Break the Grey BTG <3
Break the Grey BTG <3
23 September, 2016
United States 
ABOUT Break the Grey

"Thanks for keepin it real" ~Student

Billy Ballenger was born in Franklin, Indiana. He spent the majority of his young life fighting authority and digging himself into a deep pit without the prospect of escape. His birth parents relatively absent from his life, a troubled childhood began. Being bullied at school on an almost daily basis cut Billy's fuse short and he began to push back, becoming violent and disorderly. Early uses of drugs and alcohol propelled him into a downward spiral that eventually led to him buying and selling drugs. As a teenager, he began to systematically dismantle his life piece by piece. Running away from home was the least extreme thing he did during this season of his life. His exodus from the safety of his adoptive parents and into a rebellious environment eventually lead him to juvenile placement at White's Residential and Family Services in Wabash Indiana. It was at Whites where Billy would meet his future wife, Jodie. Both were leading unhealthy lives stacked against the law and eventually fell in love. By age 18, Billy Ballenger was a teenage father and husband sprinting down a corrupt path. He was involved in the teenage party lifestyle, dangerous crimes, and violence.
On September 12, 1988, Billy's lifestyle came to an abrupt end. He and his new wife Jodie had just used the last of their stash of drugs and Billy thought a bath sounded like a good idea. But instead of a relaxing soak, what Billy got was an unwelcome surprise. A SWAT team raided his and Jodie's home, having been dispatched to apprehend Billy for his involvement in the recent violence and burglaries in the area. Still soaking wet, Billy was grabbed and thrown against the wall with the barrel of a 12-gauge pump shotgun pressed against his head. Billy and Jodie were arrested and their young 9 month old daughter Mindy was taken from them. The dismantling of his life was complete. Separated from his wife and his daughter taken from him, Billy would now be looking at the remnants of a wasted life from behind the bars of 4 different prisons. Billy and Jodie were sentenced to 6 years each in the Indiana Department of Corrections.

Faced with the pieces of his life strewn out before him, Billy made a promise to change. Vowing to clean up, he tried tirelessly to gain freedom from prison for himself and Jodie. After another failure in along string of legal rejections, a judge told Billy to stop asking to get out of prison early. Amazingly, less than 2 months after the Ballengers were told by the court to stop wasting their time trying to get an early release, the judge had a sudden, unexplainable change of heart. Both Billy and Jodie were released from prison one year early. What's more, their daughter Mindy was returned to them with no strings attached. It was nothing less than a modern day miracle. And the Ballengers stood fast to the vow Billy made in prison.

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Pawn Stars Exposted (GONE SEXUAL) (PRANK)
ONE_SHOOT_ONE_KILL 6 Jan, 2024 @ 10:09am 
Have a nice day counter strike player
thebaum64 10 Dec, 2016 @ 12:03pm 
Legalize Gay Weed
Tsar Bomba Slam 3 Oct, 2016 @ 3:15pm 
thebaum64 3 Oct, 2016 @ 8:44am 
It's about being edgy
Tsar Bomba Slam 2 Oct, 2016 @ 10:03pm 
What is this group about?
Squirrel Tolerance 2 Oct, 2016 @ 8:45pm 
Each and every one of you are beautiful in your own ways.