Brotherhood_Gaming AdVictoriam7
Brotherhood_Gaming AdVictoriam7
11 September, 2015
ABOUT Brotherhood_Gaming

❅Nuclear Winter❅

Hello there dear reader and welcome to Brotherhood_Gaming
This group supports all games and all Game types but the style is intended to Fallout because the Founder is a little Fanboy ;D
If you have any questions about specific game types just ask one of our team and we will help you .... or send you to someone who can help you more than the person you just asked ^^

Supported languages (yet): English and German (English is preferred)

New Stuff:
Music support
Co-Op requests
New Game Sections are supported
Better translation
Teamspeak Server
Giveaways (more or less)
Screenshots and Artwork

Future Stuff:
New Website
More supported languages
More Game Sections supported
Animations (for more Details ask)

No pornographic content
No insults in comments or etc.
No spamming
No advertising
No racism
Respect each other

[NOTE PROGRESS]: This group is still in progress but we hope for your support anyway if you want to help the group to progress then please ask one of our Administrators or just do it ^^

[NOTE INVITATIONS]: We are always happy if you invite people to raise our numbers because the more we are the more motivation I get and that means more activity with more stuff (maybe even giveaways and more ;D)

[NOTE DISCUSSIONS]: If your bored you can also tell your thoughts on some themes in the Discussion Forums :D

[NOTE GROUPCHAT]: feel free to join anytime have no fear to join its there to chat and we all want to know our members a bit better ^^
Also if you join the Groupchat leave a message so we will notice mostly I am playing or being busy doing sth maybe even afk so we wont notice that someone joined (have no fear we wont bite)


Goals we want to accomplish:
100 Member ⇨ Confirmed ✔
200 Member ⇨ Confirmed ✔
500 Member ⇨ Confirmed ✔
700 Member ⇦ Denied ✖
1000 Member ⇦ Denied ✖

Alliances:Kawaii Picture, Take From 凛

Screenshot/Artwork Group: Brotherhood_Screeshots/Artwork

Teamspeak Server IP: a new one

Thanks for reading and Ad Victoriam Brothers and Sisters


NexusMods for Fallout and more[]
Game Developer interview [Sentimental Trickster]
What is your Game about?
Originally posted by Lazuli:
To put it simply, my game is about a gay guy looking for love and acceptance. You play as Haru as he suddenly leaves home and moves to a big city. Haru can be awkward in social interactions and doesn’t make friends easily. But he tries to stay strong and he always has a snarky remark to throw your way if you mess with him. During his stay in the city he encounters other individuals and, as he gets closer to them, he discovers their past hurts and wounds. It’s up to the player to make them better or worse.

What do you want to achieve with your Game?
Originally posted by Lazuli:
I want to tell a good story with believable characters. For me, the biggest accomplishment would be to make players fall in love with my characters. Feel what they feel; laugh and cry with them. I want everyone who plays Sentimental Trickster to finish with a feeling of fulfillment. I wish to do what Undertale did, but in the BL genre.

Do you work alone or with a ''Developing Team''?
Originally posted by Lazuli:
I work alone.
Currently I'm looking for a 2D artist to help me with the rest of the game.

When did you start to work on the Game?
Originally posted by Lazuli:
: In December 2015.

Have you already planned another Game?
Originally posted by Lazuli:
Yes, I have an idea for the next BL visual novel. The genre will be fantasy unless the $22,000 Stretch Goal is met. Then fans decide on the genre.

What do you think is important to make a Game (any Game)?
Originally posted by Lazuli:
First of all, a goal in mind and perseverance. You’ll have moments of doubt and pure exhaustion. You need you be able to go through them and still want to make the game. For me, it works well to imagine myself in a few months’ time when the game has been made and published. I imagine how happy people who support me now on Kickstarter will be. Also, I believe it’s important to have people in your life who understand (if not share) your passion. People you can occasionally complain to and share your ideas with. People who tell you they are proud of you.

Is your Game inspired by sth or someone possibly?
Originally posted by Lazuli:
My main character, Haru, may be inspired a little bit by Aoba from dmmd. His relationship with his mother is a little bit similar to my relationship with mine.

When will the Game be released possibly?
Originally posted by Lazuli:
Next year. The worst-case scenario is March 2017.

Are there any sequels or presequels planned?
Originally posted by Lazuli:
No, not at the moment.
There is, however, a stretch goal with a fan disk. There the characters will be a little bit older.

How much will the Game cost?
Originally posted by Lazuli:
I’m still discussing this matter with my distributor. It will probably be $15-20.

Greenlight Page

Kickstarter Page

Yuri.USRK 3 Jan, 2018 @ 12:00pm 
76561198157296840 18 Aug, 2017 @ 2:43am 
*rings the bell* Hello? Anyone here?
Estouls Aruta 5 Dec, 2016 @ 12:17pm 
Uhhhhh... Hello? It's been like 3 months since this group is quiet
Ancord.TV 21 Sep, 2016 @ 11:54am 
Adds Friend)
Ancord.TV 5 Aug, 2016 @ 10:15am 
Adds Friend)
Estouls Aruta 31 Jul, 2016 @ 3:20am 
Has anyone tried Google Feud? So freakin hilarious XD
VIEW ALL (345)
Group Player of the Week: