Eve of Destruction Redux EoD-Redux
Eve of Destruction Redux EoD-Redux
15 June, 2016
ABOUT Eve of Destruction Redux

Official Eve of Destruction - Redux VIETNAM Group

Eve of Destruction is a First-Person-Shooter for PC about the Vietnam War.

8 languages in game:
German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Vietnamese.

62 maps with different landscapes:
with dense jungle, huge ricefields, urban villages and cities
with day & nightmode and nightvision if needed

201 different usable vehicles:
tanks, helicopters, jets, bombers, APC's, cars, bikes & bicycles,
trucks, boats, ships, stationary weapons, hovercraft and usable animals

68 different handweapons:
pistols, rifles, grenade launchers, MG, MP, knifes, grenades, antitank, Molotov Cocktail, flamethrower, smokegrandes & flares, mines, traps, flashlight and much more

Singleplayer with 13 different modes:
Anti Air, Arcade, Combat, Tankbattle, Naval Combat, Dogfight, Sniper,
Doorgunner, Racing, Racing, Traffic Survival, Soccer, Basejump, Zombie

Multiplayer for 2- 128 players
and with 5 different modes:
Conquest, Search & Destroy, Hillfight, Teamdeathmatch, Deathmatch

Eve of Destruction - Redux PIRATES is a FREE modification and part of the main game.
Pirates offers a wide variety of different ships and boats that with a wide range of naval combat options. The ship's cannons vary greatly on firepower and it takes a lot of practice to be able to hit targets accurately.

Fight in huge sea battles against enemy ships or on land against bots with swords, pistols, axes and muskets.
You can even take a ride in a balloon to get behind enemy lines.

EoD Homepage[]
EoD Steam Shop
Eve of Destruction - Redux PIRATES released
Pirates is a free modification for Eve of Destruction - Redux, which was inspired by the Battlefield modification 'Pirates'.
The MOD comes automatically with the main game!

Everything currently in the Pirates mod for Eve of Destruction is obtained either from freely available assets, was purchased online or was self-made.
Pirates offers a wide variety of different ships and boats that with a wide range of naval combat options. The ship's cannons vary greatly on firepower and it takes a lot of practice to be able to hit targets accurately.

Fight in huge sea battles against enemy ships or on land against bots with swords, pistols, axes and muskets.
You can even take a ride in a balloon to get behind enemy lines.

The game is currently available for Singleplayer only.

See some news, screenshots and a video at

Thinking about...
Unfortunatelly every little game wich has not such a huge publicity has the same problem: to few players for MP matches.
So I'm thinking about removing the MP in EoD wich would make things much easier and increase the performance for SP!

What do you think? Is it worth holding the MP though no one ever plays?
Just let me know in the comments about your oppinion.

Eve of Destruction got Greenlit
Schidmit 10 Dec, 2021 @ 7:30am 
Harald 7 Nov, 2018 @ 7:37am 
ja leider. :steamsad:
Lotte|EoD 7 Nov, 2018 @ 5:43am 
Holla, diese alte Greenlight-Gruppe ist total untergegangen und in Vergessenheit geraten.
2 Jahre war hier Stillstand :D
Ike 1 Oct, 2016 @ 9:59am 
hey guys! Today its event time! lets rock the multiplayer, and see who´ll rock the jungle^^

gretz ike
Lotte|EoD 25 Sep, 2016 @ 2:45am 
Es ist ein USB Stick mit 4 GB auf dem das Game bequem Platz hat.
Darauf kommt es doch an.
Welche USB Version weiß ich ehrlich gesagt nicht (vermute aber 2) und ist mir auch egal, weil ob das kopieren nun 30 oder 35 Sekunden dauert............... ;-)
Mein erstes EoD hab ich vor 14 Jahren mit DSL 1000 (schneller ging damals nicht) gesaugt und das dauerte Stunden :D
Harald 20 Sep, 2016 @ 1:24am 
das ist mal die beste nachricht des tages.
werd es mir kaufen. zumal der stick echt nice aussieht.
handelt es sich bei dem stick um usb3 oder 2? frage nur aus interesse.
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15 June, 2016