanks for playing,
The GGTech Studios Team.❤️

Single Player Mode, avoiding Motion Sickness and a lot of little fixes!🔧
Hello, Adventurers!🚀

This week we bring you a new patch which adds some features the community requested, plus fixes and improvements as usual.

But before, we wanted to apologize for the Technical issues early this week. We received a lot of traffic (thank you for playing by the way) and our server provider blocked incoming requests, so many of you may have run into “Server under maintenance” message. Also, we found some players accessing eWorlds from and outdated launcher inside Steam, and this caused many players to be unable to use portals, get Loops, or even just Spawn in their desired Worlds. For this reason we include now a "Version check" when launching eWorlds, so this should be fixed already but if you do find this message anytime please let us know in our Discord[].

Now, for the patch notes!

VSYNC Setting

For starters, we’ve tried to address the motion Sickness some of you have reported, as it makes the experience really poor to players who suffer from it.
To tackle that, we already offer the possibility to adjust Field of View (FOV) in settings, and in this patch we’ve added a Setting to disable VSYNC.

If these still don’t work for you, we’ll let you know we are working right now on a setting to offer FPS limits at various ranges, as inconsistent or too high FPS can also result in motion sickness for some players. This will come in the next patch!

Single Payer Mode
We’ve seen some players struggle when other, more experienced players griefed them with the Hammer, or distracted them in various ways, as in the end, eWorlds is a Multiplayer Online Game. Although it goes “against” eWorlds initial design, we now offer the possibility to play without seeing or interacting with other players.
Just go to Settings, check “Single Player Mode” and the game will create a private Lobby for you.

At the moment you cannot join friends in private Lobbies but this setting will allow you to play at your own pace, to just complete the game… Or to set new Best Times in your favourite Time Trials. Thanks to a dedicated community member (❤️) eWorlds now has an entry on, so if you are motivated to beat the best times, head there, and share your gameplay!

Coliseum Battle system off
Before, you were forced to jump into battle while there were at least 2 players in the room, and this could be frustrating for players trying to complete the 5 Loops. Now, players who want to battle will need to stay inside the “Battle Ready Area”, and only they will be teleported to the Arenas, leaving “non-competitive players” out so they can search for Loops.

Non-PVP Areas Setting
And, for all of you who love a real challenge, you now can select an option to Disable “Non-PVP Areas”. This way, the Platforming Sections that deactivate PVP by default won’t have an effect on players who activate this option, so they can fight each other on every corner of eWorlds.

In this Platforming Sections, players with the Non-PVP Areas ''Deactivated'' will have their name in red, and will be able to use violence against other players in red, while players with the Setting "Activated" will be affected normally by them and be invulnerable to other players powerups.

With these points out of the way, here you have the full list of fixes for today’s update:
  • Added VSYNC toggle to settings.
  • Added Single Player Mode.
  • Now, Coliseum does not take you into the Battle zone while you stay out of the battle ready Area.
  • Added "Non PvP Areas" Toggle to settings..
  • Reworked Platforming Section on Space HUB to make recovery easier.
  • Now, when launching eWorlds for the first time, the game should automatically select your native Steam Language. Still you can change the Language from Settings.
  • Reduced greatly the Grappling Hook cooldown so you can use it again faster after shooting it.
  • Fixed a bug where NPC dialogues would appear without their names.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn't allow to close the chat pressing ESC.
  • Fixed a bug where you didn't get the Silver Rafa skin after Obtaining the Golden Loop.
  • Adjusted the position of many props and shadows that were slightly off.
  • Adjusted round times in Battle modes so now there is less time between rounds.
  • Now you can see in which worlds you can find each Powerup by opening the Progression Map on Space HUB.
  • Now you can access the Tutorial again from the Settings Menu by pressing F1 or Select.
  • Now, when you Start eWorlds, it will check if your version is up to date. If it is not, a pop-up will tell you to update the game.

We hope you like these fixes, as we are working hard on improving eWorlds after its release to please as many of you as possible and overall make a better game. Thank you for playing, see you around!✨

If you experience any issues, contact us via Official eWorlds discord[], Steam Discussions or if you have any other feedback you can use this Feedback Form[].

The GGTech Studios Team.❤️

Cosmos 30 Jun, 2024 @ 8:20am 
lameirdrako1 15 Jun, 2024 @ 6:04pm 
Nevermind figured it out sorry thank you
lameirdrako1 15 Jun, 2024 @ 5:56pm 
Hi also
lameirdrako1 15 Jun, 2024 @ 5:56pm 
How do I join
watuchten 6 Jun, 2024 @ 10:08am 
Hedgehog 4 Jun, 2024 @ 5:11pm 
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31 January, 2024