DZ Asia cheater watch DZ Asia
DZ Asia cheater watch DZ Asia
27 March, 2022
ABOUT DZ Asia cheater watch

1. Some of you may have missed it but Atreides has made a group spreadsheet that we can all update with steam IDs of cheaters and comments for example: Blatant wall and aim reported by kROm as a comment. You just copy and paste the status from console when in game into the spreadsheet and it will tell you if there is a reported player. It would be good if people could update the actual database with steam IDs rather than just posting in the group. The database is far more effective as cheaters often change their names and profile pictures but the database will still detect it while the group will not. Also your not going to remember every profile pasted but the database will. I strongly recommend that we all use the database rather than the actual group. The database is here: ( and how to use the database video here:

YouTube™ Video: how to use the database

2. The group discord channel is available here: the whole purpose of the channel is if there is a cheater identified in the game after it has already started and a team with other group members is in the game then you can organise to team up against the cheater. I have done this once with Random as my teammate and we teamed with RK and Jules. The cheater wasn't particularly good and we only had to kill him once and he got killed every time he respawned so it was easy but it was lots of fun. How to join the group discord (set up you mic etc first of course)

YouTube™ Video: How to join the group discord

3. Colin has advised that there is a Chinese website that is very similar to the spreadsheet Atreides has created. We cannot update the website ourselves though. Personally I will just be using the spreadsheet as I can update it myself instantly rather than waiting for Colin :-). But basically they are very similar and I imagine Colin will be regularly copying the info from the spreadsheet onto the website. Colin`s website:

How to use the steam group chat:

Наша группа создана для обмена информации про нечестных игроков которые используют сторонние программы для победы и чтобы мы могли выйти из игры раньше чтобы не терять время впустую и не портить себе настроение. Приветствуется адекватные честные игроки. Если «ЧИТЕРЫ» присоединятся в эту группу и будут пойманы использованием сторонних программ «читов» то будут забанены и теряют доверие и уважение игроков. Токсичным невоспитанным игрокам вступить в группу запрещен.

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Please tell Aguia Que Ri that I am not a cheater
RANDOM ☣⃤☄ᵐʷᵃᵏᶤ 29 Oct, 2022 @ 5:37am 
You must be renne.
Enter chat room
27 March, 2022