Bethesda Games (Bethesda)
Bethesda Games (Bethesda)
5 January, 2012
ABOUT Bethesda Games

Updates and stuff from Bethesda (Spotlight is on Skyrim!)

Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Elder Scrolls Elder Scrolls Elder Scrolls Elder Scrolls Elder Scrolls! thats the chant of the day. elder scrolls. It returns with a big bang! its a massive world (steam steam steam steam) (video games video games video games) with amazing graphics and stunning storyline and side quest content. The fighting in this feels less clunky then oblivion did. And unlike morrowind and oblivion the world feels more alive. It feels like your not in a small world with tons of robots to talk to. The conversations flow more fluienty and the physics is improved immensly. You might be thinking about the crafting system and think 'I DONT WANT TO MESS AROUND DOING CRAFTS I WANT TO FIGHT!!! ARTS AND CRAFTS ARE FOR GIRLS' well thats true to an extent. but the crafting system is very entertaining and can be exiting... for example you may have just found a deadra heart to make your first deadric weapon or armor peice. And another great part of the game are the perks. when you level up it is such a great feeling that you get to pick a perk. just like fallout. You can also get MARRIED!!!! getting married is suprisingly intense. more so than fighting a dragon. BUT the most important thing about the game for me is this: After you finish the main quest. You will feel like you beat the game. And that even though you still have like 1000000000000000 quests you feel like they are just errand boi quests.... well... The truth is that the main quest is one of the SMALLEST parts of the game! EVEN after you finish the FACTION QUESTS (Dark brotherhood theives guild ect.) There are MASSIVE side quests. You can go out and explore a abandoned house to find it has a deadric gods spirit that will offer you a powerful mace if you go to the mounatins and find a mage trapped by a large group of bandits and after 10 failed attempts to defeat the bandits you use Call Dragon dragon shout and KILL THEM ALL!!!! AND THERE ARE LIKE a BAZZILIONNN more quests like that!!! ITS THE FREAKIN GREATEST GAME EVER!!! Elder scrolls: Tamriel
500 square miles in-game map, 500 voice actors, LA Noire facial animations, photorealistic graphics (cryengine 5), melee combat that actually feels good, 9001 hours of content not including regular dungeons (of which there will be about 1000), rideable dragons, giant titans (shadow of the colossus style), online multiplayer.
that would be kewl

Bethesda Game Studios[]
Elder Scrolls[]
MatejH7 2 Apr, 2019 @ 9:09am 
Hello everyone, can you follow me on Instagram please? I am Bethesda memer:
And you can join my Discord too if you want too:
Have a nice day everyone reading this!
Gorgonknight 12 Dec, 2013 @ 9:15pm 
Are you ok???
Sniper_Dragon152 17 Aug, 2013 @ 6:57am 
(Spotlight on Skyrim) this page needs to be updated for the online eder scrolls! And to you FDG :D EBONHEART PACT
Waffen 2 Feb, 2013 @ 12:06pm 
Any of you guys interested in an elder scrolls online guild pm me ( daggerfall)
Enter chat room
5 January, 2012