Card Exchange Project S.C.E.P.
Card Exchange Project S.C.E.P.
6 August, 2014
ABOUT Card Exchange Project

Steam Card Exchange Project

Do you have a poop load of steam cards and don't want to bother looking for someone who has your missing cards? Have a crap load of copies and dont know what to do with them? Want to lvl up but dont want to spend REAL money to finish sets?

This is the place for you!

The simple explanation:
Step 1: Add (_H.G.D._) Master G as a friend.

Step 2: Send him your cards.

Step 3: Wait a few days.

Step 4: recieve a random assortment of COMPLETED sets of cards.


Ok now I know at first it sounds like a scam BUT its not. Here is the breakdown in details.

When you send in your cards I go through and sort out the singles and foil cards. Foils get sold and single cards are sold so that we have a bit of money to buy as amny cards as possible to make as many sets as possible. Some sets cost more then others and we give prioraty to the sets that cost less.

So If Master G isnt here to steel your cards what does he get in return? Well for one you only recieve one set fo cards for every 11 cards given. (Obviously if you give foils that number might change.) In the end I keep about 1 or 2 out of the 11 cards to eventually make a set for my self. It also gives me a chance to finish sets I may already be working on for my self or others.

Keep in mind that I have invested ALLOT of time in order to do this. Its not as simple as you migth think.

So a couple things to keep in mind.
1) I am VERY open with everything that happens in this project.
2) All the documentation of who has given what is keeped and IS made public.
3) Don't try and scam me. Steam keeps a log of ALL transactions and I record all my chats. I am putting allot of energy into this project to help others. If you want to screw arround then this group isnt for you.
4) You get what you get as far as sets. You are more then likely NOT going to get all the sets for the games you have BUT I will give it my best to do so. You will NEVER recieve a set for a badge you are already at lvl 5 for. IF it does happen just let me know and well swap it out.
5) If I notice you have a badge at lvl 4 I will try to get you your lvl 5 first before other cards.

If you have allot of cards and just want to donate them to our cause then great! We accept all donations.

Cards for Game/Keys/Backgrounds/Emoticons are accepted on request only. Keep in mind I will not buy a game for you but use games/items we have in stock.

Note about foils:
We do not normally make sets of foils UNLESS its a special request and you are willing to give in ALLOT of regular cards in return. Foils are expensive and are better as a sale item for our project.
Reminders. . s.. . ss .!
(_H.G.D._) Master G 18 Aug, 2014 @ 9:47am 
Derpy Derp!
EvilChildren 15 Aug, 2014 @ 4:20pm 
Herp derp.
(_H.G.D._) Master G 10 Aug, 2014 @ 11:12pm 
I guess il be first :P
Enter chat room
6 August, 2014