Barheim Passage Barheim
Barheim Passage Barheim
7 February, 2022
ABOUT Barheim Passage

Don' get many visitors down here. Come scavengin' fer odds and ends, have you? Oh, the way out? It's just back up those stairs—To smithereens, you say!? Then there's nothin' left but to find some other way out through these tunnels.

An underground passage beneath the fortress at Nalbina. Originally a railway to carry goods into the fortress, the passage was closed with the introduction of airships as the primary means of transport. The abandoned railway line is now rife with Mist, and the dwelling place of many fell beasts.

The Barheim Passage is a location in the land of Ivalice in Final Fantasy XII. It is an underground passage that connects the Nalbina Dungeons to the Dalmasca Estersand. Long since abandoned, the passage now provides no real use.

Originally it was a passage used to speedily bring goods into Nalbina Fortress, but fell into disuse with the advent of airships as the preferred form of transportation. Now, the only people who walk down its paths are people escaping from the Nalbina Dungeons. In order to get back to the passage later in the game, the player must complete the Patient in the Desert sidequest on Dalmasca Estersand.

If the player comes to the Barheim Passage entry from the Dalmasca Estersand before the location is visited as part of the story, the entrance is barred by a Shifty Seeq and a Bumbling Seeq. The former tells Vaan to "get lost", while the Bumbling Seeq says their boss is inside looting Barheim of its treasures. The Shifty Seeq berates the Bumbling Seeq for blabbering about their secret. If the player returns to the Barheim Passage entrance after escaping it, the seeq are still there are explain that the e entrance caved in but their boss is still inside, giving a clue that there is another way in with the right key.

Burrough is first met when the party crashes down into the passage. Later, they can meet the bangaa in Nalbina, where Burrough recognizes Vaan and talks about escaping Barheim Passage. However, if the player goes back to the Barheim Passage, they can find Burrough there as well, having never left.

When the party are escaping from the dungeon, the Save Crystal is blue. If the party revisits the passage, the Save Crystal is now orange (it has turned to a Gate Crystal).
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7 February, 2022