Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

The Prone Mod - wOS
 Toto téma bylo přilepeno, takže je nejspíš důležité
Detective Sour Pants  [vývojář] 30. čvn. 2020 v 16.59
Adding Prone Mod support to your own animations mod
This discussion is intended for developers who are making their own animations mod which overrides m_anm.mdl, f_anm.mdl, and z_anm.mdl. It covers how to allow the Prone Mod to still work with your animations base.

Step 1
Add this line of code to your m_anm, f_anm, and z_anm qc files:
$includemodel "player/wiltos/anim_extension_prone.mdl"

Step 2
Tell your users if they wan't to use the Prone Mod they should subscribe the wOS version and the Prone wOS extension (but not the wOS base!). Required addons:

Alternatively, you could bundle player/wiltos/anim_extension_prone.mdl with your addon. This eliminates needing to install the wOS Anim Extension, but users will still need the wOS version of the Prone Mod code.

Step 3
Thats it! The reason we do this is because the wOS version of the Prone Mod only includes the code, no overrides to m/f/z_anm.mdl, and the Prone Mod wOS Anim Extension only includes player/wiltos/anim_extension_prone.mdl. Your own animations base should include that model, thus allowing the Prone Mod to work!

Can you just maintain another version of the Prone Mod that supports my animations mod?
Naposledy upravil Detective Sour Pants; 30. čvn. 2020 v 17.11